Above the gray fog

Chapter 1533: Encountering Mirage Again

"That's right." Lao Wang nodded, "This relic has no grade, and it doesn't have any abilities, but for some reason, it has the ability to penetrate underground barriers."

After speaking, Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan.

After Lin Shan nodded, the two disappeared from the place at the same time.

Appearing in front of the first barrier ninety thousand miles underground.

Lao Wang took the mahogany comb and smashed it downwards.

Smash the ground to create a gap that gradually goes downwards.

The gap was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Lao Wang hit it faster.

Lao Wang didn't stop, and after several hours of smashing, he finally made a small hole in the ground.

"Now!" When the small hole appeared, Lao Wang roared.

Together with Lin Shan, he turned into a slender energy thread and drilled through the hole.

"Is this the World Cemetery?" Lin Shan looked around.

This is a foreign land filled with broken fragments of various worlds.

The overall scene was strange and weird. After diving for only a few meters, it seemed like we had stepped into a different dimension.

To his left, there was a huge ruin suspended in mid-air, like an ancient castle torn into countless fragments, suspended in the void. Rubbles and broken towers floated in the translucent cyan mist, appearing from time to time. A faint blue light flickered from it.

There is a huge broken land on the right. The land is a barren desert. The sand is like golden dust floating quietly above the land, but it seems to be restricted by some kind of force field. These golden dust cannot float out of the broken land. , huge dead bones are vaguely visible in the dust.

"Yes." Lao Wang nodded lightly, "There are some things here that may threaten us, so be careful."

The two of them dived slowly.

Unlike the land above, the World Cemetery is hollow.

After a while, the two successfully arrived on the surface of the World Cemetery.

When your feet first touch the ground.

A black shadow passed by like lightning and swooped towards them.

It was a strange-looking creature that seemed to be spliced ​​together from a variety of creatures. It had sharp claws and scarlet eyes, and its ferocious face made people shudder. It made a piercing scream, with a devastating murderous sound. His intention was to attack Lin Shan and Lao Wang.

Almost out of instinct, Lin Shan suddenly waved his hand, and heard a loud "pop" sound. The creature was instantly smashed into pieces and turned into a blood mist and dissipated in the air.

An invisible shock wave spread rapidly with him as the center, and the area with a radius of several light years seemed to have experienced a catastrophe in an instant.

Countless creatures and floating world fragments that were originally hidden underground were as fragile as pieces of paper in front of this force, and were instantly torn into powder.

The air was thick with dust and the aftermath of energy.

Lin Shan was stunned for a moment. The creature just avoided his perception and approached silently. He thought it was some powerful monster, so he used a little more force.

"What are you doing?" Lao Wang's eyes widened. He promised to be more cautious. They were not here to fight.

"Sorry, my senses didn't detect it. I thought it was a strong one." Lin Shan shook his head and immediately looked at the ground, "Let's dig it. If there was such a big movement, if there was something nearby, it would have been here long ago."

Lao Wang squatted down and began to chisel.

He moved skillfully, and the mahogany comb in his hand made a "click" sound on the ground.

There was originally some soil above the barrier to provide a hiding place for the monster just now, but when Lin Shan just did that, there was nothing left around it.

"You just said you can't sense it? Is it because the other party is too weak? You subconsciously ignored it." Lao Wang dug, and after half an hour of extremely long reflection arc, he remembered what Lin Shan had just said.

"It's possible." Lin Shan touched his chin and nodded gently.

Lao Wang continued to dig, and after a few hours, a hole was finally dug out of the ground.

The two turned into energy bodies again, passed through the hole, and entered the third level.

As soon as Lin Shan entered this level, he felt a hot air rush towards him, as if the entire space was surrounded by fire.

"If I remember correctly, this level is the eighteenth level of hell." Lin Shan looked down. He had never been to this level.

"That's right, this level is safer than the world cemetery. It has complete operating rules. As long as we don't cause trouble." Old Wang put away the mahogany comb and said, "The eighteen levels of hell, as the name suggests, there are eighteen levels. We need to use our souls to Descending height."

Lin Shan nodded and followed Lao Wang down in his soul body.

On the first floor, Lin Shan saw countless souls struggling in the flames, with painful wails one after another.

The flames here are designed to burn the soul, causing it to sink in pain forever.

The second level is a frozen hell, bitingly cold, and the air is filled with freezing white mist. The souls here are frozen in the ice and cannot move.

The third floor...the fourth floor...the fifth floor....

All the way to the eighteenth floor.

The eighteen levels of hell here are completely different from the eighteen levels of hell that Lin Shan knew.

It is more like eighteen layers of superimposed spaces with different environments. All spaces have only one purpose, to torture the soul.

Through eighteen levels of hell.

Lao Wang successfully penetrated the fourth floor.

Mirror universe.

"Hurry down, there are too many unstable factors in the mirror universe."

After entering the mirror universe, the two sprinted directly towards the bottom.

The surrounding is an upside-down scene with many mirrors floating around.

Lin Shan, who has been to the mirror universe, knows that as long as you enter through these mirrors, you will enter another gray fog universe.

The two of them turned into energy and went straight through many obstacles to the surface of the mirror universe.

After clearing the soil, they could see that there was a black mirror without boundaries buried underneath.

"Pah, da, bang!"

The mahogany comb hit the mirror, making a loud noise.

A black barrier spread out with Lin Shan as the center, isolating the sound.


An uninvited guest broke into Lin Shan's perception.

Transparent mushrooms.

Melancholy mushrooms.


Why is this guy here?

The last time I saw him was in the basement of Shenzhou Civilization College, which is the basement of the human circle, and the two places are separated by an endless distance.

Is this a coincidence?

It can't be.

Lin Shan pulled out the horizontal sword from his palm.

The horizontal sword has always been with him. Lu Ri didn't urge him to return it, and he was not in a hurry. There was no requirement to return the borrowed treasure as soon as possible after the mission was completed.

"Trouble is coming, you move faster."

After saying that, Lin Shan rushed out.

"Ah?" Lao Wang was concentrating on drilling a hole, and didn't notice the mirage rushing at full speed.

Lin Shan collided with the mirage rushing over.

The horizontal sword hit the weak point accurately.

The transparent mushroom was cut in half.

The two halves of the mushroom quickly recovered and became two.

"The lethal properties of the horizontal sword are not effective?" Lin Shan looked solemn. What on earth is this mushroom?

Moreover, when he met it last time, it had not reached Sequence 2. It has been a while since I last saw it, and it has reached Sequence 1. Although it is a beginner, its promotion speed is faster than him...

"What are you?" Lin Shan tried to communicate with it again.

The two mushrooms did not respond and rushed towards Lin Shan again, with wave attacks that directly attacked the mind during the sprint.

After being blessed by the spiritual practice method, consciousness is no longer a weak point for Lin Shan.

The white jade palace in his mind rotated quietly, dissolving all the invading attacks.

"Hmm?" At a certain moment, Lin Shan discovered a blind spot that he had not discovered before.

"Since we can't attack, why not just not attack?"


Lin Shan murmured.

He stretched out his hand.

The infinite spirituality turned into an indestructible cage.

As Infinity continued to be activated, the cage became indestructible.

The mushroom attacked the surface of the cage like a beast, and each attack would cut off a large part of the spirituality.

After reaching Sequence 1, Infinity seemed to have no time limit. Now he was synonymous with spirituality.

"Is this... the complete control spell?"

"I'll ask after I go back this time."

As spirituality was continuously injected, the cage composed of spirituality became stronger and stronger.

But as time passed, the replenishment speed of the surrounding spirituality obviously couldn't keep up with Lin Shan's consumption speed.

"Is it not healed yet?" Lin Shan asked Lao Wang through voice transmission.

"It's almost healed." Lao Wang replied, "Hold on for a while."

Lin Shan stared at the transparent mushroom still struggling in the cage, thinking about whether there was any way to capture this thing.

This was the first time he had seen such a strange and unreasonable creature.

As Lin Shan pondered, the spiritual cage gradually dimmed.

All the spirituality that could be sensed by the surroundings was sucked dry by him.

Just as the mushroom was about to break through the cage, Lao Wang's voice sounded in his ears, "Okay."

"Will you come down with me?"

"Let's go down and take a look."

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