Above the gray fog

Chapter 1622: The remains of the Dragon Palace?

Under Lin Shan's deliberate oppression, the gang leaders in the audience bowed their heads.

At this moment, the same thought arose in all of their hearts, "The sky in heaven is going to change!"

"I have given you the basic permission of the Kingdom of Heaven. You can handle the rest yourself." Lin Shan's voice became increasingly blurred until it disappeared.


No one complained at all about Lin Shan's behavior of letting go of the shopkeeper.

Such a living heaven, full of busy people with different affairs, is the greatest gift to them who are lifeless.

outside world.

Lin Shan's consciousness returned.

Above the wolves.

Four people opened their eyes at the same time.

Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan, "Has it been dealt with?"

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded.

"I have some bad news for you." Zhao Xiaoan handed the invitation to Lin Shan, "Take a look again."

Lin Shan opened the invitation.

[Countdown to the gray fog barrier breaking is 149 days, 21:12:40. ]

[The gathering time for the final chapter of the universe is 100 days. ]

"?" Lin Shan blinked to make sure he wasn't dazzled.

"Two hundred days were missing out of thin air?" Lin Shan was confused.

Yan Ruxin explained, "It's not out of thin air. The barrier breaking time is calculated based on the final endurance of the barrier. Once attacked by an alien god, the time will be reduced."

"Just watching the outer gods attack the barrier?"

"Of course I won't just watch like this, but those who dare to attack the barrier must be strong. Sometimes, if you get a surprise punch, there is nothing you can do."

"Let nature take its course." Lin Shan closed the invitation, "At least complete one last thing before the barrier is broken."

Lin Shan looked at Rick again.

Rick is in the empty prison of Scale 4, sitting on a floating meteorite.

Surrounded by endless void, a few lonely stars can occasionally be seen twinkling.

The surface of the meteorite is pitted and emitted with a faint light, adding a strange atmosphere to the whole scene.

While Rick was deep in thought, Lin Shan quietly appeared behind him.

Rick suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching. He turned around suddenly and almost fell from the meteorite. His face instantly turned pale and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Take me to the ruins." Lin Shan said straight to the point, with a majestic tone that could not be refused.

"Okay...okay." Rick stuttered back, his voice trembling.

He tried to calm down, but the fear in his heart still couldn't be completely concealed.

"Are you... that adult?" Rick asked tremblingly, looking at the blurry figures behind him.

"It's me." Lin Shan nodded slightly and motioned for Rick to lead the way.

Rick didn't dare to have any objections and flew all the way in front.

Half a day later.

The land of gray fog.

Below is a vast sea with sparkling waves and no land within billions of kilometers.

"Under the sea." Rick pointed to the sea.

"Lead the way." Lin Shan said calmly.

Hearing the sound, Rick was frightened again and dived into the seabed without hesitation.

As they dived, the water gradually turned red and eventually turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Every few hundred meters apart, there is a strange one entrenched, mostly with the strength of Sequence 7 and Sequence 6, but the number is very large.

The sea of ​​​​blood exudes a strong smell of blood, as if the blood of countless creatures has gathered here.

Sea of ​​blood?

Lin Shan had many interactions with the Sea of ​​Blood, Lake of Blood, and River of Blood.

As if thinking of something, Lin Shan scanned the entire ocean with his eyes.

Sure enough, as he thought, this ocean was not just divided into two layers.

The sea of ​​blood below is strange.

Its vague aura reaches at least the level of Sequence Two.

But for some unknown reason, the leaked breath was extremely weak, as if he was sleeping.

Seeing the doubts in Lin Shan's heart, Zhao Xiaoan decrypted it directly, "All the seas of blood, lakes of blood, and even small puddles of blood and water you see are strange, they are all powerful and strange fragments."

"That powerful Weird was once an emperor of the Divine Court, with extraordinary strength. He ended up like this because he used Weird's body to fight against the enemy in the First Era and was shattered."

"Is that so..." Lin Shan murmured to himself, and then asked, "Do you know about the Silky Thread Fish? The Silly Thread Fish is also in fragments, right?"

"Sly Fish... I don't know very clearly. The initial materials of each era are different. The sequence stone marks the materials that are nearby. Only the Purple Soul Flower is the core material of 'Heart Light', and the other two The materials are random, and any material that can stabilize the medicinal properties of the Purple Soul Flower can be used," Zhao Xiaoan said slowly.


When they dived to a certain depth, the blood began to stir restlessly.

This stirring feeling comes from a huge blood tornado below.

"It's inside." Rick pointed to the blood tornado, "There is a natural passage inside."

Lin Shan grabbed Rick with one hand and rushed into the blood tornado without hesitation.

Zhao Xiaoan and three others followed closely behind.

Inside the Blood Tornado, everything was calm and calm, as if you were in another world.

The surrounding blood and water seemed to be separated by an invisible force, forming a hollow area.

Everyone went down this passage and finally found the entrance to the ruins at the bottom.

It was a hole in space, with several obvious cracks on the edge of the hole, as if it had experienced some kind of huge impact.

"Why don't I feel the breath of the Holy Spirit..." Lin Shan said to himself. He was sure that the Holy Spirit was still alive and in this ruins.

After thinking for a while, Lin Shan roughly understood what was going on.

The Holy Spirit may have temporarily hidden. It didn't dare to let Lin Shan find its location, because the enemy would also take the opportunity to find it.

"Enemy... is it weird?"

As everyone continued to go deeper, they began to gradually see the true appearance of this ruins.

This is a group of underwater palaces, and they seemed to have entered the legendary Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Huge palaces were scattered everywhere.

The four looked at each other and decided to explore the nearest palace first, which was the outer perimeter of the ruins mentioned by Rick.

Passing through the long corridor built in the water, everyone entered the corridor in front of the palace.

The walls around the corridor were inlaid with various gems, emitting soft light, illuminating the road ahead like a dream.

The surrounding fish swam in groups beside them, and the colorful fish scales flashed in the light, as if welcoming their arrival.

Continue to move forward for hundreds of meters and enter a side hall in the palace. The broken carvings and incomplete floor tiles tell of Rick's violent demolition.

The things here have been looted.

Some dead monsters were scattered around, silent.

"Further inside, there is a powerful monster, I haven't been in." Rick said suddenly while walking.

Everyone ignored him and continued to go deeper into the main hall.

The pillars in the palace were inlaid with various gems, the ground was covered with gorgeous carpets, and various magic weapons were hung on the walls around.

At the top of the palace was an extremely gorgeous throne, and there was no one on the throne.

Suddenly, the surrounding water flow showed huge fluctuations.

A huge eye stared at them through the window of the palace.

The eye exuded a cold light, full of threats and hostility.

"Dragon?" Jin Tianzhong shouted in surprise.

"It's not a dragon, it should be a dragon?" Yan Ruxin guessed.

"No." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head, his expression solemn, "It's a dragon, a dead dragon."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone smelled a strong smell of death and rot.

"Don't worry about it, there are several doors next to it, let's look for it separately." Zhao Xiaoan said.

Now that they have entered the ruins, everyone wants to see what is hidden in the ruins.

"Yes." Everyone nodded. They were not worried about the risk of being defeated one by one if they acted separately. This was due to their confidence in their own strength.

There were two doors on each side of the throne, and the four people each chose one.

Lin Shan put Rick into the Zhulong Ring and then entered the second door on the right.

If he guessed correctly, this ruins was most likely a dragon palace in the past. Whether it was the legendary East China Sea Dragon Palace was still unknown.

Lin Shan entered the door and stopped after taking two steps, using his divine power of the sky eye to explore the situation in the depths.

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