Above the gray fog

Chapter 1608: High-level Outer Gods Invading the Middle Thousand Worlds

Lin Shan looked at Tu Shan Anyi, who was the person who had changed the most.

"The pain now is to prepare for that slim hope. If it succeeds, without strength, you will not be able to survive in the future world."

"Don't you have it? Can't you protect him?" Tu Shan Anyi asked back.

"Do you think I have an obligation to protect him?" Lin Shan said slowly, "Only when he becomes stronger can the problem be solved. No one has the obligation to protect him."

"Okay, okay." Huang Liu came out to smooth things over. "Lin Shan rarely comes here. Don't make the atmosphere so stiff. Come on, let's drink! Just be happy. What doomsday? We have seen it before. How many doomsdays did the human circle experience back then? Didn't we survive? Don't scare yourself."

Huang Liu raised his glass, and the smile on his face didn't seem fake at all.

Lin Shan clinked glasses with him.

Although the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Lin Shan still accompanied them to finish the meal.

After leaving Huang Liu's house, Lin Shan entered the kingdom of heaven again.

Received the memory of the clone stationed in the kingdom of heaven.

Roughly sort out the development and changes of the Kingdom of Heaven in the past eleven years.

Two things attracted Lin Shan's interest.

The first thing is that the Kingdom of Heaven game has evolved again.

Today's Kingdom of Heaven game can transfer his body at will.

In simple terms, he can go to any place where there are believers of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This function is like a timely help to Lin Shan now.

Although he can go wherever he wants with the magic box, the magic box is a world relic after all. He and the magic box have only reached a temporary tacit understanding, and these wishes must be returned later.

This ability of the Kingdom of Heaven game will undoubtedly reduce the number of times he uses the magic box.

Lin Shan began to sort out the second thing that concerned him.

When he followed the lookouts to travel in the void, he once sowed faith in a middle thousand world, opened up the right to enter hell for them, and opened up the only passage to the outside of the gray fog for the Kingdom of Heaven players.

Now, that middle thousand world has completely become Lin Shan's territory.

Most of the tasks issued by the Kingdom of Heaven game to that world are related to construction.

But not long ago, the Middle Thousand World, which had just recovered a little vitality, was inexplicably invaded by an alien god.

The soul has confirmed that it is indeed an alien god.

There is only one alien god, and he just glanced at the ground and destroyed most of the infrastructure of that world.

"Why would a powerful alien god invade the Middle Thousand World..." Lin Shan said to himself.

As far as he knows, except for the low-level alien gods who participated in the boundary contract mission, the powerful alien gods simply disdain to invade the world outside the gray fog universe.

They are not interested in places that can be destroyed with a breath.

From the information obtained from the soul, it can be roughly inferred that the alien god who invaded this Middle Thousand World is most likely at the sequence 0 level, and the specific strength cannot be inferred.

He is in the Middle Thousand World, and he will burst the Middle Thousand World if he is not careful.

"Do you want to go and see?" Lin Shan was entangled.

What if it is a powerful alien god, he may not be able to come back.

But if he can't even take this risk, how to face the alien gods head-on in the future?

Suddenly, Lin Shan had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

He thought of a good idea.


Inside the palace.

Lin Shan stood in the center of the palace. With his divine power, piles of straw suddenly appeared in the palace and quickly piled up until the entire palace was filled.

Jin Tianzong was holding a book and reading it in a trance. He was interrupted by the sudden darkness. He raised his head and found that he was buried in straw. "Lin Shan... what are you doing?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"This is soul straw." Lin Shan's voice came from the other side of the straw. "You use straw to make a little man who can carry all the power. Come with me to do something later."

"Soul straw..." Zhao Xiaoan whispered.

Yan Ruxin smiled slightly, "It's the Soul Town."

The three of them were all knowledgeable people. When they heard about the soul straw, they immediately thought of the source tool - the Soul Town.

"Yes, it is the Land of Souls." Lin Shan nodded and confirmed, "Let's start quickly, use as much as you can."

A hint of joy flashed in Jin Tianzong's eyes, "I didn't expect that the Land of Souls is in your hands, then we won't be polite." As he said, he immediately urged his divine power, rolled up the surrounding straw, and began to seriously make the little man.

Zhao Xiaoan and Yan Ruxin also joined the action, their fingers flexibly shuttled between the straws, and after a few twists, the straws turned into the shape of a little man.

Next, they began to fill the straw endlessly.

For a while, the straws were flying all over the sky.

Seeing that the straws that filled the palace were almost at the bottom, Lin Shan continued to fill.

Five minutes later.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaoan was the first to stop.

Yan Ruxin and Jin Tianzong followed closely and each completed the little man in his hand.

Lin Shan looked at the little man in the hands of the three people.

Zhao Xiaoan used about 10,000 kilograms of straw.

Yan Ruxin and Jin Tianzong used about 1,000 kilograms each.

Lin Shan looked down at the straw in his hand again.

More than 2,400 kilograms.

From the amount of soul straw they used, it was clear to see their respective strength levels.

"I have a station in the middle thousand worlds in the void, which was invaded by a sequence 0 level outer god not long ago." Lin Shan began to explain the next plan, "Let's go meet that outer god first. There must be a reason for the sequence 0 level outer god to stay in the middle thousand worlds. With the soul straw as a backup, everyone does not have to worry about safety issues."

"Okay." Yan Ruxin nodded slightly, still maintaining the usual response, "You decide."

"Outer gods are looking for something in the middle thousand worlds?" Jin Tianzong touched his chin thoughtfully, "It's interesting."

Zhao Xiaoan hummed lightly, indicating that he was ready.

Lin Shan took a deep breath. This was the first time he used the transfer ability of the Kingdom of Heaven game, and the technique was still unfamiliar.

As Lin Shan moved his mind, a black gas rose under the feet of the four people. This breath was extremely cold and filled with the breath of death.

The black gas swirled and wrapped the four people separately, and finally dissipated with the wind.


Middle thousand worlds

Four streams of black air burst out from the ground, swirling and expanding. When the black air dissipated, the four people were already standing on this unfamiliar land.

"This place...is no longer the gray fog universe." Yan Ruxin opened her eyes and looked down at her palm, "There is no spirituality, but it is filled with another extraordinary energy, very weak."

"Be careful, restrain your strength, our strength will explode this world." Zhao Xiaoan reminded in a low voice.

"Where are the outer gods?" Jin Tianzong looked around, "Where are the outer gods?"

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