Above the gray fog

Chapter 1559 Make a wish and go

Five years later.

Lin Shan had been flying towards the source of the calamity for five years.

The lucky sign has the property of being connected to the source of the calamity. As long as he walks in the direction of the connection between the two, he can find the place where the calamity is to befall the calamity.

Lin Shan practiced on the spot, using the art of clone to create another Lin Shan to use his mind to bless the starship to shuttle at full speed.

They had already left the core universe on the seventh day, and now they have long been trapped in the unknown deep space.

Lin Shan stopped practicing and looked at the alloy door leading to the main control room in front of him.

The alloy door opened, and Lin Shan, wearing an aviation uniform, walked out of it.

He saluted in a standard military salute and said in a deep voice, "Captain, an unknown energy void was found in front, and there are many strange creatures around the void. It is initially judged to be the starry sky Zerg."

"Zerg?" Lin Shan frowned. He has always known that the Zerg, a bandit race, exists in the gray fog universe.

But the source court's attack on the Zerg is much stronger than that on the old days, and it is almost all-out.

So under normal circumstances, the Zerg has become very rare.

This should be his first encounter with a large-scale Zerg.

At this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly flashed inside the starship, and the alarm sounded.

[The size of the Zerg swarm is initially estimated to be more than 100 million, including a large number of high-level individuals, and there are suspected to be several Zerg queen units. ]

When the alarm was sounded, the starship had stopped.

Lin Shan flashed in front of the starship.

He first looked at the starship behind him.

The huge body of the starship was particularly eye-catching in the deep space, and the surface of the ship was flashing with a faint blue light, like a protective film, separating the starship from the endless darkness.

Then, he turned his eyes to the location of the Zerg.

About 70,000 light years away.

The Zerg nests are particularly dense and spectacular in deep space.

Countless huge Zerg nests are suspended in the void like a nightmare, and their appearance is weird, as if they are composed of countless wriggling tentacles and biological tissues.

Each insect nest emits a dark red light, which escapes from the cracks of the insect nest, like the fire of hell, dyeing the entire area with a strange blood color.

Between these huge insect nests, densely packed Zerg creatures shuttle back and forth.

They have different shapes, some have huge shells and claws, and some have countless compound eyes and tentacles.

Each Zerg creature is constantly moving, as if executing some unified instructions. The entire swarm is like a huge machine, operating in an orderly manner.

In the center of the nest are several even larger main nests, which stand in the void like giant continents. The surface of the main nest is covered with thick shells and countless pulsating blood vessels, which seem to be constantly absorbing and releasing energy.

The dark red light burst out from the core of the main nest, illuminating the surrounding void, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

The Zerg has obviously discovered Lin Shan.

Countless Zerg creatures began to gather in the direction of the starship, with bloodthirsty light flashing in their eyes and emitting piercing screams.

The entire swarm of insects began to accelerate, like a black torrent, rushing straight towards the starship where Lin Shan was.

"Are those the queens?" Lin Shan's sight went straight through the swarm of insects, through the thick insect nest, and stared at the three queens curled up together, "Only at the level of Sequence 2... That's right, there are not many Sequence 1s in the entire gray fog universe, and it is impossible to encounter wild Sequence 1s at will."

The body of the queen was not big, only about tens of thousands of meters long, and covered with a thick carapace with dark red lines on the carapace.

They had multiple pairs of compound eyes on their heads, the scarlet eyes kept flashing, and the mouthparts made a clicking sound from time to time.

The three queens curled up together, forming a huge and hideous collective, with hostility flashing in their compound eyes, staring at the position where Lin Shan was, and commanding the swarm of insects to swarm towards the starship like a tide.

"I wanted to take a detour..." Lin Shan whispered to himself.

He slowly stretched out his palm, and a horizontal sword emerged from his palm, emitting a cold light.

As the swarm of insects approached rapidly, Lin Shan whispered, "Infinite."

Lin Shan gently swung his sword, sweeping across with the light attribute power attached to the Extreme Intention Holy Spirit Method.

A crescent-shaped bright silver blade light broke through the air.

The blade light was like a falling galaxy, emitting a dazzling brilliance, and rushed straight to the oncoming black swarm of insects.

The moment the swarm of insects hit the bright silver blade light, it was like spring snow encountering a hot flame, and was instantly melted.

Where the blade light passed, the black Zerg creatures turned into ashes one after another, and a hot energy wave filled the air.

The bright silver blade light did not stop, and it was unstoppable, instantly tearing the hard shell of the insect nest, revealing the Zerg creatures squirming inside.

Immediately afterwards, the crescent blade light mercilessly slashed at the huge insect nest in the center, and the three-headed queen mother in the nest was split in half by this knife.

Despite this, the three-headed queen mother, who was a sequence 2 life form, did not die easily.

Their souls instantly broke away from their broken bodies and tried to escape outside.

Lin Shan swung out a crescent blade again, and the incandescent light swept out again.

His main body did not pursue, but just glanced at the direction of the blade.

"Whether they live or die depends on their luck." Lin Shan calmly retracted his gaze.

He did not have much hatred for the Zerg, and swung his sword to kill them just because they blocked his way.

Lin Shan entered the starship and continued to practice.

The starship also continued to shuttle along the previous route.

Just when Lin Shan was practicing, the little devil with food residue on the corner of his mouth suddenly jumped out.

"Lin Shan, are you stupid!"

"You can help the magic box complete the wish first, and then make a wish to go to where you want to go. It's not much faster than flying aimlessly here. Anyway, you will definitely owe a wish!"

"If the destination is at the border of the gray fog universe, do you want to fly directly from the core universe? By the time you get there, my braised beef noodles will be cold!"


The little devil's words woke Lin Shan up.

Yes, now you have to owe a wish, why not make a wish.

In fact, it's not that simple.

The reason why he has been owing the magic box wishes is that the magic box's wishes are getting harder and harder.

There is only one way to get rid of the magic box completely, that is, when completing the task, you don't need to make a wish to teleport back.

But the matter of human calamity...

After thinking about it.

Lin Shan still made a wish.

"Send me to the calamity land."

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