Above the gray fog

Chapter 1603 Hard Times

Lin Changsheng and the woman named Miaomiao were walking through the boundless yellow sand.

This is the boundary of their island.

Living in the yellow sand, you only need to raise your head to see clearly the star system ahead.

Lin Shan's sight shifted all the way, and finally returned to the middle of the floating continent.

Huang Liu and Tu Shan Anyi were sitting upright, staring intently at an eighty-inch crystal screen.

What was playing on the crystal screen was exactly what Lin Changsheng and Miaomiao were going through.

Lin Shan originally wanted to discuss how to set up a robbery with Huang Liu and Tu Shan Anyi.

But seeing their concerned looks, Lin Shan could only give up this plan.

He suddenly appeared next to Lin Changsheng.

"Changsheng, are we really going to die here?" behind Lin Changsheng, Miaomiao said dejectedly.

"No, we will definitely get out of this desert, Miaomiao, you must believe me!" Lin Changsheng turned around and looked at Miaomiao solemnly, "This little difficulty can't stop us."

Although Miaomiao still wanted to say something depressing, looking at Lin Chang's confident look, she could only place all her hopes on Lin Changsheng. She returned her sincere gaze and said, "Changsheng, I believe in you."

"By the way, has your flying sword been charged?" Miaomiao suddenly asked as if she remembered something.

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng pulled out a two-meter-long sword from the storage device.

It looks like a big sword. This is a flying mount based on a sword.

Lin Changsheng patted the sword and said, "No, it probably won't be used for another month."

"All right."

Miaomiao suddenly pointed forward, "That sand dune looks familiar to me."

"Oh? Really? Have you finally found the direction back?" Lin Changsheng put away his sword and looked happy.

"No, I mean, we're going in circles again..."

Lin Shan followed behind them, and he could probably understand it from the simple conversation between the two.

They are looking for their way back.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not get out of this desert.

This desert was deliberately arranged by Lin Shan.

If he followed the normal speed and included the exploration along the way, Lin Shan estimated that it would take more than ten years for Lin Changsheng to travel through these ten light years.

He left a lot of good things on the land outside, but now it seems that they haven't encountered any of them.

They flew over directly using the big sword mount.

Although this is different from what Lin Shan imagined, it does not hinder the subsequent layout.

The nine calamities are the calamity of emotions, the calamity of poverty, the calamity of obsession, the calamity of greed, the calamity of failure, the calamity of separation, the calamity of illness, the calamity of aging, and the calamity of life and death.

At this moment, Lin Shan has a deeper understanding of the Nine Tribulations. The so-called Nine Tribulations are to make people suffer and sublimate humanity from suffering. After all, true humanity mostly needs to be inspired by suffering.

Only by experiencing suffering that is different from ordinary people can we balance the sense of detachment brought by divinity.

Lin Shan didn't know whether those who were born as gods should survive the Nine Tribulations, but if divinity was given by nature, the Nine Tribulations would be particularly important.

"Get over poverty first." Lin Shan said to himself, following his thoughts.

A series of buildings appeared in the yellow sand ahead, as if they were cities growing out of the desert.

The outline of the city looked a little blurry under the scorching sun, like a mirage.

When Lin Changsheng and Miaomiao discovered the city ahead, vigilance flashed in their eyes, but it was quickly replaced by joy.

They looked at each other and walked in without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the city, Lin Changsheng felt that the spirituality in his body disappeared without a trace, as if it had been sucked away by some force.

Lin Changsheng frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Miaomiao also felt this change. She held Lin Changsheng's hand tightly and whispered, "Changsheng, what's going on? I can't feel spirituality anymore..."

Lin Changsheng was about to comfort her when he suddenly saw from the corner of his eye two people wearing animal furs rushing from behind, with a group of menacing figures behind them.

Without stopping at all, they almost stepped on Lin Changsheng and Miaomiao, and took off all the storage equipment on their bodies.

"Robber!" Lin Changsheng was shocked, and then he was pushed to the ground again, and Miaomiao was also knocked to the side.

Lin Changsheng gritted his teeth and climbed up, looking around. Those figures had disappeared at the end of the street, leaving them alone on the ground in a miserable state.

Most of the buildings in the city they were in were sand houses made of yellow sand. The walls were rough and seemed to collapse at any time.

At the door of each sand house are signs made of various animal skins, including the hides of wild beasts, feathers of birds, and the bones of various unknown animals.

The streets are narrow and winding, and the ground is covered with thick sand. Waves of yellow sand rise as people walk, and the air is filled with a dry breath, mixed with the fishy smell of animal fur.

"Where have we come?" Miaomiao asked in a low voice, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

Lin Changsheng did not answer, but held Miaomiao's hand tightly and looked forward firmly.

"It's okay, it's better here than the yellow sand with nothing." Lin Changsheng comforted.

Lin Changsheng turned to look behind him and found that the passage from the rear had disappeared, as if it had never existed.

He suddenly felt helpless in his heart, they must be trapped in this city.

"I seem to be hungry..." Miaomiao said a little embarrassed.

"Me too." Lin Changsheng nodded helplessly, "The spirituality contained in the flesh has also been stripped away, and our bodies are now the same as ordinary people."

"Since there are people here, let's ask for directions and find something to eat. It's not a good idea to be hungry." Lin Changsheng suggested.

Miaomiao nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Whenever they tried to ask passers-by, the other party either avoided them or showed a vigilant look.

They walked to a stall, which was a food stall covered with rags. The stall owner was a middle-aged man in shabby clothes, with wrinkles on his face and tired and indifferent eyes.

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and asked politely, "Excuse me, how should we eat if we have no money?"

The stall owner looked up at them and said coldly, "No money? How can we eat if we have no money?"

Lin Changsheng smiled awkwardly and tried to explain, "We just got here and haven't exchanged the money from you yet. Can we..."

"Get out if you don't have money!" The stall owner waved his hand impatiently and even stood up to drive them away by force.

Lin Changsheng and Miaomiao left helplessly and continued to wander on the street.

They tried to find some people who looked more friendly, but were rejected coldly every time.

Gradually, the feeling of hunger became stronger.

The sky gradually darkened, the noise of the street gradually became sparse, and the number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased.

Lin Changsheng and Miaomiao walked to a dilapidated sand house, which was a simple building made of stones and mud, with a few pieces of worn animal skins hanging at the door.

"This is an abandoned sand house. Let's stay here tonight and find a way tomorrow." Lin Changsheng said weakly.


They walked into the house, which only had some shabby furniture and messy items. Lin Changsheng searched around and finally found some dry and hard bread and a pot of spoiled water in a corner.

In such a poor place, how could there be bread and water in this broken house?

But the two people tortured by hunger had no energy to think about these things.

"Just make do with it, it's better than starving to death." Lin Changsheng said helplessly.

They sat on the ground and shared the dry and hard bread.

Miaomiao took a bite and frowned, but still insisted on eating it.

The night fell completely, and the city fell into silence.

Lin Changsheng and Miaomiao leaned against each other and tried to make themselves fall asleep, but hunger and cold made it difficult for them to fall asleep.

This city built in the desert has a huge temperature difference between day and night.

"Changsheng, can we really find a way out here?" Miaomiao's voice was trembling.

"We will definitely find it, Miaomiao." Lin Changsheng said, although he was full of uncertainty, he could only say this.

Just as they were about to fall asleep, footsteps were heard outside the door.

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