Above the gray fog

Chapter 1571 Waiting


Accommodation area.

Aita is the real name of the tourist attraction. The so-called Soul Country is just an extremely distinctive area within Aita.

The Scarecrow couldn't have asked him to wait for two years in Aita for no reason. It should have understood how tight its time was.

Lin Shan has an inexplicable sense of trust in the Scarecrow, which is far greater than that of Fu Jin.

If he had to explain the origin of his trust, Lin Shan could only give an intuitive answer.

Although he was in a tourist resort, it was naturally impossible for Lin Shan to spend the past two years eating, drinking and having fun.

Aita can suppress divinity, which is beyond the reach of ordinary gods.

After coming out of the Land of Souls, Lin Shan found Aita's staff and took the initiative to pay for Aita's tickets.

There is a map on the back of the ticket. There are nearly a hundred areas on the map. As long as you click on the corresponding area with your hand, the corresponding transmission preparations will appear.

It is inevitable to make up the ticket. Aita is not a real space that exists in reality. It is virtual in itself. If he does not pass the ticket, he cannot move from the home of souls to other areas.

After completing the teleportation, he entered a breathtaking confined space. This was a huge and luxurious hotel lobby, far beyond ordinary imagination.

Stretching upward on all sides are countless walkways and doors, like an endless maze, with soft lights shining on each walkway, guiding visitors forward.

The ceiling hangs tens of thousands of meters high, like the sky, with huge crystal chandeliers hanging in it. The lights fall down, forming a bright galaxy, as if countless stars are twinkling in the night sky.

Each "star" is a suspended crystal, containing flowing energy inside, and sometimes flashing fantastic light, adding a dreamlike color to the entire hall.

The hall is bustling with people, and there is an endless stream of tourists from all races, as if all the creatures in the universe are gathered here.

Everyone is enjoying the unique charm of Aita.

Service robots shuttle among the crowd. They come in different shapes. Some are as light and flying as elves, and some are as majestic and tall as warriors. They can quickly and accurately meet the various needs of tourists and provide meticulous services.

In the center of the hall, a huge holographic screen is suspended in the air, displaying various information and attraction introductions.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand, trying to catch the fleeting light in front of him.

These streams of light can induce positive human nature. The so-called entertainment facilities are just additional facilities in various resorts.

The internal rules of a resort are the key factor in making a resort a success.

Lin Shan remembered that the leader of the Bailing Circle once raised a giant starry beast called Xue Kun. The beast's function could be used to dispel divinity. He originally wanted to raise a few in the human race, but unfortunately the entire Bailing Circle was later destroyed. .

The effect of the snow Kun in dispelling divinity was completely incomparable with the resort resort in front of him.

At most, Xue Kun can help ordinary extraordinary people alleviate the negative effects of divinity, while resorts and Sequence 2 can all have the effect.

Many things that I didn't understand at first were naturally understood after I was promoted.

In fact, there are not so many fancy explanations.

Divinity, humanity, and beastliness.

Beastiality is the negative sublimation of human nature, while divinity is actually a kind of spiritual poison.

As long as the amount of spirituality in the body reaches a certain level, it will be poisoned.

How to balance the influence of these three is a problem that needs to be solved under Sequence 2.

Lin Shan glanced left and right, looking for the front desk of this giant hotel.

The front desk was in the center of the hall. He couldn't use extraordinary abilities here, so he could only walk past it.

It took a total of 15 minutes to walk from the location teleported to the lobby to the front desk.

The receptionist at the front desk was an elegant woman. She took Lin Shan's ticket with a smile and quickly checked him in.

Then she handed a golden room card to Lin Shan and said softly, "Welcome to Aita. I wish you a wonderful time here."

Lin Shan took the room card, which was like a piece of weightless glass. Just like the ticket, it had an operation interface and could be transferred directly to the elevator.

Although Lin Shan wanted to complain about why he couldn't teleport directly into the room, Aita must have a purpose in doing so.

There was a flash of light, and Lin Shan appeared in the splendid elevator. The walls were inlaid with golden decorations, and the floor was covered with thick carpets, which were soft and comfortable to step on.

Lin Shan pressed the button for his room floor.

The elevator rose quickly and soon reached the designated floor.

Lin Shan walked out of the elevator. The decoration in the corridor was equally luxurious, and every detail was carefully designed. The walls were hung with paintings by various famous figures in the universe, showing the beautiful scenery and strange creatures of different galaxies, which was dizzying.

Lin Shan didn't walk very fast, but he passed many people one after another along the way.

Most of those people were admiring the paintings on both sides of the corridor, as if they were visiting a museum.

The corridor was very long, with densely packed doors on both sides. Lin Shan walked for half an hour before he found his room and opened the door with his room card.

The moment he entered the door, the room card suddenly glowed. Lin Shan briefly read the content on it. It was a reminder that if he went out to play, he could use the room card to teleport back to the room directly.

Lin Shan threw the room card aside. He probably wouldn't go out in a short time.

Lin Shan walked into the room. The front half of the room was an open living room area with thick carpets, a group of luxurious sofas and a low tea table in the middle.

Behind the sofa was a huge floor-to-ceiling window, which could be controlled at will, and any scenery could be reproduced.

A few steps forward, on the left was a small office area, with a high-quality desk and an ergonomic chair, a modern desk lamp and several hardcover books on the desk, and an abstract painting on the wall, adding an artistic atmosphere to the whole space.

Going further in, on the right was a door leading to the cloakroom, which had neatly arranged hangers and storage boxes for guests to store their clothes. Next to the cloakroom was a semi-open mini bar, with a crystal ball-like transmission device on the bar that could produce drinks at will.

The room was very large, and Lin Shan only took a quick glance at other areas. At the back of the room was a large bed more than five meters long.

About four meters high, it is the largest creature that Eta can receive. If it exceeds this size, it can only enter using a carrier.

Lin Shan walked slowly to the big bed, sat down gently, and then began to practice cross-legged.

Even though he was in a resort in the gray fog universe, he could still be calm and time passed quickly beside him.

He was not worried about missing anything because he didn't know what the goal was.

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