Above the gray fog

Chapter 21: See the strange fish again

At night, by the river.

Lin Shan approached the position of the strange line fish step by step.

He held a red lantern in his right hand and five torches in his left hand. Even if he had become a supernatural being now, he would not dare to confront the strangeness head-on.

After inserting torches around, Lin Shan walked straight to the center.

A cold breath came to his face, and the temperature around him dropped several degrees in an instant.

Lin Shan looked very strange now, holding a red lantern in one hand and a lit torch in the other.

The thing opposite Lin Shan was even stranger, a black column, spiraling towards the sky, with countless tiny silk threads dancing around the column like tentacles.

Even though he had seen this scene once, it still made his scalp numb, and he immediately accelerated his movements and began to burn the bottom of the strange line fish.

The strange line fish began to scream. This time, with the protection of the heart light, the soul was not shaken out, but he still felt faint, making his consciousness blurred.

Seeing more and more fine dust on the ground, the call of the strange line fish became more and more miserable, and a strange black fog rose from the river.

"Crack, crack, crack."

The river water began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The torches inserted around began to shake and could go out at any time.

The cold sweat on Lin Shan's forehead froze before it flowed to his cheeks.

After a while, feeling that it was almost enough, Lin Shan quickly collected the fine dust on the ground, picked up the red lantern next to him and prepared to evacuate.

Just as he stood up, he suddenly felt a terrifying force coming from the top of his head, and then a strong feeling of suffocation and fainting filled his brain.

Lin Shan realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly used all his strength to stimulate the heart light. The light golden light flowed, blocking the erosion of that force, but the golden light became weaker and weaker.

"What's going on?" Lin Shan was a little confused, his eyelids slightly raised to look forward, his heart trembled, and the torch that was originally burning in a corner in front of him went out, allowing the strange line fish to regain some mobility.

He was now unable to raise his head due to the pressure of some unknown force. His spirituality was draining away at a very fast speed. After his spirituality was consumed, this force could kill him instantly!

"What should I do?"

Lin Shan calmly thought about how to deal with it. If he called on the heart light to counterattack, it would inevitably weaken his defense. He might die at the moment of mobilization.

He looked at the red lantern beside him.

All the oil in the lantern burned out in an instant, and the space above his head was ignited by the flame.

Lin Shan felt the pressure suddenly relieved, and he quickly rolled to the side and retreated several meters.

He looked ahead at the air that seemed to be ignited.

In fact, it was not the air that was ignited, but the spiritual power of the strange line fish. It seemed that the flame was burning the air, but in essence it was a confrontation between two spiritual powers.

Seeing that the flame was getting weaker and weaker, Lin Shan bit his finger and bled again to replenish the lamp oil.

Lin Shan did not escape immediately. The blue full moon occupied the entire sky, and the surrounding environment turned completely blue. All the exits disappeared, and this place became an independent space. This is the real ability of the strange line fish - creating a real illusion space.

If you want to get out, you must first break the blue moon. If you want to break the blue moon, you must find the body of the strange line fish. To make the strange line fish show its body, you need to light four torches. If you can't get out, you can't light the torches. Everything seems to be stuck in a dead loop.

Now the only way is to use the red lantern's spiritual power to fight against the strange line fish.

His own spiritual power can only be used as a defensive guarantee. It is far from enough to fight against the strange line fish. From the confrontation just now, it can be seen that just a few seconds of erosion has consumed most of his spiritual power.

A darkness like ink came again. Lin Shan used the red lantern to ignite the darkness. The darkness and the light red flame intertwined with each other.

A burnt smell came from the flame, like the smell of a corpse after being burned.

While the red lantern and the strange line fish were fighting, Lin Shan looked at the last torch in his hand with a flash of his eyes.

The light of the heart turned into a sword, splitting the torch into four, and then the light of the heart turned into a hand and inserted it into the four corners in turn.

Mobilize the flame of the red lantern and ignite the wooden sticks in four directions at the same time.

At the moment of mobilizing the red lantern flame, the spiritual power of the red lantern weakened, and the spiritual power of the strange line fish gained the upper hand. In an instant, it came to Lin Shan. Lin Shan was well prepared and used all his strength to stimulate the heart light to resist.

Darkness enveloped Lin Shan, and the light golden light covering Lin Shan became weaker and weaker.

The next second, the four wooden sticks were ignited at the same time. Lin Shan felt the pressure suddenly relieved, and the blue moon above his head moved away and returned to the initial position.

Without any hesitation, Lin Shan turned around and ran out.

Only after running out of the coverage of the blue moon did Lin Shan breathe a sigh of relief.

The gap between him and the strange line fish was too big. If it weren't for the red lantern and knowing the weakness, he would have been killed instantly.

He was just a newcomer who had just been promoted to Sequence Nine, while the strange one was at the top of the same sequence. It was not surprising that there was such a gap.

After activating the heart light in an emergency just now, he found that his spiritual limit had increased unknowingly.

Not only that, he also inexplicably gained an ability of inner vision. Through inner vision, he found that a small part of his heart had turned golden.

"Is this the sign of digesting the magic potion? When the heart turns completely golden, does it mean that the heart light magic potion has been digested?" Lin Shan thought to himself while observing his heart.

Although it was thrilling, the result was good. The materials were obtained and the strength was improved.

Dragging his tired body, Lin Shan returned to Jin Tianzong's wooden house and lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning, after breakfast.

Lin Shan was bored and leaning back in a chair to bask in the sun. He had been doing this for the past few days. There was no work for him to do in the camp. Everyone was responsible for a part. They were all professionals. If Lin Shan went to help, it would only cause trouble. He only helped to chop wood and cut trees occasionally.

"Lin Shan" At this time, Huang Ying came over and called Lin Shan, saying: "The things you asked me to make last time are done. Take a look and see if you are satisfied. I also cut two sets of clothes for you by the way."

Huang Ying is a woman under 30 years old and a good sister of Xia Xuan. She is very good at handwork and is responsible for the textiles in the camp.

She was holding a green schoolbag in her hand. It was three layers and buttons were used instead of the zippers of modern schoolbags.

"It's OK as long as it can be used." Lin Shan stood up and took the schoolbag, thanking him: "Thank you for your hard work, Sister Ying."

He asked Huang Ying to help him sew this schoolbag two days ago. He will travel far in the next six months, and a package that can hold supplies is necessary.

Huang Ying apologized, "There are no plants that can be used as dyes, so we can only make green."

"Green is good." Lin Shan smiled, "It can also be used to cover up when lying on the grass."

"Have you packed up? It may be half a year before I come back next time." Lin Shan asked.

"I don't have much to pack up, and didn't you say it's just the time to close your eyes and open your eyes?" Huang Ying replied.

"That's right." Lin Shan nodded, and then said, "When you wake up after a sleep, you may find that a city has been built here."

"It's best." Huang Ying smiled and said, "I hope the human race can also prosper in the other world."

"Hey, you two, what are you talking about." At this time, Xia Xuan came over with an oval green cocoon.

"Hey, this is a new cocoon." Xia Xuan threw the huge cocoon to Huang Ying.

Lin Shan looked at the cocoon and finally understood why almost all the fabrics in the camp were made of silk.

One piece of this thing is enough to make a silk quilt.

"Do silkworms also cocoon in winter?" Lin Shan asked curiously.

Xia Xuan replied: "Then you underestimate this kind of silkworm. This kind of green silkworm is a species cultivated by the cat tribe using unknown means. It has a lifespan of ten years. Except for pregnant ones, normal green silkworms make a cocoon once a month. After making a cocoon, it comes out as a baby silkworm. After eating, it waits for the next cocoon."

"It's simply a ruthless silk-spinning machine." Lin Shan was surprised.

"You can say that." Huang Ying nodded, and then said: "This is the oppression of higher life on lower life. They changed your genes so that you can only work besides giving birth to children, and you still feel that everything should be like this."

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