Above the gray fog

Chapter 1625 The most elite gathering of the Gray Mist

The surrounding space twisted and changed, and several people felt a strong pulling feeling.

With a moment of dizziness, the scene in front of them gradually became clearer, and they appeared in a circular arena filled with fog.

Gray fog filled the air, like an invisible barrier, filling the entire site with a mysterious and depressing atmosphere.

The center of the arena was obscured by gray fog, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Surrounding the center are countless high-backed chairs. These tall and majestic chairs are specially designed for gods.

On every chair, there is a strong man from all corners of the universe sitting. Their figures are tall and straight, and their momentum is compelling.

There were dense crowds of people, as well as many inhuman creatures with all kinds of strange shapes.

Lin Shan and others sat at the back.

Being in the back row, the field of vision is wider.

"Arena? Is that the source tool..." Jin Tianzong stretched out his hand to grasp, as if to catch the misty mist.

"Well..." Zhao Xiaoan nodded slightly, "That source tool should be in the hands of 'Yuan'."

"It's Him, that's right." Jin Tianzong nodded, "This place... is not suitable for gatherings, the atmosphere is too depressing."

Yan Ruxin leaned back and maintained a comfortable posture. "Let's see, there may be other tricks."

Lin Shan looked around and saw some familiar faces.

There are many people like him who look around as soon as they come in.

There is a huge stone tablet suspended above the arena, and the stone tablet is tied up in the air by chains extending from the back of the arena.

After waiting in place for more than three hours, the number of people in the arena slowed down, and it took another half an hour before the number stopped increasing.

Lin Shan made a rough calculation and found that more than 90,000 people gathered here.

The gray fog dissipated.

A humanoid figure wearing a black robe appeared in the center of the arena.

"Welcome all strong men from all over the universe,"

The voice of the black-robed figure was low and powerful, echoing throughout the entire arena, "Now, I will speak to you on behalf of the Lord of Gray Mist. I invite you here to discuss together how to resist the outer gods and protect the gray mist universe."

His voice seemed to be magical, making everyone hold their breath involuntarily and listen carefully.

"Who is this?" Jin Tianzong asked carelessly.

"It's the clone of 'Yuan'." Zhao Xiaoan saw the details of that person at a glance.

"It seems that no one has come to dominate the body." Yan Ruxin looked down.

"Well, everyone who came is a clone." Zhao Xiaoan said in a low voice, "Only one is missing."

"Who's missing?"

"World Tree."

The person sitting in front of Lin Shan and others seemed to have heard their conversation. He turned his head and looked at them with a friendly smile, "Let me meet you. My name is Gray Bishop."

"Let's get to know each other later." Zhao Xiaoan looked at him and said lightly.

"That's right." The man nodded with a smile, "Business matters, you talk, I won't disturb you anymore."

"This man is sick." Jin Tianzong's voice appeared in everyone's minds.

"He just wants to have a relationship." Yan Xin replied.

"Listen and see what tricks Yuanting is doing." Zhao Xiaoan said. She glanced at Lin Shan and found that Lin Shan was in a daze.

Lin Shan was not in a daze, he just found an acquaintance he cared about.

The Holy Light that I haven’t seen for a long time.

Sitting next to her is Jian.

And that mechanical god, the gear.

In a short period of time, this Holy Light was promoted from Sequence 3 to Sequence 1. At such a speed, it is highly likely that the old memory will be restored.

Lin Shan also had a shield at the level of a Jiyuan Weapon in his hand, which was given to him by the spirit of the ruins of the Tiangong ruins and asked him to return it to the Holy Light after the Holy Light regained his memory.

Now, it's time to give it to her.

But it seems a little inappropriate to give it now...

Call her when the moment is over, Lin Shan thought silently in his heart.

In addition to Sheng Hejian and others, Lin Shan also saw High God Huanyue. She was now Sequence 2. Lin Shan remembered that the Gods were all Sequence 3. It seemed that during this period, the replacement of old and new ones in Yuanting was a bit too fast.

Ranyue, who is related to Huanyue, was not present, probably because of her low strength. The lowest strength in the arena is Sequence 2.

Ranyue's Grand Ancestor is sitting closer to the front, and her strength should have reached Sequence 0 level.

Lin Shan couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought that he had come into contact with such a terrifying person. At that time, he was in a bad mood and even blew himself to death without any explanation.

Just when Lin Shan was distracted, the black-robed figure below continued, "Not long ago, the powerful ones among the Outer Gods joined forces to attack the gray mist barrier. Our gods were unable to stop it, and the gray mist barrier was shattered. This indicates that the Outer Gods The Gray Mist Universe will attack from all directions without any hindrance, and the Gray Mist Universe will face an unprecedented crisis in this era.”

The black-robed figure raised his voice, "At this critical moment, we must unite together to resist the invasion of the alien gods. Before the invasion of the alien gods, I, Yuanting, lost a lot of strength in order to deal with some things. If I want to resist the alien gods again, , I, Yuanting, will definitely not be able to do it on my own.”

Facing this impassioned speech, the gods above booed, and most of them didn't buy it.

It's just some scene talk, everyone knows it.

The man in black robe also understood this truth, and words in a scene can only be words in a scene. He paused and deliberately left a suspense, "Why is this invitation place in the arena? This will be revealed at the end."

Then he got straight to the point and said, "I won't say much about formalities. Yuanting invites you to form an alliance against the outer gods. Those who are willing to join can get the common protection of Yuanting and the alliance. Those who disagree will not be forced, but please remember that if the outer gods target your civilization, Yuanting and the alliance will not lend a hand."

As soon as this was said, the crowd below began to make noise, and everyone discussed in a low voice.

"It seems that there is no harm," someone said, "but it is possible to be used as a gun by Yuanting."

Another person retorted: "What is a gun? But if the gray fog universe is destroyed, no one can escape."

"There is still a difference. Being used as a gun will die faster."

"No matter what, for the sake of my civilization and descendants, I can only fight."

"In my opinion, it is better to think of other ways."

"What can we do? The outer gods suddenly attacked, and we were not prepared at all. Yuanting didn't leak any news before."

"Destroy it, that's fine, anyway, I'm tired of living."

The arguments came one after another, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

The black-robed figure waved his hand, and an invisible force suppressed the quarrel in the field.

He announced, "Time is limited. Every second of delay will cause a civilization to disappear from the gray fog universe. The vote will begin now."

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