Above the gray fog

Chapter 229 Three Years

"Initiation, followers..." Lin Shan chewed the names of these two magic potions carefully. Initiation should be the ability to open up the mind. The followers... are a little hard to understand. Are they followers of an Eastern gang or a Western church? of the congregation.

Will it involve the ability to preach? It seems that these two potions are not combat-type abilities. For the grass elves, what they lack most now is combat power. This kind of special potion is not suitable for them. The help is very low, and their initial willingness to trade must have taken this factor into consideration.

The human race doesn't care about this at all. It doesn't matter if it's a combat-type potion or not, as long as it's a Sequence 8 potion.

Suddenly, Lin Shan asked, "Are these two biological potions? What are the abilities of the spiritual plant as the main medicine?"

Although the specific abilities of a potion that has not been taken are unknown, the abilities of the potion generally inherit the abilities of the main potion.

Once you figure out what the main medicine's capabilities are, you can have a general direction and hand it over to the right person.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say next." The grass spirit in charge replied, "The spiritual plant in Sequence 8 has no wisdom, but the spiritual plant that is the main medicine of 'Enlightenment' already possesses considerable wisdom. , the attack power is very weak, only pure spiritual pressure.”

"As for the main medicine of the 'cultist', you will feel a sense of intimacy when you approach it. You can't bear to hurt it. Other abilities were not discovered and it was directly uprooted by our tribe."

Lin Shan nodded. Sequence 8 spiritual plants have no intelligence and can only passively defend. It is difficult to see the abilities of spiritual plants with special characteristics.

The information provided by the Grass Elf Tribe is quite sufficient. If nothing else goes wrong with the 'insight', it should be a wisdom-enhancing type of ability. The cult may involve psychology or spirituality.

At this time, Liu Heng had poured out all the guns and ammunition in the 'bamboo basket'.

Like dumping garbage, boxes of various weapons and ammunition were filled into a large pit tens of meters deep. Spiritual firearms accounted for a small part of it, and most of the space was filled with boxes containing shells.

Some boxes have been dropped or even opened.

The shells and guns occasionally flashed with complex spiritual patterns, which were full of technology and a bit mysterious at the same time.

Liu Heng was naturally confident in taking out these things so violently.

Although they are cannonballs, cannonballs under spiritual technology are not explosive items. If the spiritual instrument is not activated, they will not explode even if they are cut in half.

Lin Shan took the wooden box handed over by the supervisor, Cao Jing, and opened it gently. There were four bamboo test tubes placed in the big wooden box. The green test tubes flashed green light from time to time, showing that they were extraordinary.

The test tubes were tied together in pairs, and each test tube had a word engraved on it. It was written by the grass spirit, and Lin Shan did not recognize it.

Immediately, he stopped looking at it, put the wooden box into the pocket of his transformed clothes, and said, "The transaction is completed, let's go back."

On the return trip, only Liu Heng, Lin Shan and ten Chaofan from the Military Department stayed behind. Chaofan from the Military Department and researchers were responsible for teaching the grass elves how to use weapons and simple maintenance.

The mission of the Lanfeng Team was to stay in the Cao Jing Clan and be responsible for the communication between the two tribes. This time, the Lanfeng Team lost two people and could only add new people when they return to the Clan next time.

Two days later.

After returning to the clan, Lin Shan separated from everyone. Liu Heng returned to the military headquarters with the resources obtained from the transaction, including potions, and Lin Shan also handed them over to Liu Heng.

Although the two potions will be distributed to the pioneers, the potions were exchanged with the help of the human race, and a court meeting will definitely be needed to determine the ownership of the potions.

Everyone knows it, but the process is essential.

Three years later.

Human race land.

Lin Shan opened his eyes drowsily, lifted up the silk quilt on his body, and the next second, a blue light flashed, disappeared directly, and appeared in front of the sink. He simply cleaned himself up and walked out of the house.

Today he is going to the Future Research Institute to pick up his newly crafted weapon. This weapon was successfully built in accordance with his requirements after intermittent modifications for three years.

In addition to getting weapons, Lin Shan also had another thing to do, which was to put forward requirements and ideas for a second weapon. The clan promised to build two for him. Sequence 8 weapons cannot be mass-produced, let alone Sequence 8 weapons. The core is rare, and even the complex spiritual instrument characterization and characteristic selection are extremely time-consuming. It takes three years to create one, which is why the research institute has focused on it.

Lin Shan lived in the tribe like a normal person for two years, and the result was that he became more and more like a normal person, at least on the surface.

He walked straight to the breakfast shop not far from his house.

"Lady boss, it's still the same."

"It's Xiao Lin. It's morning. You sit down first and serve the porridge yourself in the bucket." The proprietress of the breakfast shop said with a smile.

In the past three years, Lin Shan came here for breakfast every now and then, and since he lived close by, he became familiar with the breakfast shop.

Not only the breakfast shop, but also the shop owners on this street all know Lin Shan and know that Lin Shan is a very knowledgeable professor who teaches at Pioneer University.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, they are very friendly to Lin Shan.

At this time, Lin Shan was wearing the loose uniform of Pioneer University, with a wide pointed hat on his head, and slim black-rimmed glasses on his face. No one would associate the young man in front of him with Lin Shan, the pioneer of the human race.

The human race has lived a comfortable life in the past two years. They have traded with the grass spirits more than ten times and obtained a large number of extraordinary resources from them. The human race's pseudo-extraordinary rate has now reached 15%. Various spiritual industries have emerged. Taking advantage of this opportunity, another group of people have climbed from the bottom to the top of the human race.

No matter how rich the resources are, they cannot be evenly distributed to everyone. Although it is not the case that the rich are drunk and the poor are frozen to death on the road, the rich spend their days in wine and women, and the poor can only barely make ends meet by working hard. This is also the norm in the tribe now.

The street where Lin Shan is located is the city center. With the influence of Pioneer University, it is a well-known wealthy area. There are at least several properties selling breakfast here. Selling breakfast is just because these elderly people are too idle and want to find something to do for themselves. It is because of these people that the whole street is full of vitality.

After eating breakfast and paying for it, Lin Shan greeted the proprietress and walked towards the outer edge of the street.

Along the way, everyone he knew greeted him in a friendly manner.

"Good morning, Professor Lin."

"Good morning, Mr. Huang."

"Does Professor Lin have classes today? It's so early."

"No, I'm out doing something."

Walking out of the street with few cars, Lin Shan stopped a taxi on the road.

"Go to the Future Research Institute." Lin Shan opened the door and said in the back seat.

"Okay." The driver responded.

He stepped on the accelerator, or the spirit door, and the car started quickly and drove towards the destination.

Half an hour later, in the awkward chat with the driver, they soon arrived at the destination.

"Seventeen yuan." The driver looked at the recorder and said.

Lin Shan took out the blue banknote to pay, and after the driver gave the change, he got off the car and walked towards the Future Research Institute.

No matter how the city develops, the Future Research Institute always represents the forefront of the tribe's technology. After expansion and reconstruction, the institute at this time looks up.

The 100-meter-high glass building flashes with dazzling neon light. The five big characters "Future Research Institute" stand on the roof, which can be seen clearly from thousands of meters away.

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