Above the gray fog

Chapter 1562: The Conclusion of the Time Lance (5000 words) (1/2)

"Are you really not considering the proposal I just made?" Wu Wang waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

"Do I need to think about it?" Lin Shan was speechless. In his current opinion, these things were as boring as children's playing house.

Wu Wang put his arms on the armrests on both sides of the throne, looked up at the bright ceiling, and said seriously, "Lin Shan, sometimes, it is necessary to experience the world."

"Let's try it again when we have time later." Lin Shan refused without any hesitation.

"The experience I am talking about is not what you think. Walk around in the world and take a look. At most, it can only make your heart settle a little. The experience I am talking about is integration. I bet that, except In the short period of time you first traveled to the gray mist universe, you never merged into the extraordinary circle." Wu Wang stood up from the throne, walked to Lin Shan, and clinked glasses with Lin Shan.

"You want to talk about humanity and divinity?" Lin Shan shook the glass of wine gently, and then drank it all. "I haven't cared about the balance between humanity and divinity for a long time. Now I don't seem to have to." I care."

Wu Wang laughed loudly, "Only the weak will adjust the balance between divinity and humanity. A truly strong person is a human or a god. In just one thought, whether he is a human or a god...or... Beasts are essentially just three responses to feedback from the outside world. The reason why weak people cannot control divinity is because they are not tolerant enough. In fact, as long as they reach Sequence 2, the tolerability of gods is enough to tolerate this. Three qualities, at this time a new quality will emerge - nature."

"What is the nature of a living being? A small part comes from innateness, and a large part comes from the molding of nurture. Because of this, people are different, because we are flesh and blood lives and pursue independent individuals. "

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "Although I have not studied this knowledge systematically, I vaguely understand it. Therefore, since there are no restrictions on divinity and humanity, integrating into the secular world like you, in addition to satisfying special hobbies and Apart from personal interests, do you have any additional functions?”

"Yes, this is indeed my special hobby. I enjoy this environment very much. It is precisely because I have this hobby that you can still talk to me now." Wu Wang sat next to Lin Shan and continued, "In this aspect There is no limit to your knowledge, so I won’t play charades with you.

"You have only lived for a few thousand years, and you still have the goals you pursue and the meaning of your existence in the world. When you one day reach the top of Domination, or even reach a higher level, you will find that... this world is very boring, then An indescribable and heartfelt emptiness will constantly torture you. There is nothing you can do. Everything you want can be realized with just a thought, and things at higher levels are very elusive. Without guidance, there is almost nothing. People can break free,"

"In this environment, a special interest can become a guide to encourage you to continue to survive in the world. You will find that the longer extraordinary people live, the more they want to integrate into the world. Do you think they are really willing to be Ordinary people? They just want to use this to comfort themselves. It's too early to tell you this, but you will use it one day. This is a common problem that all flesh and blood life needs to face. We should not To live so long, but we have lived so long.”

"I probably understand what you mean." Lin Shan sighed lightly, "You mean, I will need these when I live for a long time, but since I don't need them now, let's talk about it in the future."

"At least, there are still many things I want to find now. In terms of interest, I am actually more interested in the abyss. If I am really strong enough as you said in the future, I will explore the abyss."

"The Abyss is indeed a good place to spend time. There are too many unknown things in it. Many people have the same interests as you, including me." Wu Wang said with some melancholy, "The comprehensive strength of the Abyss is far It exceeds the gray fog universe, and even some single scales can surpass the gray fog universe. If you want to go deep into the abyss, you must first go to Shenting. There is a lot of information we have explored there. Even the history of the surface void is not as long as The gray fog universe can be compared, let alone the deeper abyss."

Wu Wang patted Lin Shan on the shoulder and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to where you live. We'll talk about it later. I still have some things to deal with."

"Is it about the crystal world?" Lin Shan asked.

"No, it's just some small things about the development of the tribe. Hehe, I am the top leader of this tribe now, Xiao Linzi, you have to respect me." Wu Wang grinned and said, "Let's go quickly."

The two disappeared and appeared in front of a huge palace suspended in the air.

"This is a palace I built twenty years ago. Let me live in it for you. The facilities inside are complete." Wu Wang handed Lin Shan a card. "This is the key. I built it with old technology." "Bedroom."

"Yes." Lin Shan reached out and took the card. There was a stream of light swimming on the card.

[Hello, distinguished guest! I am the steward of the Hanging Palace, you can call me anytime if you need anything. ]

When he first came into contact with the card, a mental wave entered Lin Shan's mind.

"It's a mechanical elf. The mechanical elves of the old days were very rare, and they were not on the same level as mechanical life. Now it is impossible to give birth to a mechanical elf. It is responsible for monitoring the operation of the entire clan. In fact, most of the development of this clan is due to its contribution." At this point, Wu Wang seemed to remember something, and looked at Lin Shan solemnly and said, "Thank you very much for sending me off for the last time. In fact, I still have some savings, and I have collected a lot of good things over the years. Although they are of no help to our level, good things are good things. After I leave, these things will be my thanks to you."

Lin Shan glanced at Wu Wang, did not answer, and flew into the palace.

Wu Wang watched Lin Shan disappear in the palace, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared and turned into a bitter smile, "Lin Shan, Lin Shan, you must not make trouble. I don't know why... your appearance makes me a little uneasy."

Lin Shan entered the suspended palace and found a room as a bedroom.

He sat cross-legged on the bed made of pure gold, and a layer of white smoke suddenly enveloped him. When the smoke dissipated, the room was filled with more than a dozen Lin Shans.

"Go find the cracks where the crystal creatures opened. There must be traces before the cracks opened." Lin Shan ordered.

"Yes." All Lin Shans were wearing black clothes for night travel, covered tightly with hoods, and shrouded in a faint power of time.

This power of time did not come from the Time Spear, but from an old-time technique called "Arc of Time" that he practiced.

"Arc of Time" itself can only cultivate the power of time.

Lin Shan also found a "method" derived from "Arc of Time", called "Bending Time", which can distort the surrounding time and make the body exist at a point in time in the past, thus achieving the effect of invisibility.

Although it is not as good as the Time Spear's effect of almost eliminating existence, it can barely avoid Sequence 1 with less than ten perception sublimation times.

The Lin Shans in the room disappeared one by one, and finally only Lin Shan's body was left.

He first took out the Time Spear and placed it horizontally on his legs, and then took out a half-human-high white stone.

There is only one step left to the conclusion of the Time Spear. If the conclusion is successful, it may be possible to achieve the true meaning of "existence invisibility".

Lin Shan decided to spend some time to complete the last step of the conclusion.

The embryo has been made, and the next step is to stuff this half-human-high stone into the embryo.

Of course, it is not a literal "stuffing".

The stone was placed on the floor of the room. Lin Shan did not move it, but just put his hands on the Time Spear.

A few seconds later, a gray-white energy thread appeared on the white stone. The thread was like a thin tube, extracting the time power in the stone and injecting it into the Time Spear.

Half a month later, a small hole appeared in the half-human-high white stone.

Lin Shan stared at the tiny hole. It took half a month to extract such a small hole. If he wanted to completely complete the conclusion of the Time Spear, it would probably take nearly two hundred years.

But Lin Shan had a hunch that the time for the arrival of the crystal creature would not be too far away.

"Lin Shan, why are you frowning? If you encounter a problem, you can make a wish directly." Lin Shan's movement woke up the little devil who was sleeping on his head.

"Is there any way to create an area where time stops?" Lin Shan raised his eyelids. From a physical perspective, he couldn't directly see the little devil on his head, but this world was not obsessed with physics. He could indeed see the little devil 360 degrees without blind spots, and even see its past and future actions to a certain extent. This is the ability of a high life level. It is not foreknowledge, but the effect of faster thinking ability, or it is more appropriate to say that it is a sequelae.

"Create a small space that stops time?" The little devil was puzzled. It didn't understand what Lin Shan meant.

"It means that the time in the outside world passes, but my time doesn't pass." Lin Shan explained briefly.

Lin Shan was sure that there was such a way. Back then at the Shenzhou Civilization Academy, the master of history slowed down his time and let him spend hundreds of years in ten years in the outside world, giving him enough time to advance to Sequence 2.

Later, he learned that all this was a conspiracy of the outer god Azmo Dinas, the master of the key.

Therefore, Lin Shan also thought that the historical master mentioned by Azmo Dinas was probably not true.

However, he didn't know who that was, so he just assumed that the one who helped him was the historical master.

"You mean borrowing time?" The little devil finally understood what Lin Shan meant, "There is indeed such a method, but it requires corresponding treasures and abilities. These treasures and abilities are very advanced, and the treasures must at least reach the level of the 'Sleeping Bell'."

"As for ability, since you asked me, it proves that you definitely don't have this ability. However, the scepter in your hand seems to have this ability. Are you still unable to completely control it?"

"The reason I asked you this question is because I need time to control it." Lin Shan stared at the half-human-high white stone, thinking about countermeasures in his mind, "More than 200 years is enough for him to practice thirty-four exercises and complete about 150 sublimations. Is it worth it to use it on the conclusion of the time spear?

This does not seem to be a question of whether it is worth it. Subsequent actions may require the time spear.

What needs to be solved now is how to compress these 200 years...

The little devil floated in front of Lin Shan, "As mentioned earlier, the kind of stagnant time, whether it is treasures or abilities, requires a price. You need to pay ten times or even a hundred times the life span of stopping."

"I actually have a better way to achieve what you just said."

The little devil came closer mysteriously, almost touching Lin Shan's face.

Lin Shan blew it gently and blew it aside.

The little devil was so angry that he was about to punch Lin Shan's eyes out with a punch, but Lin Shan stopped him with a finger. "Let's get down to business. If this matter is finished, the next thing is to help the magic box realize its wish."

"Really?" The little devil looked suspicious.

"Yeah." Lin Shan replied affirmatively.

"Okay." The little devil sat cross-legged in front of Lin Shan and looked serious. "I want to say that this method will most likely not work. But if you want to know, I will tell you."

"You have been to the abyss. You should know that there is no such thing as time in the abyss." The little devil stared at Lin Shan.

"I know." Lin Shan nodded.

The reason why there is a concept of time in the world is because of the existence of the long river of time.

But the river of time should not actually be called the river of time, but the river of history. It is just a place that carries history, so essentially there is no time in the world.

Lin Shan said nothing, waiting for the rest of the story. Although he wanted to refute that there was no difference between time and history, what the little devil said made sense. History is what happened, and time is time.

"Didn't you notice? Although time does not exist in the void, the rules of time can also be used in the void. So, what do you think time is?" the little devil asked somewhat showily.

Lin Shan looked at the little devil. If he knew the answer, he wouldn't be here to listen to the class.

The little devil pointed to his head, "The essence of time is actually thinking. When your thinking is fast enough, time will become very slow. However, when you think very slowly, time will not become slow." Soon, you know why?"

Lin Shan thought for a while and deduced according to the little devil's words, "Because time does not exist, fast thinking does not slow down time in essence. It is only to some extent that slow thinking is used as a reference, so it appears to be fast."

"Correct answer, so you should know what to do now." The little devil crossed his arms.

"What you mean is... to speed up my thinking. When it reaches a certain level, time is suspended... But how can I make my thinking speed up to that level?" What the little devil said makes sense. There is evidence that Lin Shan already believes it 70%.

"I'm just providing a theory. Whether you can implement it depends on you." The little devil didn't want to say more and flew to Lin Shan's head again. "If it could be done easily, others would have done it long ago. Then haven't you noticed? "Your utilization of time is already countless times higher than that of ordinary people. The reason why you still feel that you don't have enough time is because what you need to do is very difficult."

"Well..." Lin Shan closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, a white thread connecting the time trough appeared on the white stone.

After a few more seconds, another white thread grew next to the white thread and connected to the time tunnel.

Then four, eight, sixteen...

Until the whole big stone seemed to be covered with fine hairs.

By the end, all the fuzz and coalescence merged together, and the white stone seemed to be burning with a rich, tangible light.

The stone is shrinking little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How... how is it possible? I obviously didn't say anything, how did he do it?" The little devil's mouth opened wide, with disbelief written all over his face.

Half a month later, when the stone was reduced to a diameter of less than twenty centimeters, the rich white flame finally extinguished.

"Huh, finally... it's... done..." Lin Shan said word by word. It wasn't that he wanted to say this, it was just a sequelae.

"Lin Shan, how did you do that?" Seeing Lin Shan finish, the little devil asked quickly.

"It's very simple. Didn't you say that the essence of time is thinking? I was thinking about whether I could capture the thinking in history, that is, my 'consciousness' in history. It happened that this thing has the power to penetrate into history, so I looked for I have learned more than 3,000 times about myself in the past, and extracted the power of time from the stone with my current self. Thank you for your reminder, the effect is very significant." Lin Shan sincerely thanked me.

"Huh? What I'm talking about is thinking acceleration, not letting you capture your past self. Moreover, the past you essentially does not exist, right? It needs to be realized through the present you. Mastering the power of history can indeed do this. A little, but how can your mental strength be able to carry so many past selves?" The little devil grabbed his hair and was speechless.

"Thinking acceleration should be an ability to break through limits, right? It's similar to making something out of nothing. You are obviously not a master, but you imagine that you have the power of a master, so you have the power of a master. I can't do this kind of thing." Lin Shan shook his head slowly, " So I thought of this compromise method. Thanks to you for telling me what the essence of time is. As for mental power, my mental power is unlimited. "

The little devil made a 'big' sign, lying on Lin Shan's head, looking at the ceiling, "Coincidence, it must be a coincidence... The 'infinite' he shouted all day long, is it the curse... ."

He didn't care what the little devil was thinking, that was all.

In contrast, more important things are coming now.

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