Above the gray fog

Chapter 1578 Relics and spirits, the last seventeen years

In the next mural scene, a powerful creature stood up in the world and defeated many alien creatures on its own.

The image of this creature is tall and mighty, exuding unparalleled power.

However, it wasn't long before an equally powerful opponent appeared among the alien creatures.

The two powerful creatures begin to fight.

Their battle led to the complete destruction of the world. Even if the world was destroyed, the two powerful creatures were still in a fierce confrontation.

A new creature suddenly appeared in the next mural scene.

This creature seemed to fall from the sky, taking away the two fighting creatures and disappearing at the end of the screen.

The final mural depicts the ruined world sinking into a desert.

The reason why Lin Shan could tell it was a desert was because the wavy lines in the mural clearly showed the characteristics of the desert and were exactly the same shape as the sand dunes in the outside world.

Lin Shan suddenly realized that this story recorded a story of this scale.

The battle between the two creatures sank the surface void, and after more than 300 scales, it finally settled to 312 scales.

What Lin Shan couldn't determine was whether the square pattern represented an independent world or the void on the surface.

But thinking about the current situation of the gray fog universe, Lin Shan prefers an independent world.

Are those alien creatures alien gods?

The Outer Gods have been invading the void hundreds of ticks ago...

But what kind of battle can make the void sink? Can the Oldest God do it?

Lin Shan is more inclined to think that only the world sank at that time, and the void did not sink.

Lin Shan engraved the content of the mural in his memory bit by bit, which may be used in the future.

After doing all this, Lin Shancai walked to the sand bed.

This skeleton is the person the Magic Box is looking for.

There are no signs of life.

It looks like he died naturally when his life came to an end.

The remaining power on the skeleton is already very weak, and the strength before birth cannot be seen.

There is no need to guess, this person must have been a dominating creature during his lifetime.

Creatures below the level of domination cannot survive the destruction of the world, nor can they know so much.

It might even be the previous owner of the magic box.


Lin Shan suddenly remembered.

The Magic Box is a world relic.

Relics like the Magic Box will be born after the world is destroyed.

Lin Shan vaguely understood in his heart that the destroyed world in the mural might be the foundation world where the magic box was born.

Feeling the restlessness of the magic box, Lin Shan took it out and placed it next to the bed.

A faint purple light emitted from the top of the magic box, and the purple light became brighter and brighter, eventually enveloping the golden skeleton.

Lin Shan saw two vague figures looming in the purple light.

"The world relic...is conscious?" Lin Shan asked.

"A very few are conscious, like the Box of Disaster, which only has unwillingness and hatred." The little devil touched his chin and analyzed, "Of course, I thought so at first, but now it seems that the Box of Disaster has experienced thousands of After becoming a master, a weak consciousness was born.”

Lin Shan thought thoughtfully, "So it comes here...just to remember its own world?"

"It shouldn't be that simple." The little devil stared at the inside of the purple light. "Is the outer god going to return to the surface void again? The conscious relics of the world should be preparing for revenge."

"So, they are helpers?" Lin Shan narrowed his eyes. This news was very important to him.

If these world relics can be brought together to fight against the alien gods...will the Gray Mist Universe have a glimmer of hope?

"The actions of the World Relics are only driven by hatred. It is impossible to use them." The little devil ruthlessly broke Lin Shan's fantasy, "However, the World Relics can indeed share the pressure of your world to a limited extent. In fact, it is better than nothing. ”

"By the way, after the destruction of a super-large world like the Gray Mist Universe, in addition to leaving behind the Abyss Book-level relics, there is a high probability that a relic will be born. The relic has memories of the world before it was alive. They are related to the world. Like relics, they were born with the hatred and reluctance of the world. If the relics form a union, they can deal a heavy blow to the outer gods. But I remember that the number of relics is very small. Normally, only one relic can be born in one tick. Although there are The relics did shine for a few ticks, but now I’m afraid there aren’t many relics left in the world, and almost all of them have been killed by the outer gods.”

The little devil on Lin Shan's head chattered endlessly to supplement Lin Shan's knowledge in this area.

"Is this the relic you are talking about?" Lin Shan pointed at the golden skeleton that had sat up unknowingly.

"Yeah." The little devil nodded repeatedly, "World relics don't have emotions like the relics. To commemorate the world, world relics definitely can't do it. Therefore, when the Disaster Box comes here, it is most likely to find the relics. ”

"So this ghost is aggressive?" Lin Shan quietly took a step back.

"Don't worry, it won't attack you." The little devil assured him as he patted his chest.

And indeed it is.

The golden skull turned to look at Lin Shan, with no expression visible on the skull's face and empty eye sockets.

It picked up the Disaster Box next to it, put it in the palm of its hand, and then handed it to Lin Shan.

"Thank...thank...you." It seemed that because he had been asleep for so long, even his words were somewhat stumbling.

Lin Shan took the magic box with a sigh of relief and asked, "Are you going to seek revenge from an alien god next?"

"Too many companions...sacrificed, we...are...no longer able...to fight the Outer Gods. This time...I...will not...participate." The Golden Skull's mouth did not move, but voices continued to come out.

"Then why did you choose to wake up at this time?" Lin Shan asked,

"The time...is up..." the Golden Skull replied.

Lin Shan was puzzled, "What time?"

According to the little devil, the relic spirits all hate the Outer Gods. Does the Golden Skull in front of him have other tasks?

"The time agreed with other companions has come." The Skull raised his head and scanned the murals in the clay pot. His words became more and more fluent.

"You mean, meet with other relic spirits first, and make the next decision after discussion?" Lin Shan continued to ask. Whether it is the world relics or the relic spirits, they are extremely rare external forces that resist the Outer Gods at this stage. If they can play a role, it will be like a timely help for the Gray Mist Universe.

"Yes." The golden skull was silent for a while, and finally nodded, "But... we need to accumulate strength. This time, we will not take action."

"Can you tell me how to contact you?" Lin Shan looked at the golden skull.

The golden skull looked at Lin Shan for a while, and finally said, "Come to Scale 576, where you can find us. We will not leave in a short time."

"Thank you." Lin Shan thanked softly and looked at the skull, "If you don't have anything to ask me, I'll leave."

The golden skull shook his head slowly.

"Return to Green Day." Lin Shan made a wish to the magic box.

The scene in front of him changed quickly,

He appeared in Green Day's villa.

Ethan Black was still lying on the armchair basking in the sun, as if he had moved,

Mia was staying in her room, Lao Wang and Helen were not in the villa.

Lin Shan did not talk to them, and went straight back to his room.

He needed to think carefully about what he should do in the last seventeen years.

Lin Shan just sat cross-legged on the bed, and his eyes just closed and suddenly opened again.

"Human Emperor?"

"Lin Shan, I heard that the Soul Town is in your hands? Can you lend it to Green Day? Green Day is a bit tight in the recent confrontation with Yuanting." The Human Emperor stated his purpose directly.

"No, I have already said that the Soul Town will only be handed over to the front-line forces against the Outer Gods." Lin Shan refused without hesitation.

The Human Emperor seemed to be choked for a moment, "I haven't felt the feeling of being rejected for a long time."

"There is a ready-made road for you to take, why do you want to find another way? Do you know that it is a dead end?" The Human Emperor sighed lightly and looked at Lin Shan.

"Your way can't protect what I want to protect." Lin Shan replied.

The Human Emperor stared at Lin Shan for a long time, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated.

Leaving only one sentence, "We have walked your way a long time ago, and it is not feasible."

After the Human Emperor left, Lin Shan continued to sit cross-legged.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Shan said to himself.

"It's time to meet them."

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