Above the gray fog

Chapter 1501: Continuous Hunting

Thirty years later.

Thirty years have passed since the hunting of the first Sequence 2.

During this period, Lin Shan has been quietly assassinating Sequence 2 Peak Lizards.

The progress of promotion has now reached thirty.

In fact, Lin Shan had already achieved this goal in less than ten years.

So many Sequence 2 Peaks disappeared in the tribe in a short period of time, and more than ten Sequence 1s searched for the murderer day and night.

The answer is naturally that they did not find it.

At this moment, Lin Shan can probably confirm that the Void King is not here.

Even if the Void King is really here, he has already reserved a means of escape. Although it costs a price, it is worth it compared to the gains.

That's it. With the ability of the Time Lance, Lin Shan continued to hunt Sequence 2 Peaks under the eyes of more than a dozen Sequence 1s until he heard a piece of news.

In another twenty years, the major Void tribes will start a war again to allow the new tribesmen in the tribe to be promoted.

After hearing this news, Lin Shan stopped taking action.

There are three reasons.

First, there are not many Sequence 2 Peaks left.

Second, he has been feeling a little oppressive recently. With the continuous hunting, an inexplicable pressure is gradually increasing, as if a pair of eyes are always staring at him.

Lin Shan once guessed that it might be the Void King, but if it is really the Void King, it is impossible to just leave it alone.

The third reason is that there will be a war next, and he must leave some Sequence 2 combat power for this tribe.

Anyway, when they arrive on the battlefield, they will be harvested by him.

During the long wait, Lin Shan invested a lot of materials in the embryo of the Time Lance.

Although the ability of the Time Lance is powerful, it consumes a lot of blue before it is completed.

Even if the blue recovery speed is very fast, it is still difficult to maintain the time barrier while launching precise and deadly attacks.

Although he has hunted so many times without a single failure.

The time materials were all picked up by Lin Shan in the process of searching for Sequence 2 Peaks.

All kinds of materials that are extremely precious to the creatures of the world are thrown away here like garbage.

Digging it out from the ground, scraping it off from the dilapidated wall, snatching it from the hands of young lizard creatures, in short, after years of collection, the progress of the time spear has also achieved considerable results.

On the day of the expedition, Lin Shan followed the lizard creatures who signed up for the war and mixed into the team.

Then he set off with the team and headed towards the designated venue.

The number of tribesmen sent by the lizards to participate in the war was less than 50,000.

Among them, 30,000 sequence 3, 2,000 sequence 2, and the rest were ordinary sequence 4, with two sequence 1 leaders.

Most of these creatures who signed up for the war were at the peak of their respective levels.

Lin Shan has been in this community called Eskaphos for 30 years, and he has already understood the living environment of this tribe and some void creatures.

Void creatures have been set limits at birth. If they want to break through the limits and become limit breakers, they must absorb vitality.

There are two ways to absorb vitality.

The first way is to kill other void creatures, and the second way is to be fed.

That's right, the fathers and mothers of void creatures can use their vitality to feed their children.

Lin Shan didn't know if other void tribes were like this, but the Eskaphus had this tradition since its birth.

In the Eskaphus, if you want to become a father or mother, you must both reach the passing line of the peak of Sequence 4. This is the first prerequisite. The second prerequisite is to receive education as Lin Shan saw before.

The children of the Eskaphus have the life level of entering Sequence 4 when they are born, and their strength reaches the level of entering Sequence 3 after they grow up.

Sequence 3 is the limit of the Eskaphus.

But if the Sequence 2 and Sequence 1 in the Eskaphus are willing to use their vitality to feed Sequence 3, they can make Sequence 3 a limit breaker and be promoted to Sequence 2.

The prerequisite for feeding is that the feeder and the fed must have a direct blood relationship, that is, the relationship between parents and children.

If parents feed their children, their own vitality will be permanently damaged.

If there is no Sequence 2 or Sequence 1 parent, they can only go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, strive to be promoted to Sequence 2, and then let their children enjoy the treatment they have never received.

This is the cycle of the Eskaphos, and they are used to it.

Every time the tribesmen who sign up to participate in the war are also vying for it. The average lifespan of the Eskaphos is 500 years old, which is not even as high as the average lifespan of the Gray Mist Universe Sequence 8.

When the life level reaches Sequence 1, they will basically no longer participate in the battle. The reason why the tribes launched the war is to cultivate more strong people who can protect their homes, not to fight for territory.

Sequence 1 is the limit and the ultimate goal.

Half a year later.

Under the leadership of the two Sequence 1s, the warriors of different tribes began to gather.

Lin Shan above glanced left and right.

This is the best time.

If the tribes fight, these creatures will be scattered all over the void, and even the range of the Great Curse of hundreds of billions of light years can only cover part of the battlefield.

If possible, only the vitality of the peak of Sequence 2 is enough.

Lin Shan thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, he began to form a spell with his hands.

According to the form, there are a total of seven void tribes below.

The strength of each tribe is about 50,000, which should have been discussed in advance.

The seven Sequence 1s of the Void tribe came forward to negotiate.

There was only one Sequence 1 from each of the other tribes, but only two Sequence 1s came from the Eskaphos tribe, which might be related to his appearance.

The attack can be launched at the beginning of the release of the Great Curse, but Lin Shan can also actively cancel the pre-swing and release the final fatal blow silently.

During the seal, it was really just an ordinary gesture without any breath fluctuations.

The language of the void creatures below was strange, but it would be translated when it reached Lin Shan's ears.

"Why did you two Sequence 1s come from the Eskaphos tribe this time?"

"Something happened in the tribe, don't worry, I won't interfere in the battlefield." A lizard creature from the Eskaphos tribe said.

"Speaking of which, the war thirty years ago seemed to have been interfered with by someone, and part of the battlefield was attacked and destroyed."

"Well...it's most likely that the void creature did it, it wants vitality."

"Be careful, thirty years is just a moment for us, that creature may intervene again this time, this time we won't fight, monitor the whole process, so as to avoid accidents and lose our people in vain."

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents this time." A big-eyed creature with a chill all over his body said coldly, "I came here specifically for this matter. The tribe guessed that the last situation was not caused by the void creatures, but rather by evil special creatures or world creatures."

"World creatures? The nearest world is...they shouldn't take the initiative to provoke us."

"In a whole, there will always be some uncontrollable individuals."

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