Above the gray fog

Chapter 1644 Bai Qi, forming a group

Lin Shan smiled slightly. The Soul Town was indeed a top-notch source tool. Even if the soul was completely damaged, it could be resurrected unscathed.

Moreover, the Soul Straw could protect the existence and prevent the existence from being directly destroyed.

He seemed to have discovered a new use for the Soul Straw. Although it consumed some straw, the output of the Soul Town was enough for him to consume it many times.

"It only takes 4,500 kilograms of straw to self-destruct once..." Lin Shan calculated secretly in his heart with a smile on his lips.

Looking at Lin Shan's smile, the huge body of the Seahorse Outer God couldn't help but shudder.

For some reason, this kind smile made him feel a little inexplicable fear.

"Let's go!" Without any hesitation, the Seahorse Outer God turned around and fled with his Outer Gods.

Their movements were extremely fast, as if staying for one more second would put them in endless danger.

Looking at the remnants of the Outer Gods who fled in disgrace, Lin Shan did not pursue them.

The entire gray fog universe has become unsafe. Who knows how many Outer Gods are lurking in the depths.

Moreover, the reason why the power of the self-explosion just now was so huge was mostly due to the Void God.

Now the Void God is still recovering. Lin Shan estimates that it will take more than 50 million years of life to restore the entire Void God. He has a lifespan, but it will take several hours to fully restore the Void God.

Lin Shan estimated that after he was promoted to Sequence 1, his lifespan should increase to more than 10 billion years, but he can't stand this kind of self-explosion a few more times.

Thinking of lifespan, Lin Shan couldn't help but think of Lao Wang.

Lao Wang opened a shop in the void, and now he should have earned a lot of lifespan.

I have to borrow some from him when I have time. Lin Shan doesn't want to give up using such a powerful move.

Seeing that the outer gods have completely gone away, Lin Shan chased in the direction where the gray fog gods left before.

In the void, his figure turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared in the endless darkness.

Lin Shan traveled in the void for more than half an hour, but still did not see the trace of the group of gray fog gods.

Suddenly, his perception captured a slight spatial fluctuation.

Lin Shan quickly dodged to the source of the spatial fluctuation.

He stretched out his hand and gently probed forward, his fingers directly inserted into the space, and felt a faint resistance.

"There is a dimensional space here." He muttered to himself, and gently pulled his hand, tearing a crack in the dimensional space.

In the crack, Lin Shan found a nest of small animals that looked like snow leopards.

There were five in total, they were bloodstained and had messy hair, but there were no wounds on their bodies.

These cubs had snow-white fur, exuded holy white light, and their eyes were as crystal clear as sapphires, but at this moment they were full of fear and helplessness.

The cubs huddled together, snuggling with each other, looking at Lin Shan pitifully, as if begging for his mercy.

Their bodies trembled slightly, and they made a faint whimper.

"What is this?" Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and looked at these little guys carefully.

He soon realized that these little guys were not simple, and their potential was much greater than that of the Star Dragon.

If they were adults, they might be able to reach the level of Sequence 2, and it would not be difficult to even reach Sequence 1, but as cubs, they were weaker than ordinary animals.

Thinking of the Star Dragon, Lin Shan remembered the little dragon he had raised, which was now fascinated by an ordinary woman and was probably still enjoying himself.

"I don't have time to raise these cubs." He murmured, and the image of Xiao Hai flashed through his mind again.

I don't know where that little guy went. He should have inherited the authority of the mountain and the sea now...

At the beginning, Xiao Hai followed him for a while and then left on her own initiative. He was busy at the time and had no time to care.

I hope she is still alive.

Just when Lin Shan was considering whether these little guys could be sold for a good price, several perceptions suddenly locked onto him.

It was those gray fog gods just now. They took out the curse and turned back.

More than a dozen streams of light stopped not far from Lin Shan, cutting through the void like a meteor shower, with dazzling light.

"Are you okay?" A deep voice came, breaking the silence of the void.

Lin Shan turned his head and saw a tall and mighty gray fog god standing not far away.

He was wearing a gray robe, with a resolute face and a hint of concern in his eyes.

Lin Shan nodded and said lightly: "It's okay."

"Where are those outer gods?" Another voice came, Lin Shan turned his head and saw a woman with pink skin coming forward.

Her unique skin color reminded Lin Shan of an acquaintance who was not very familiar, perhaps a member of the same tribe.

"Fought away." Lin Shan replied truthfully.

"Thank you, you saved us, we all owe you a favor." Someone else said.

Lin Shan looked at the person who spoke, a dog-headed man, with two big ears drooping, his eyes full of divine power.

"You're welcome." Lin Shan waved his hand, "It's all for the Gray Mist Universe. Your loss is the loss of the entire universe."

"No matter what, you saved us. Can you tell us your name on the media network? If we need help in the future, we will definitely not refuse." The dog-headed man said very stubbornly, and the others nodded.

"The name is Lin Shan." Lin Shan asked, "Do you know this thing?" He pointed to the small animal in his hand.

"I haven't seen it." Most people shook their heads.

The pink-skinned woman took a closer look and said, "This is Bai Qilin, a descendant of the ancient god Qilin. It is a lucky beast. It is rumored to have the function of bringing good luck to living beings, and its own strength is extremely powerful."

"White Qilin cubs are very weak, and their parents must be protecting them all the time. Now these cubs are here, but their parents are not there... I'm afraid..."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded and put away the little creatures without hesitation. "I found this, so it's mine."

"Of course." The others nodded. Although white Qilin cubs are rare, their Sequence 1 strength after adulthood is of no help to them. Moreover, with the remaining time in the Gray Mist Universe, whether they can grow up is another matter.

"I just came to the front line. Tell me about the situation on the front line." Lin Shan turned around and asked.

"Our battle with the Outer Gods has just begun. At present, the front line is still in a state of chaos. The Source Court monitors the movements of the Outer Gods through the media network. Once an Outer God invades the depths of the Gray Mist on a large scale, nearby personnel suitable for fighting will receive a call for help. We just encountered it not long ago." A man in red armor said.

"So... do we just need to wait now?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes, the frequency of the attacks of the Outer Gods is decreasing. They should feel that the resistance of the gray fog is relatively large, and they are ready to fight a protracted war." Another voice answered. He was tall and covered with silver scales, like the original mermaids.

The mermaid continued to ask, "By the way, you have been fighting with those Outer Gods for so long, but you are not cursed?"

"Curse? That black flame?" Lin Shan thought about it and roughly understood what was going on.

He recalled that the black flames burning on the bodies of those Outer Gods seemed to have some similarity with the mysterious power.

Because of the mysterious authority, the so-called curse could not touch him.

Everyone sat cross-legged in the same place and chatted simply. Lin Shan also recognized all the people here. They came from different ethnic groups and different regions.

During the conversation, these people vaguely regarded him as the strongest, and some people even used honorifics when speaking.

After recognizing all these people, Lin Shan said that he was going to practice, and found a corner to practice the old skills, waiting for the next attack of the Outer Gods.

So far, he seems to have not come into contact with a truly powerful Outer God.

The same is true for the Gray Mist Universe. The Sequence 0s that have been seen so far are all newcomers or have not walked far on this path.

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