Above the gray fog

Chapter 1480 Abyss

When you are immersed in it, you will feel that time passes quickly.

Lin Shan fumbled in the room for several years, and finally used the cut blue to shape the embryo of Shi Guang.

It's a complete embryo, nothing.

Moreover, the form is not stable yet, and it needs to continue to be put into blue reinforcement state.

The blue that turned into an embryo still has a slight connection with him, but it is almost impossible to take back these blues, which are regarded as permanent losses.

Fortunately, the quantity was not large, only nearly one-twentieth, so it had little impact on him.

Lin Shan put away Shi Guang's embryo, opened the door of the room, and prepared to go to Hall 1 to have a look.

Now he has nothing to do.

He decided to inquire about the news about Sequence 2 being promoted to Sequence 1.

After passing through the quiet rest area, Lin Shan came to Hall No. 1.

The surroundings were empty, not a single soul in sight.

Speaking of which, he had not visited other places yet, so Lin Shan chose a random passage and walked in.

Lin Shan had learned before that except for the cab, he could pass everywhere else.

Wandering through the wide corridors, he soon found himself in the mess hall aboard Targon.

The scene inside the canteen surprised Lin Shan.

A huge steam machine is located on one side. Its copper pipes and flashing pressure gauge are particularly eye-catching. Steam shuttles loudly in the pipes, providing a steady stream of power for the entire canteen.

The breathing of machines and the roar of steel create an atmosphere of the industrial age.

Three food windows are neatly arranged along the wall, and there is a clear sign above each window, which reads: "Meat Zone", "Snack Zone" and "Special Nutrition Zone".

There are five rows of benches in the cafeteria, and a long table is placed in front of the benches.

In this deserted environment, there was only one void creature sitting alone on a bench in the corner. The long table in front of him was filled with food of various shapes.

This void creature is a bit like a snowman made of two balls. It has a very different face shape from humans. The head is spherical, without a nose and ears, and has only two small black eyes.

The most impressive thing is its mouth - a huge circular opening that takes up a large area of ​​​​the lower half of the head.

When it opens its mouth, you can see rows of jagged teeth, each tooth is extremely sharp and shines with a cold light.

While Lin Shan was observing this scene, the void creature seemed to feel his gaze.

It stopped what it was doing, turned to Lin Shan with its flashing white eyes, and showed a generous smile, which was a kind of friendliness that transcended species and cultures.

It asked in a soft, resonant voice, "Would you like to eat together?"

"You can eat while I walk around." Lin Shan replied.

"I remembered you. You are the new student accepted by Lidya and Glass." The snowman put down the food in his hand and glided towards Lin Shan.

"Well, what do you call me?" Apart from him, there are all big bosses on the Titanic, so it is not an exaggeration to use the honorific title.

"My name is Bai Xue Bu Bai. It's the name my mother gave me. You can call me Bai Xue, and everyone else calls me that." Bai Xue said.

"Mom?" Lin Shan wondered, how could a void creature have a mother?

Seeing Lin Shan's doubts, Bai Xue patiently explained to Lin Shan, "I am not a void creature. Perhaps I can be generally called a void creature, but I come from the 99th layer of the abyss, a place called the Absolute Zero Realm. Therefore, I She also has a mother." As she said this, Bai Xue circled around Lin Shan.

"Come, let's eat together. During this aimless journey, we must find something to do." Bai Xue invited again.

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded. He also wanted to get some news about the abyss from Bai Xue.

"You sit over there first, and I'll get you some food." Bai Xue slid to the food window.

There is a pipe behind the window that continuously spits out various foods.

Lin Shan looked carefully, but didn't understand the structure. It wasn't until he used his senses that he discovered that these pipes and machines were just covers.

Behind this are three relic-like props at work.

It's a bit like the black box he got before, but the black box is a technological creation. This prop is obviously not a technological creation, and there is no extraordinary aura on it.

Just when Lin Shan was speculating on what these props were, Bai Xue had already arrived at the table with a mountain of food piled up more than three meters high.

"Open to eat, these are free." Bai Xue said.

Lin Shan looked at the pile of food that was much higher than him, took out a bag of something like jerky from the bottom and opened it.

"This is the dried meat of forest mammoths. It's too fat and a little greasy. Give this to me. You can try this. It's delicious." Bai Xue snatched the dried meat from Lin Shan's hand and took out another bag of meat from the bottom. Something like biscuits was stuffed into Lin Shan's hand.

Lin Shan opened the biscuits in his hand, and an indescribable smell poured into his nose.

He took out a piece and put it in his mouth. It tasted like nothing he had ever tasted before, but it was not unpleasant.

"Is it delicious? This is a bread cake made from a bread tree from a certain world. It's soft and I like eating it very much." As he said this, Bai Xue poured the whole bag of dried meat into his mouth.

The sharp teeth chewed up and down, making a chirping sound.

From its happy eyes, it is obvious that this snowman is a foodie.

Lin Shan ate a few pieces of bread, put them down, looked at Baixue and asked, "What kind of place is the abyss?"

"You are now in the abyss, called the surface abyss." Bai Xue said while eating.

"Is the deep abyss like this?"

"Of course not, the deeper you dive, the more dangerous it is."

"Why is it dangerous? Because there are many enemies?"

"The abyss itself is synonymous with danger. From the surface down, each scale has a theme. You can regard the abyss of different scales as voids with different themes, such as the absolute zero domain where I was born. It is a place where gods can be frozen to death. Well, it is basically impossible for creatures to survive there."

"If you want to understand the abyss, I can tell you a few more representative scales."

"Scale 26-Number Domain. All living things, once entering this layer, will be decomposed into basic data and concepts, lose all material forms, and become pure information flow. Here, data is the only way to exist."

"Scale 33-Echo Well, this scale is quite famous. All living things that enter this scale can hear each other's voices, and there must be no lies. There are no secrets here."

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