Above the gray fog

Chapter 221 The Grave in the Room

These are all traditional folk sayings on Earth. It is impossible to trace where these sayings came from. Even in the current tribe, there are still many such sayings, which are all passed down by the older generation who traveled through time.

These folk traditions have accompanied the Chinese people from generation to generation. I don’t know what the source is, but they are always mentioned by the elderly. Some people don’t take these things seriously when they hear the elderly say them when they are young, but when those people are old, they will subconsciously tell their children. Many similar gods and ghosts are passed down in this way.

If this ancient house was left by the ancient human race, the architecture is the same, and their culture should be similar to that of the current human race. The two groups of human races have no contact. How did they achieve such similarity?

Did they receive some kind of influence on Earth?

Lin Shan shook his head and threw these ideas out of his mind. All this was just his guess.

Lin Shan flew in carefully from the high wall next to him. This time, the "Pendulum" did not warn again.

His idea may be correct. If you want to enter this ancient house as a ghost, the most correct choice is to go through the wall or fly in.

Other methods, whether knocking three times or four times or climbing over the wall, would violate certain rules.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan tightened his mind, and the supernatural power turned into a thin black veil and draped over his body. In such a place, he might be attacked if he was a little careless.

Lin Shan slowly floated into the courtyard. Since he had to pretend, he must pretend to be a complete set. Don't ghosts float when they walk?

Lin Shan staggered around the flower bed and came to the corridor behind the flower bed. He looked around first, and then floated into the hall without hesitation.

A female mummy was sitting in front of the hall. She was dry all over and seemed to be lacking water.

Lin Shan stared at it for a while, and then sniffed it with his nose in the distance. Except for the rotten smell of wood, he didn't smell any other smell.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

He didn't smell the stench of the corpse, but the smell of the supernatural. No smell means that this corpse may be just an ordinary corpse instead of weird.

This is also a trick that Lin Shan discovered. He found that as long as the supernatural power dissipates, the air will definitely secrete a fishy or rotten smell, including when he uses supernatural power himself. If he is in an open environment, he can even distinguish the strange direction by smell.

After watching for a while, Lin Shan went straight to the back hall, where there were only six armchairs neatly placed on both sides.

Turning his head to look at the wall of the back hall, there were three blank scrolls hanging on the wall.

The painting was empty, nothing.

After looking around again, Lin Shan left the hall without touching anything here.

Back to the corridor, both sides were shrouded in darkness. Lin Shan returned to the position of the gate again, and looked into the corridor again. The darkness shrouding the corridor disappeared, and rows of rooms appeared.

This corridor is very long, and there are no less than ten rooms he has seen, and these rooms all look exactly the same, with wooden doors, lattice windows and paper curtains, which are very charming with ancient style and charm.

Suddenly, he noticed that the door of a room was ajar, not closed. Looking inside from the tiny crack, there was only darkness.

"The third room on the right." Lin Shan whispered.

He planned to start exploring from this room. The door of this room was open, which might be related to the first group of people who came in.

And the parchment said before that nothing here could be destroyed. I wonder if pushing open the door would be considered destruction.

For the sake of caution, an open room is the most suitable as his first target.

He himself is also very interested in this relic. Perhaps he can search for information about the ancient people from here.

Lin Shan returned to the center of the corridor and walked to the right until he reached the third room. The door was indeed ajar, not closed.

With a gentle push, the left and right doors slowly moved inward with a "creak". The gap in the middle became larger and larger. When the gap was large enough for one person to pass through, Lin Shan stopped.

Stepping over the threshold, when he floated into the room, the darkness that blocked his sight immediately dissipated, and the scene in the room was in his sight.

Weird, very weird.

This is not a room, this is clearly a cemetery.

The first thing you see at the entrance is a wooden desk, on which is a bloodstained white cloth, or it would be more appropriate to call it white silk.

There is a booklet next to it, which looks very old. Like the three paintings you have seen before, the cover of the booklet is also blank.

This desk is the only decoration in this cemetery. Looking around, six graves are distributed in the room. There is no floor in the room, and the bottom is light gray soil, which also emits a fishy smell.

This is not the weirdest thing.

"Clang, clang, clang."

Similar sounds keep echoing in this room.

It is a big-faced monster, with blood all over its face. At this time, it is holding a shovel in its hand, constantly filling soil on two new graves, and its eyes, which are as big as light bulbs, are constantly flowing with blood and tears.

It ignored Lin Shan's arrival and continued to repeat its actions, digging soil and sending it to the two new graves.

Lin Shan looked at the two new graves with a frown.

"Dongdong, dongdong, dongdongdong."

Under the two new graves, it seemed that something was knocking on the coffins frantically.

In this environment, with a monster next to it, and such a thing happening again, even Lin Shan felt a little scared.

"What the hell is this place? Get me out!"

Suddenly, a voice came from underground.

Lin Shan looked strange. Wasn't this Liu Heng's voice?

After a little thought, he had a guess.

The next second, he disappeared from the spot and appeared behind the strange face. Only then did he see that the strange face was wearing the uniform of the Lanfeng team.

But his men did not stop their actions. A short sword quickly inserted behind the strange face and froze it.

Then, without Lin Shan's movement, the soil of the two new graves quickly scattered to both sides, and two big red coffins were exposed in a short while.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Rapid knocking sounds came from the coffin.

"What the hell is this? Why is it so sticky? It's disgusting!"

It was Liu Heng for sure. Seeing that he was still so energetic, Lin Shan was relieved.

With a "click", this kind of coffin was only snapped open, not nailed shut. Lin Shan could easily push it open with his supernatural power. He was a little confused. It was obviously an ordinary coffin, why couldn't Liu Heng get out.

When the coffin lid was half opened, Liu Heng sat up suddenly from inside, gasping for breath. His body was covered with sticky blood, and the sticky red thread could stretch half a meter away.


In front of Lin Shan, Liu Heng's head suddenly expanded like a hot air balloon, and in just two seconds it became larger than a water tank, and his eyes as big as light bulbs stared at Lin Shan.

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