Above the gray fog

Chapter 240 Angel

He Awei tried to touch the blue transparent figure with his hand.

It went right through and couldn't be touched.

You know, there is a layer of spiritual gauze attached to his palm. In this state, even if it is weird, he can directly grasp it, but now he cannot touch these blue transparent figures.

When he got closer, he discovered that these figures were not only humanoid, they were even wearing human clothes. The style of these clothes was exactly the same as the popular styles in the human race.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but tensed up. He knew that perhaps the reason for the family's decline in fortune had been found.

He looked around and saw that there were not many shadows around him, but every once in a while, new transparent shadows would come out of the white light curtain, walk to the light curtain in the middle of the cave, and be crushed into colorful light groups. Passing through the light curtain, I don’t know where I’m going.

"I'll go in and take a look." One of He Awei's clones said.

The other clone nodded in agreement, "Okay."

They are just clones, and their death will not have any impact on the original body. They just need to spend spiritual energy to regroup.

Not to mention these two clones, even the He Awei standing high up is also a clone. His true body has always been in Yongchang City.

The incredible thing about the 'Three Bodies' is that not only can it be divided into three clones with similar strength to the main body, but the senses of these clones can be synchronized without any information difference.

One of the clones stepped into the central light curtain, and the power that could shatter the blue transparent figure did not affect him.

The light and shadow changed, and the originally bright environment suddenly became dark.

"Dumb, dumb, dumb."

A strange cry came.

He Awei suddenly raised his head and looked upward.

A strange-looking bird stood on a five-meter-high dead branch.

With its feathers stained by ink and a pair of pupils shining with blue light, it stared at He Awei quietly, saying 'dumb, dumb' from time to time. ’ cry.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it is even more eerie and strange. This is a cemetery with no end in sight.

Those colored light clusters float around the cemetery like ghosts. When they float to a suitable location, they will be attracted by the grave soil and sink into the grave.

"Is this the source of the family's decline..." He Awei murmured to himself, "Leave a mark and ask the pioneers to make a decision."

Without any hesitation, he returned the same way.

"May God bless you."

Suddenly, a murmur appeared in He Awei's ears, and he couldn't tell the man or woman just by the sound.

Then, a woman appeared in He Awei's sight.

Her temperament has transcended the mortal world. Even He Awei was stunned for three seconds to see what kind of temperament and appearance she had.

A layer of holy light enveloped her, making people unable to think of any attack. There was a diamond-shaped mark on her forehead, and there was a white halo floating above her head. That layer of holy energy came from this halo.

"What kind of creature is this..."

He Awei stepped back without any intention of fighting head-on. The spiritual pressure of Sequence 8 had been shrouding him. Even if he could be invincible at Sequence 9, it would be difficult for him to survive even one move in the hands of Sequence 8.

The three pupils in his eyes were flowing, trying to see through the reality hidden under the holy light. His body and clone shared vision. As long as he could bring back more information, even if he died here, it would be worth it.

As the pupils continued to rotate and change positions, the holy light on the woman became weaker and weaker and finally became transparent.

"Exactly like a human being, but this lower body... seems to have nothing."


As soon as this thought crossed his mind, his eyes suddenly felt sharp pain, and a line of blood and tears flowed down. His eyes became dark, and he actually went blind.

"You should not desecrate the Holy Light."

"Super-standard abilities...or super-standard abilities outside the genealogy, which tribe are you from?"

The genderless person continued to ask. Seeing that He Awei kept retreating and did not answer her question, he couldn't help but sigh, "Can't even retain the power of Sequence 7... I didn't expect that my angel family would fall." That’s it.”

Then he stretched out his hand and shook He Awei slightly.

Another scream.

He Awei's whole body burst out with bright holy light from the inside out, and exploded into pieces of flesh and blood with a "bang" sound.

However, these pieces of broken blood and flesh turned into black light and dissipated in place after a while. This was the illusion of spirituality under the rules, not a real entity.

"It has been discovered...this source of matter passage must be closed as soon as possible."

The humanoid creature murmured, took one step forward, and appeared in the cave through the light curtain.

The six people in the cave had already been prepared.

"I have notified the pioneer. Please wait for a while and the pioneer will be here in a moment." He Awei said solemnly to the five people behind him.


The five people took out the spiritual weapons prepared for them at home and held them tightly in their hands.

The humanoid creature did not attack everyone immediately. She waved her hand and the cave gradually became dim.

"Oops!" He Awei was startled and said quickly, "She wants to close the passage. Attack him quickly and hold her back."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to react, a silver-white sniper rifle appeared in his hand. He immediately pulled the trigger. The next second, a beam of white light penetrated directly through the angel. With the roar, the entire cave was expanded by three points. .

"Tick tock, tick tock."

The sound of liquid dripping onto the ground was extremely clear in this empty environment.

Everyone held their breath and looked ahead nervously, praying that this attack could kill the opponent directly. This light short gun did have the possibility of killing Sequence 8. In the ranking of human spiritual weapons, three light short guns were ranked third in parallel.

"Tick, tick..."

The sound of liquid dripping continued, but the sound became slower and slower.

When the dust cleared, everyone could only see that the angel was standing there intact, with a layer of holy light covering her so that people could not see her full appearance. Only from the pool of golden blood on the ground, it can be seen that she was indeed hit just now, but it did not seem to cause much damage to her.

"Original technology, how many keys do you have? I wonder how much of the technological heritage of my angel family can be preserved..." The angel showed a look of reminiscence, and did not care about the injuries on her body.

"Keep attacking!" He Awei shouted.

Upon hearing this, the others immediately pulled the trigger of their weapons and continued to shoot until the magazine was empty.

Even if the noble family did not have the ability to get them Sequence 8 spiritual weapons, it would be no problem to prepare more ammunition for Sequence 9 weapons.

He Awei's face became more and more ugly. Perhaps all the descendants of the noble family would be sacrificed here...

The passage had been closed, and the spiritual mark he used for positioning was also removed by the other party. It was impossible for the pioneers to arrive.

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