Above the gray fog

Chapter 151 Dome

At this moment, Lin Shan stood on the dome made of spears. The black illusory figure was covered with dense black hair, like tiny tentacles dancing there. As the number of spears below increased, the black hair became longer and longer.

"Just... the last... step...!" The black shadow made a sound, which was without any emotion, like the sound played by an old tape recorder, with hoarseness and stuttering. If an ordinary person was here at this time, he would only hear mumbling, which was no longer a sound that could be distinguished by human ears.

As the black shadow pressed down with both hands.

The people below only felt...

The sky fell!!!

The huge white dome, carrying the extremely high temperature that could distort the air, fell to the ground. Before it approached the ground, thick cracks appeared on the ground, and then quickly became charred.

Thousands of extraordinary people below looked up at the huge dome in the sky with despair on their faces. From the moment the first star appeared, they found that they could not move. They were like being sealed in tight cement. Any movement was extremely difficult. Even if they used the power of spiritual fusion to break the blockade for a short time, they would recover immediately in an instant.

Not only that, they wanted to restore their spirituality, but found that they could not absorb any free spirituality. It seemed that all the spirituality in this world was emptied, but this was impossible. The most lacking thing in the gray fog world was the ownerless spirituality floating everywhere.

Then, there was only one possibility left... These spiritualities all had owners...

Yu Hanjing took out a paper roll from his pocket with difficulty and put it in his mouth, "Help... me... light... it... a little bit, thank... thank you." Under this kind of pressure, even the slightest opening of the mouth was extremely difficult.

The other city lord beside him was in a trance. When he heard Yu Hanjing's words, a flame appeared on his fingertips. Then he used all his strength to raise his arm. With a "crackling" sound, the bones of his entire arm had broken into several pieces. After struggling to light a cigarette for Yu Hanjing, he remained calm.

After a moment, he sighed slightly. Because he could not get spiritual replenishment, his spirituality was exhausted, and the shield attached to his body surface disappeared instantly. At the same time, his whole body turned red, and white gas continued to come out. A scent of meat was floating in the air. The next second, under the huge pressure, he was directly pressed into blood foam and twisted into an irregular meat ball.

Blood splashed on Yu Hanjing's face, but he didn't care. He took a sip of the paper roll on his mouth and exhaled a white smoke. In this period of puffing and spitting, people were constantly roasted or squeezed to death. The huge dome in the sky was getting closer and closer.

"Is this how our ancestors felt when facing those two behemoths?"

"What's the point of the 'Cat Workers' and 'Nine Cities' fighting to the death for more than a hundred years?"

"In fact, the so-called ideological struggle was indeed for ideology at first, but after so many years, the ideology no longer exists. It's just... for power... Fighting for power and profit under the guise of ideology, being the master of the cat tribe... Material satisfaction, spiritual enjoyment, and comfort in life, who can refuse these?"

"Perhaps... this is just a high-sequence person passing by... seeing the ants on the ground, he just wanted to take pictures for fun... Is this a punishment from Wangxing City?"

The white dome kept getting bigger in his eyes, and the last thought flashed through his eyes.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the dome fit tightly to the ground, and the endless white flames ignited the earth. When the huge dome dissipated, the land within a radius of dozens of miles was vaporized by the intense high temperature and sank dozens of meters. The soil at the bottom of the pit was also charred, and billowing white smoke dissipated from the scorched earth.

The black shadow in the air just looked at the ground below quietly, then suddenly disappeared in the air, and when it reappeared, it was already in the huge pit of Wangxing City.

I saw that he made a strange movement, and the black shadow lightly punched the air in front of him.

The next second.


The space in front cracked like glass, and the cracks gradually became dense, spreading from near to far, like a dense spider web covering the space.


With a 'snap' sound, like a broken mirror, the space in front fell down piece by piece, revealing the dark space behind.

This broken space is thousands of meters long, constantly trying to heal, but it is destroyed by an inexplicable force, forming a strange scene. From a distance, it looks like a mirror full of cracks, with fragments constantly falling, and fragments constantly gathering to repair the mirror.

The black shadow stepped into the dark space, stepped on the ground mixed with black and white fine sand, squatted down, and gently placed his hand on the sand.

After a while, the ground in front began to surge, and huge sand dunes tens of meters high appeared one by one.


A huge roar resounded throughout the space, the sound was heavy and hollow, and the surrounding black and white sand began to sink madly.

Then, a huge round mouth emerged, the mouth was at least hundreds of meters wide, and the fine strips of teeth in the round mouth looked particularly creepy.

However, its current state may not be very good. Its nearly two-kilometer-long body was wrapped in a large white net, and the net was burning with extremely high temperature flames. The huge creature kept rolling in the net to break free from the shackles of the net, but all this was useless. The quality of the net seemed to be not high, and it was easy to be torn apart by it, but the recovery speed of the net was extremely fast. The moment it was torn apart, the net immediately recovered, as if there was an endless supply of spiritual energy.

In this way, the nearly two-kilometer-long behemoth was suspended in the air by the net, following the black shadow through the broken mirror space. After the behemoth passed through, the space spanning thousands of meters behind it slowly healed.

Then, a red light flashed, and the black shadow and the behemoth behind it all disappeared on the spot.

Above an unknown city, the large white net suddenly dissipated, and the behemoth smashed straight towards the city below.


A loud noise, accompanied by rolling dust, buildings collapsed in large numbers, and countless cat people were crushed in the ruins. The shouts and groans seemed so sharp and piercing, as if the wronged souls in hell were howling.

As the behemoth twisted on the ground, countless buildings collapsed one after another, and the sound of crushing came from time to time, and the ground was soon dyed red.

"Can...only...come...here...?" The black shadow muttered to himself, his voice hoarse, without any emotion, and not like any recognizable language.

From the moment the dome was condensed, he knew that he could not go back, and he might become a weird without emotion and consciousness.

At this time, the black shadow's body was covered with dense black fluff, and some of the fluff had turned into slender black tentacles.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, his resistance to the pull of the dark space became weaker and weaker.

Finally, when Lin Shan's consciousness completely fell into darkness, the black shadow slowly disappeared into the outer space.

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