Above the gray fog

Chapter 1515 Green Day City

"I have two more questions." Seeing the Human Emperor raise his hand, Lin Shan quickly interrupted.

"You ask." The Human Emperor's hand froze in mid-air and his eyes turned to Lin Shan.

"Previously, when we were in the core universe, what happened to Green Sun who trapped many old gods in the core universe?" Lin Shan's voice was filled with doubts.

The Human Emperor smiled slightly and asked calmly, "Did you see them die with your own eyes?"

Lin Shan nodded, "I saw that they all turned into strange creatures, and only a few people and I who had experienced the virtualization escaped."

Recalling that moment, Lin Shan couldn't help but sigh, if he hadn't happened to be blurred, he must have been one of the weird ones.

"We are not harming those compatriots, but saving them." The Human Emperor paused and continued, "In fact, it is easy to understand that turning into a weird is not really dead. If they don't become weird, they will only be killed by Yuanting. Eliminating them one by one, the real purpose of our doing this is to preserve the power of the past in advance.”

"In the past, was there a way to restore the weirdness at any time?" Lin Shan looked directly at the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor smiled slightly and said, "You will know when you get to Green Day."

Lin Shan knew in his heart that he probably had it.

What he had always known before was that if the rules of the gray fog universe were reversed, all the strange old creatures could be resurrected.

But how to reverse the gray fog rules?

He has never had a clue about this. Maybe when the gray mist universe is destroyed, those weird things will not have a chance to recover.

If the old days had the power to restore weirdness at any time, the power of the old days wouldn't be as weak as imagined.

There are so many weird things.

Lin Shan's brows wrinkled slightly, and he still had doubts in his heart, "Why didn't you use weird power in the previous battles with Yuanchu?"

The Human Emperor pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly, "It was used in the first era. The weirdness of Sequence 1 and above was awakened at that time. The weirdness below Sequence 1 is not so easy to awaken. Besides, this is a trump card. Since it is a trump card, Of course I’ll save it for the last time.”

Lin Shan nodded, accepted the explanation, and then asked: "Second question, what is the game on the other side?"

The Human Emperor's expression became serious, "The Other Side Game comes from the void, and its audience is the void creatures, not us. I can only answer so much. The one who created the Other Side Game may be watching here at any time."

"The oldest?" Lin Shan's voice was solemn.

The Human Emperor nodded, "Yes."

Lin Shan took a deep breath and nodded slowly, "I'm fine."

The Human Emperor slowly raised his hand and said softly: "May the wisdom of the void fill your mind and bring infinite enlightenment."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright golden light bloomed from the Human Emperor's hand, like the rising sun, shining brightly and covering the surrounding area.

When the golden light disappeared, only the Human Emperor was left.

"I hope you can successfully witness the outcome of all this." The Human Emperor on the lake murmured to himself.

other side.

Lin Shan and Lao Wang appeared in a vast world at the same time.

"Where is this?" Lin Shan looked around, and there was a sky full of yellow sand under his feet.

"This kind of suppressive power...this is the big world. There is only the last big world left in the old days. This must be the black world."

"I remember there was no sunlight in the dark world, but it's not dark at all here."

"Maybe it's a special area." Lao Wang thought for a while and said, "Just go forward."

Looking up, a huge city stands in the distance, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

"This should be the stronghold of Green Sun - the core of the most powerful spiritual organization that resisted the original source of resistance in the past." A strange light flashed in Lao Wang's eyes, "One of the two camps that determines the fate of Gray Mist. This time, I won’t be left behind.”

"Behind?" Lin Shan looked at Lao Wang.

"Yeah, for some reason, I'm always one step behind." Lao Wang rubbed his face with his hands, "Just think of it as a contribution for yourself."

Lin Shan turned his head and looked at Lao Wang. Lao Wang was different from before.

Maybe he is like this, and the carefree behavior he had before was just an act.

Compared with Lao Wang, he has a firm stance.

Lin Shan found that his position was always erratic.

Even if he had come here and decided to become an enemy of Yuanting, he still did not have the determination to tear Yuanting into pieces.

As the two of them moved forward, they gradually approached the city.

The air was filled with a faint emerald green light, like countless fireflies flying.

Lin Shan, who is familiar with the power of life, understands that this is life energy. These are the dissipation caused by the extremely rich life energy. There must be something with extremely abundant vitality in this city.

At the end of the white jade stone road, a huge city gate stands, carved with complex runes and ancient totems, exuding distant power.

There is a small door next to the city gate, which is open.

The two passed through the small door.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

The interior of the city is even more majestic than the outside.

Towering buildings are rising from the ground, but they don't look very sci-fi. The four wheeled cars on the road indicate that the technology here only stays around the second-level civilization.

"Is this the only Green Sun's stronghold?" Lao Wang looked around, looking a little disappointed, "If it's just this level, the technological power won't be used."

"Besides, these people seem to be ordinary people." Lin Shan answered.

Lin Shan heard the conversations of the people nearby very clearly. Their needs and desires undoubtedly proved that they were ordinary people.

"Where should we go now?" Lin Shan looked at Lao Wang, whose unfair trade also had the function of foreseeing.

"Well... let me see." Lao Wang stretched out his hand, and the scale appeared in his hand.

As his other hand fiddled with it.

Lao Wang frowned slightly.

"This city is really just an ordinary city, and it has nothing to do with Green Day."

"You mean, the Human Emperor deceived us?"

The two looked at each other and had the answer in their hearts.

There was no need for the Human Emperor to deceive them.

If the Human Emperor did not deceive them, it was probably Green Day who was doing all this.

"Join the previous trial?"

"It should be." Lao Wang nodded, "The information I got was interfered with, and there are not many people in the gray fog universe who can do this."

"Why do I feel like... trying every means to prevent us from joining Green Day?" Lin Shan was a little confused, "Isn't Green Day gathering the fighting power of the old days?"

"That's right, but maybe not everyone can enter Green Day. Green Day may be screening. At this time, Green Day will definitely take out all its belongings for the last gamble, and limited resources cannot be distributed to people who have no intention of fighting." Lao Wang guessed.

"They are all remnants of the past. Do you still have the will to fight?"

"People will change." Lao Wang sighed, "I don't understand Green Day's idea. Logically speaking, any remnant can be a key fighting force... maybe... it's because of you." Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan.

"They don't want me to join?"

"It's possible. Didn't the Human Emperor persuade you before?"


"Who knows."

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