Above the gray fog

Chapter 1635 Finding the Feather Pen

"What does this mean?"

"What does it mean?"

Lin Shan looked at the civilization below. He seemed to be God now. He could fluctuate the progress bar of time at will and divide countless new branches at any time point.

This is omniscience and omnipotence.

He can achieve any desired result by changing the process.

If such a civilization evolution sandbox could be placed in reality, the outer gods would be vulnerable.

Lin Shan returned to the hall outside with doubts in his heart.

Are all the doors behind the same sandbox?

Where would the feather pen be?

At the end of this space?

But there is no direction in this space, so where is the end...

Lin Shan thought aimlessly, and unknowingly, he walked to the door of another room.

This door is different from the two doors he entered before. The door is larger and more luxurious.

"Is it here?" Lin Shan said to himself, and then opened the door without hesitation.

It is still the perspective of God, but this time the picture in front of him is no longer the progress of civilization, but the progress of several people.

These people are Lin Shan's predecessor, the current Human Emperor, Zhou Huansheng, Jin Tianzong, and an unknown angel.

Lin Shan first previewed the starting point and ending of these people from beginning to end.

The starting point is that these people gathered together to blow up a means of transportation used by the Outer Gods, which can quickly travel through the void, called "Snail".

The end point is that these people failed and were annihilated.

Lin Shan knew in his heart that it should not be possible to be truly annihilated, otherwise the current Human Emperor, Zhou Huansheng, and Jin Tianzong would not be alive.


Lin Shan's mind moved slightly, and he adjusted the offensive pace of several people with the eyes of a prophet.

The first thing they had to face was an extremely complex environment.

The original angel died in the crack of the void before he approached the snail.

The void where the battlefield is located is full of space cracks hidden in the dark.

Even if it is Sequence 0, it will only end in death after being sucked in.

Lin Shan changed the angel's trajectory based on the scene he just saw, and successfully allowed the five people to approach the snail without injury.

The snail was surrounded by the guards of the Outer Gods. This was the second level.

As time went on, casualties inevitably occurred.

In the end, not only was the snail not destroyed, but only the predecessor and Zhou Huansheng escaped. 】

There was progress, but not much.

Lin Shan immediately started over.

Jin Tianzong and the current Human Emperor were relatively weak. When they met a powerful Outer God guarding the snail, they were always killed in one encounter.

Lin Shan had to examine everyone's abilities and specialties in depth.

Jin Tianzong was good at long-range combat and was good at manipulating various mechanical puppets, but was relatively weak in close combat.

The current Human Emperor had a powerful mental attack, but was also relatively weak in close combat.

Zhou Huansheng was good at speed and concealment.

Angels have the ability to heal and defend strongly.

As for the predecessor, it seemed that he was a bit omnipotent, with points added in all aspects.

Through the different abilities of the five people, Lin Shan adjusted the position again, letting Zhou Huansheng, who was good at escaping, deal with the strongest Outer God.

Lin Shan set their battle site in front of a void crack, and let Zhou Huansheng lead the Outer God into the crack in the dark, so as to destroy the Outer God.

But in the end, the current Human Emperor didn't know where he went wrong and died again.

Lin Shan started again and again, and made corrections again and again, grasping every detail, when to meet the enemy, and what moves to use.

He even began to adjust the battle environment, pulling the Outer God out to fight, and using the natural traps in the void to win.

After the 93,271st adjustment, they finally succeeded.

At the end of the void, the remains of the snail slowly drifted away, as if a grand firework bloomed in silence.

The snail was successfully destroyed, and the five people were only slightly injured.

This result is perfect.

Lin Shan looked at the scene in front of him, and a sense of accomplishment surged in his heart, as if he had overcome some impossible difficulties.

He successfully turned the impossible into the possible, making miracles the norm.

Every tiny adjustment, every subtle change, eventually converged into this perfect victory.

In this virtual world, he can keep trying and deducing until he finds the best solution.

But this is impossible in reality. In reality, there is only one chance and no possibility of redoing.

Lin Shan roughly understands what this place is used for.

It's very simple. This place is used to deduce intelligence.

Using known conditions, deduce the development path of civilization, the progress of war, and the implementation of tactics.

However, to complete such a detailed deduction, it is necessary to fully know the enemy's information.

With sufficient information support, all this is possible.

Combined with the ability of the feather pen to control history, what happened here should have happened in history.

Of course, the scene here is limited to deduction, and Lin Shan does not know what the final result of the real event is.

Lin Shan walked out of the room, and gradually formed a clear understanding in his mind.

He roughly knew where the feather pen was.

The space he was in now was the embodiment of the feather pen's ability.

In other words, he was in the body of the feather pen.

He was not sure what to do next.

There are too many doors to count, and it is impossible to open them one by one.

There is still more than an hour before the second time limit, Lin Shan chooses to withdraw.

Three chances, exactly three chances to use.

Everything seems to be... just right.

After returning to the real world, Lin Shan immediately contacted the parchment and told it what he saw and heard.

An ordinary piece of paper: [It seems that you have found it. The next thing to do is to pull it out of the source sea. ]

An ordinary piece of paper: [You are holding two things. ]

An ordinary piece of paper: ['Attachment']

Lin Shan gently clicks on the attachment.

The space in front of him trembles slightly, as if ripples appeared on the water.

A key and a pendant exuding a sacred atmosphere appeared in front of him.

The pendant has a unique shape and is made of pure silver. The surface is engraved with complex patterns and symbols, and it flashes a faint light.

A sapphire is embedded in the center of the pendant, and there seems to be a rotating nebula inside the gem, as if the mysteries of the entire universe are condensed in it.

There is a small cross on the top of the sapphire, surrounded by several circles of fine silver wire.

A plain piece of paper: [The "key" will lead you to the right door. After finding the broken pen, just wrap the pendant around the broken pen. ]

After getting the things, Lin Shan entered the source sea for the third time.

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