Above the gray fog

Chapter 159 Grass Spirits and Twilight Clan

Pioneer Hall.

The Pioneer Hall is located in the center of Yongchang City. The original Pioneer Square has been transformed into the Pioneer Hall which covers an extremely large area after more than seventy years of development.

However, the Pioneer Hall in front of you is not the residence of the pioneers, but is used for tourists to pay their respects. In the middle position, eleven pioneer statues tens of meters high stand here.

The statue is surrounded by eleven halls, which record the deeds of the pioneers. The interior of the halls is also empty and is also used for tourists to pay their respects.

Use this to collect more power of faith.

The real residence of the pioneers is decided by the pioneers themselves. Some people want to live in modern villas, some want to live more modestly, and some even live in the gray fog and do not return home for several years. Of course, it must be Only Sequence 8 has this courage.

In the center of the eleven pioneer statues, there is a stone pillar with a height of more than 100 meters. The diameter of the stone pillar reaches 30 meters. At the top of the stone pillar, there is an antique hall. Although it covers a small area, it is unusual. majestic and solemn.

This is what everyone in the human race knows. It is the common residence of the pioneers, and it is also the point of discussion in the court. All the choices of the human race that affect history will be finalized here.

At this moment, in front of the ten-meter-long conference table in the main hall, Xia Xuan dragged her chin with one hand, and the black light in her hand flickered and changed into various shapes, while she listened boredly to Wu Wang, who was opposite, introducing the situation within the clan.

She was accompanying the audience, and the real audience was Lin Shan sitting next to her.

For two full hours, Wu Wang said that his mouth was dry before he stopped and said to Lin Shan, "I'll get a glass of water."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, thinking about the various changes in the human race.

The human race now has a population of only seven million, but it has a tribe with a diameter of thousands of kilometers. Such a huge tribe area carries a lot of various resources.

The population of seven million is divided into six cities, which are distributed throughout the clan area to facilitate the suppression of evil and weirdness in the clan area, and at the same time make use of resources everywhere.

The barrier is not absolutely safe. Occasionally, there will be evil or strange phenomena, especially evil. Evil attacks on human vehicles on the highway occur from time to time. People must be sent to the roads connecting cities every once in a while. Clean up.

"Let me tell you about the choices we have to face now." Wu Wang came over with a glass of water.

Xia Xuan glanced at him, stood up, and walked toward the interior of the hall.

"What choice?" Lin Shan asked.

Wu Wang took a sip of tea and continued:

"As there are more and more extraordinary people in the clan, the scope of our exploration of the gray mist is getting wider and wider. During the exploration, we encountered a new race - the Grass Elf clan."

"This race is very strange. Although they are also in human form, they can perform 'photosynthesis', which is similar to an automatic practice. They can bring up weak spirituality from the sun, so... all members of this race are pseudo-supernatural!"


"No, we don't know where their tribe is. We only know that it is about 20,000 kilometers away from us. They don't know where our tribe is, but they want to cooperate with us to develop and exchange benefits." Wu Forgot shook his head and said.

"How can we cooperate if we don't know each other's clan?"

Wu Wang smiled and said: "It's a coincidence that one of our extraordinary teams strayed into their tribe while looking for potion materials. Of course, they were caught as a result, but not only did the Grass Fairy tribe not treat them maliciously, The extraordinary team also kept them in the clan and provided them with good food and drink. It was not until a year later that the team learned their language that the two parties began to communicate for the first time. "

"Uh, are they used to eating?" Lin Shan asked subconsciously. Then he realized that his focus seemed to be wrong, and immediately corrected it and asked, "What is the content of the exchange?"


"The Grass Elf tribe said that they have a sage who has the ability to predict. However, they did not tell the content of the prophecy. Instead, they directly said that they want to cooperate with us. They can provide endless food for the human race."

"What do they want?"

"The human race's spiritual weapon."

"Has the research been completed?"

"The weapon with the highest damage is comparable to a Sequence 8 blow."

"How do they know we have spiritual weapons? Prophecy?"

"No." Wu Wang shook his head and said: "Each extraordinary team is equipped with it. The team has been drinking tea with them for a year, and their weapons have also been studied by them for a year."

He added another sentence:

"The 'whirlpool spirit patterns' that are integrated into the spiritual instrument cannot be separated out. If you give them another hundred years, they won't be able to study it."

Lin Shan said speechlessly, "Isn't this obviously aimed at our spiritual weapons, and the non-existent sage came out to deceive people."

"Are they fighting?" Lin Shan asked again.

"Yes, the enemy is called the Twilight Tribe. They are weak and they became interested after seeing our weapons." Wu Wang replied, then looked at Lin Shan, "What do you think?"

"It's not impossible to simply sell weapons to them, but we should not be short of food and let them exchange them with extraordinary resources. Anyway, the 'whirlpool spirit pattern' has a service life, and we are not afraid of their counterattack." Then he thought of something, look Xiang Wu Wang asked, "How many years have they been developing and how strong are they?"

Wu Wang shook his head and replied: "I don't know. They revealed very little information, and they are very respectful to our people. They seem to regard us as a very powerful race."

"They want to exchange weapons regardless of the threat of the human race. They probably want to go all out. If the human race is a powerful and aggressive race, they can drag the enemy to be buried with them. If they bet right and exchange weapons, it will be a sure win. This is a good plan. As expected, there are no stupid races in the gray fog." Lin Shan laughed.

After hearing this, Wu Wang also nodded and said, "If they are not a big threat, it would be nice for us to make a wave of war money. If the enemy of the Grass Spirit Tribe, the Twilight Tribe, is about to be defeated, we can also find a way to contact the Twilight Tribe and sell them another batch of weapons..."

"It's really dark." Xia Xuan came slowly with two cups of tea, handed Lin Shan a cup, and then sat back in her original position, commenting only two words. She didn't like to talk, and she talked even less after advancing to Sequence 8.

Wu Wang smiled, "This is the law of survival. We must become stronger by any means to survive better."

Xia Xuan nodded gently and did not refute.

Wu Wang continued:

"Let the Human Race decide on this matter. It's not a big deal. We don't need to interfere everywhere. Since we have retreated behind the scenes, let the Human Race play their own role. We just need to protect the Human Race."

"Hmm." Lin Shan took a sip of the tea in the cup and found that the tea was more fragrant than that of seventy years ago. Then he asked: "Who are the Human Race's Sequence 8? Where are the other pioneers?"

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