Above the gray fog

Chapter 1601 Crescent Law

"I should be considered a special type..." After hearing Jin Tianzong's previous introduction, Lin Shan felt that his situation should belong to the special type.

However, compared to the special type, his sublimation speed is a bit too fast.

Except for Zhao Xiaoan, Jin Tianzong and Yan Ruxin all looked at Lin Shan curiously, waiting for Lin Shan's next answer.

"I only need to practice the 'method' in the old days' exercises to continuously obtain sublimation energy. On average, each exercise can provide 2-3 sublimations." Lin Shan truthfully told his current situation.

"So that's how it is." Jin Tianzong patted Lin Shan's shoulder sympathetically. "It's really miserable. The old days' exercises are not so easy to practice in the beginning, and there are many mutually exclusive existences in the old days' exercises."

"How many years do you get sublimation energy on average?" Yan Ruxin stared at Lin Shan and asked tentatively,

"On average... you can get sublimation energy three times every two years." Lin Shan said.

Jin Tianzong's hand that was patting Lin Shan suddenly froze in mid-air.

"In other words, you can practice an old day's exercise every two years?" Yan Ruxin asked.

Lin Shan nodded, "Yeah."

Yan Ruxin took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Xiaoan next to him, "You saw it a long time ago? That's why you noticed that Lin Shan needed time..."

Zhao Xiaoan did not deny it, "If you observe carefully, you will find that there are many different kinds of power surrounding Lin Shan, mostly elemental power and natural power. The strange thing is that these powers are more or less overlapping."

Hearing this, Yan Ruxin's eyes flashed with colorful power and she carefully observed the surroundings of Lin Shan.

After a moment, she shook her head slowly, "I'm still a little short of it. I can't see it. I can only feel that there are signs of overlap in the space around Lin Shan."

"That's not the overlap of space." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head, "It's the overlap of power. Although I don't know what's going on, Lin Shan's body seems to be able to isolate each of the old skills separately. The gains of each skill do not affect each other, but they exist in one body, so there is this sense of overlapping power."

At this time, Jin Tianzong's arm was still frozen in mid-air, but his mouth was gradually opening.

Yan Ruxin nodded thoughtfully, "Although there are many old techniques, the techniques that lead directly to the Great Dao have some overlaps, and even some mutually exclusive routes. The reason why Lin Shan can accommodate so many kinds of energy is because he is constantly adding. Whether it is overlapping or exclusive, it can be regarded as brand new by his body."

Jin Tianzong slowly put down his arm and wiped the non-existent dust on Lin Shan's shoulder, "Is there such a physique in the world?"

"Physique?" Yan Ruxin looked at Jin Tianzong in confusion, "Didn't you say before that there are all kinds of opportunities for sublimation? The reason why Lin Shan can do this is because his opportunity for sublimation is like this."

"Ahahaha, of course I understand this kind of thing." Jin Tianzong put his hands behind his back and said in a heavy voice, "In the endless wandering of history, I have lost many memories..."

The three ignored him. Lin Shan's opportunity for sublimation gave Yan Ruxin new hope.

She approached Lin Shan and asked solemnly, "Lin Shan, how many exercises do you have now?"

Lin Shan calculated in his mind. After leaving Principal Crow, he had completed 19 exercises and had not yet practiced 1301.

In recent years, he has practiced 6 more exercises, and the number of exercises he has practiced has become 25. Not long ago, he obtained 17 new and old exercises from the Garden of Eden.

"I have only practiced 25, and there are still 1310 exercises that I have not practiced." Lin Shan said.

Yan Ruxin frowned slightly, "In other words, if you can clear all the inventory, you can get more than four thousand sublimations?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

"Normally, if the number of sublimations exceeds one thousand times, it can be comparable to the strength of the first entry sequence 0. Four thousand times... It is about the strength of beating three first entry sequence 0s. A normal sequence 0 can beat two first entry sequence 0s. A normal master can slap dozens of first entry sequence 0s with one slap." Jin Tianzong kept reciting, like some kind of unit to calculate the strength of sequence 0.

So, entering Sequence 0 is a unit of measurement? Lin Shan thought silently in his heart.

"Jin Tianzong is right. Even if there are 4,000 sublimations, it will not have much effect... Only Sequence 1 with at least 10,000 sublimations can cause damage to the master." Yan Ruxin looked at Zhao Xiaoan, "Are there other places in the Gray Mist Universe where the old skills are hidden?"

"Shen Ting." Zhao Xiaoan said lightly.

"The Divine Court... should be buried in the abyss, right? In this last era, the Divine Court will most likely come out." Yan Ruxin looked into the distance, "Since Lin Shan has such great potential, why don't we go find the Divine Court after Lin Shan finishes practicing this technique?"

"Zhou Huansheng is looking for the Divine Court. If he really finds it, he will definitely contact us. We can temporarily not get involved in the Divine Court." Zhao Xiaoan thought for a while and said, "Let's go find the Sequence 1 I know first. Every second is precious now."

"Okay, you lead the way."

Zhao Xiaoan stretched out his hand, and a crescent-shaped, somewhat transparent spaceship appeared out of thin air.

Zhao Xiaoan stood at the bow and reminded, "Come on up."

Jin Tianzong squinted and stared at the red crescent in front of him, "This thing... is not a mount, right?"

Zhao Xiaoan turned around and gave him a smile, "I didn't expect you still remember it."

Jin Tianzong shuddered and sat on the crescent.

Yan Ruxin followed closely and stepped on.

Lin Shan also followed Yan Ruxin's example and stood at the back of the crescent moon.

The thing underfoot has a glass texture as a whole, exuding a red light like the red moon. The overall length is only about four meters, and the width is very narrow, enough for Jin Tianzong to sit astride and ride on it.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Zhao Xiaoan's fingertips made a few random strokes in front of him.

The red moon in the sky suddenly became brighter, and a beam of moonlight shone directly on the crescent moon.

Immediately afterwards, the crescent moon merged directly into the red light and disappeared.

There was nothing but bright red all around.

I don't know how long it took before Crescent Moon broke through the bright red world.

It was like flying out of the red moon and falling diagonally towards the gray mist.

Zhao Xiaoan immediately put away the crescent moon and reminded everyone, "Control your breath, this is the jurisdiction of Yuanting."

"That crescent moon just now...is a ray of Tao?" Yan Ruxin asked slightly worriedly.

"Yes, it was broken off from the red moon. It's okay. He can't do anything to me." Zhao Xiaoan nodded slightly, "Follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xiaoan turned into a beam of red light and rushed into a jade building.

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