Above the gray fog

Chapter 1491 Obtaining Ashes

"Where is Mumushan?"

Delia approached Rubin, ready to kick again.

Suddenly, as if she had discovered something, her eyes collided with Lin Shan's.

After seeing Lin Shan, her expression remained calm, and she slowly floated past Rubin to Lin Shan, "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." Delia nodded slightly, turned around and was about to leave.

Lin Shan looked at the butcher, who was still sleeping, with a snot bubble under his nose, which was getting bigger and smaller, just like a scene in a fairy tale.

The butcher said that he could leave here in a year and return to the previous place because the butcher had predicted today's scene a year ago.

It was really mysterious.

Lin Shan put the meat cleaver in his hand on the chopping board. Although this thing was a magic weapon, he certainly couldn't take it away.

Turning around, he found that Delia was not waiting for him at the door, but standing next to Rubin.

"Boss, can this be made into ashes?" Delia asked.

The bubble under the butcher's nose was like being punctured by a finger, making a bang.

Then, the butcher looked at Rubin, "The materials are a little worse, but it can be done."

"No...no..." Rubin murmured, as if facing something extremely terrifying.

"You have been in the void for so long, you should understand this principle very well. You knew that Mumushan was my student, but you still wanted to attack him. You must have been prepared."

"But I didn't expect that you would dare to show up in the Giant God Peak. You are a gambler, but now you have lost the bet, so you should accept the punishment."

Delia's movements were both gentle and fast. A tentacle stretched out from her body. It was as delicate as silk, but with unparalleled strength, it easily wrapped the struggling Rubin and put him on the chopping board.

"The labor fee is 30,000." The butcher stood up, his eyes like a knife.

A crystal ball separated from Delia's body and floated in front of the butcher. The butcher held the crystal ball, and when his palm opened and closed, the crystal ball disappeared, as if it had never existed.

After collecting the money, the butcher took Lin Shan and put down the meat cleaver, and came to Rubin who was still struggling. Ignoring his desperate resistance, he took out a slender knife from his waist and inserted it directly into Rubin's head.

Rubin's struggle solidified instantly.

The butcher began to peel off the flesh skillfully, as if he was performing a ritual.

On the chopping board, the aqua-blue skeleton became naked in the butcher's hands. He pulled out the knife, and the skeleton seemed to feel the last hope and made a painful sound, "I'm still alive, I'm not dead. According to the rules, you can't make living things into ashes."

"You're just not dead yet. Don't worry, you won't be in pain in a while." The butcher said, grabbing the calf bone on Rubin's skeleton and dragging it to the chopping board in front to make ashes.

Until Rubin's existence turned into a jar of quiet ashes, his struggle stopped completely and he passed away peacefully.

The butcher concentratingly pasted two pieces of talisman paper on the urn, and then casually threw it to Lin Shan as if he had done something trivial, and reminded him lightly, "Tear off the seal after two days."

"Okay." Lin Shan took the urn in a daze.

"Let's go, Mumushan, the Giant God Peak has changed the stop time for you, don't let them wait for too long." Delia stood at the door of the shop, with a hint of unquestionable urging in her voice.

Under Delia's guidance, Lin Shan once again crossed the door that separated the two worlds.

"Hold my hand." Delia's voice floated softly into Lin Shan's ears, and Lin Shan grasped the tentacles without thinking.

Then, a strange feeling of rising surged throughout his body, and he felt that he was being lifted up by an invisible force, and the surrounding scene became blurred.

When Lin Shan woke up again, he was already in the room inside the Giant God Peak.

The urn was quietly placed on the table next to him, and its presence seemed to remind Lin Shan of the reality of all his experiences.

Feeling the slight vibration under his feet, Lin Shan pushed open the door and walked towards Hall No. 1.

Hall No. 1 was empty, and there was no one. Lin Shan turned to the direction of the cafeteria again, and pushed open the door of the cafeteria, and the heat and the aroma of food rushed towards him.

As Lin Shan expected, Bai Xue was still in the cafeteria, but this time there was another void creature next to Bai Xue.

The appearance of this creature made it difficult to describe it in conventional biological terms.

Part of its body was made of solid, while the other part seemed to be a gas, constantly flowing and evaporating, as ethereal as a nebula. This creature had no obvious face, but in its fuzzy head area, a pair of bright eyes occasionally flashed.

Overall, it looked like an irregular creature composed of half solid and half gas.

The moment Lin Shan walked into the cafeteria, Bai Xue and the creature had already set their sights on him.

"Mumushan? Are you here to see me again? Come and eat together." Bai Xue slid to Lin Shan enthusiastically, led Lin Shan to sit next to her, and shared the delicious food piled up on her table.

"Are you Mumushan? I heard that you were captured by a passenger and taken to the deep abyss?" The half-real and half-illusory void creature asked in a voice like an old tape.

"Yes, Delia took me back." Lin Shan nodded.

"This should be a terrifying experience for you. The creatures of the world really can't be easily trusted. They have too many desires. You can call me by my name, Nicole." The half-real and half-illusory void creature said slowly.

"Delia has been busy with your affairs. You should thank her more." Bai Xue said.

Lin Shan nodded again, "I will meet her next time."

"Come on, eat, eat more." Bai Xue kept pushing snacks in the direction of Lin Shan, indicating that Lin Shan should eat more.

Bai Xue told Lin Shan a lot of things last time, and he kept his promise and came to eat with her occasionally.

After eating with Bai Xue for two or three days, Lin Shan said goodbye and returned to the rest area.

When passing by Hall No. 1, he found three void creatures, but he didn't know them, and Lin Shan didn't say hello to them.

After chatting with Bai Xue and others, he learned that the title of Giant God had been activated for more than a year, that is, he had been in a coma for more than a year.

Lin Shan also asked the reason. Because his life level was too low, he rose from the deep level to the shallow level very quickly. This process was a kind of consumption of consciousness. It was very normal to be in a coma for a year or two.

After returning to the room, the first thing Lin Shan did was to take out the magic box. This magic box, like the time spear, could be integrated into the flesh and blood without adding any burden.

Lin Shan placed the magic box next to the urn, and the little devil immediately came out of the magic box and looked around with lingering fear.

"Who are you afraid of?" Lin Shan asked.

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