Above the gray fog

Chapter 1494 Red Scarf

In the following time, Lin Shan began to accept Rubin's abilities in full.

Rubin was like a wedding dress. All his development results and fighting methods were constantly rehearsed in Lin Shan's mind until they completely became Lin Shan's experience.

[The Giant God Peak captured a world, the world level is the middle thousand world-realm, and the highest sequence 2 life can be born. ]

[The world is being destroyed by unknown creatures, suspected to be from the abyss. ]

[The Giant God Peak is expected to land in this world in a month, please meet in Hall 1. ]

One month later.

When Lin Shan opened his eyes again, Rubin had completely become his nutrition.

Unfortunately, only the fighting method can be preserved, and all kinds of experience memories of wandering in the void are not left at all.

Next... It's time to make a breakthrough.

Lin Shan lowered his head and looked at the sack under the table, which contained the remaining immortal food.

When he was promoted to the peak of sequence 2, there were still more than ten pounds left. This thing is not easy to carry and has no storage space.

The amount of things that can be put in the flesh and blood is limited, which is equal to the size of his body. Lin Shan pulled out all the three weapons he had obtained in the Lost City before, and stuffed the immortal grain and the urn into the flesh and blood.

The embryo of the Time Lance has been shaped, and the next step is to find the corresponding materials.

None of these three weapons have the materials needed for the Time Lance, so they are useless to him.

Compared with them, the immortal grain and the urn are more important.

And the most important magic box at the moment.

Seeing that nothing was missing, Lin Shan pushed open the door of the room and walked towards Hall No. 1.

It had been a while since the ship stopped, and most of the people in the hall had already walked out.

Only a few scattered people were left talking in a low voice. Lin Shan saw acquaintances in a small circle, and he walked over quickly.

Delia, Rainbow, Glass and Snow White.

Most of the people he knew were here.

"Mumushan, I heard you left?" As soon as Rainbow Dash saw Lin Shan, she came up to him and greeted him in a friendly tone, "You must stay alert when you are wandering alone in the void. I envy you a little bit. You are free and can go wherever you want."

Lin Shan looked at it, "Then come with me."

Rainbow Dash shook her round palms, and her tone was helpless, "No, I can't leave, I still have things I must complete."

"What do you mean by things I must complete?" Lin Shan looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Keep it a secret." Rainbow Dash grinned, "Don't worry about us old people, you are still young, look forward, move forward, don't make it too complicated, just keep it simple."

Lin Shan nodded gently.

Delia stared at Lin Shan, and her spiritual tentacles gently surrounded Lin Shan, as if giving him a warm hug, and then slowly let go, "Once you step into the void, we can no longer help you."

"Come on." Glass smiled and encouraged Lin Shan with two simple words.

"The void is infinitely vast. Don't lose your way, and don't fall into the abyss." Bai Xue winked at Lin Shan.

Delia's eyes were always on Lin Shan, her eyes were soft and full of expectation. She whispered, "When you feel that the void and even the abyss are very small, we will meet again. Go."

"I'm leaving." Lin Shan said goodbye simply, and flew out of the Giant God Peak under the gaze of several eyes.

Looking at the behemoth behind him, Lin Shan did not stay for long and plunged into the darkness deep in the void.

His purpose this time was very direct-hunting various void creatures and upgrading the life level through "black".

With the magic box as a backup, no matter how far he ran, he could return to the gray fog universe.

Surviving in a dangerous place, Lin Shan had experienced it when he first crossed into the gray fog universe. The current situation is even safer than when he just crossed.

Lin Shan went straight all the way.

Suddenly, a terrifying breath formed an endless barrier in front of him, blocking his way.

A creature wrapped in a sack stood at the end of the void. It was a human figure under the sack.

It was Claire.

The next second.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed, and a force sucked Lin Shan into a world with nothing. There was fog all around, and only the gray land under his feet.

When he looked up, Claire was already standing opposite him.


Lin Shan was puzzled.

Why did the boss of the Giant God Peak stop him at this time?

Lin Shan didn't speak, and Claire remained silent.

"Is there something wrong?"

In the end, it was Lin Shan who asked first.

Facing Lin Shan's question, Claire remained silent.

"Do you remember that there was an old friend who killed 'Black Sky' with a knife just for a promise at the beginning."

A crisp female voice came from his ear.

Lin Shan's head was buzzing, and countless scattered memories turned around in his mind and disappeared again.

"Now, you are back, but you have forgotten everything. Is this your rebirth from the ashes? What a failure..."

"I am not him." Lin Shan shook his head slowly, guessing that the old friend Claire mentioned was most likely her predecessor.

"I have long discovered that he is not you. Isn't it too late for you to come back at this last moment?" Claire's voice became farther and farther away until it disappeared from sight.

"Forgetting is a good thing. I am no longer the Claire of the past. Is Zhao Xiaoan okay? Why is he not with you?"

"Don't answer me. I just want to ask..."

"Fu Jin asked you to come to the Giant God Peak so that I could give this to you."

"Now, the item is returned to its original owner."

"A broken thread of fate can never be connected again."

A bright red scarf floated in front of Lin Shan.

This scarf, like a crimson meteor, danced leisurely in Lin Shan's vision.

Its texture is soft and thick, and there is a deep warmth between the fibers, as if it can resist the coldest winter wind.

Lin Shan's expression seemed dull, as if he was troubled by some strong emotion. He stretched out his hand, and the bright red scarf seemed to have life, flying lightly into his palm.

Holding it, Lin Shan's heart surged with an inexplicable emotion, as if holding a lost memory tightly in his hand, the kind of past that was still colorful even if it was broken.

The scene of Zhao Xiaoan personally wrapping this scarf around him appeared in front of his eyes.

A nine-square grid seemed to appear in his vision, and then spread out and turned into countless grids.

In each grid, there was a picture of Zhao Xiaoan putting a scarf on him.

Lin Shan remembered.

He had seen the same picture in the ruins of the Heavenly Palace left by his predecessor.

In the dream of the ruins, he saw a battlefield.

It was also in this battlefield that the Human Emperor was born.

But why are there so many identical pictures here?

The number of grids in the sight gradually decreased until it disappeared.

The scarf in his hand also lost its previous mysterious brilliance and became ordinary.

Looking up again, he had returned to the void, and the end of his sight was nothingness.

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