Above the gray fog

Chapter 248 The Correct Use of Divination

This discovery suppressed Lin Shan's original intention to find Jin Tianzong.

He opened the reminder on the parchment and began to look for materials that could withstand the supernatural power of the 'Pendulum' in Jin Tianzong's office.

Next to the office was a grid of shelves with all kinds of strange materials on them.

Lin Shan scanned the material cabinets next to him one by one and quickly extracted useful entries.

Finally, he stopped at the material cabinet at the bottom.

[The bark of the light green tree, a rare spiritual plant produced by the grass spirit tribe, can withstand the characteristics of sequence 8. ]

After looking around, he didn't see the paper, but there was a bundle of bark, which was just right and could withstand the characteristics of sequence 8.

Lin Shan pulled out a piece of green bark the size of a palm, which was as light as a feather in his hand, without any weight.

He put the bark on the table and exerted his ability on it. The bark emitted a hazy blue light. After a moment, the blue light broke like foam.

It failed, which was also within Lin Shan's expectations. It has been proven that matter cannot directly carry characteristics.

On this basis, the spiritual instrument came into being. Lin Shan's fingers changed in the air, writing and drawing, and the blue spiritual threads in the air intertwined and entangled. Soon, a complex ritual pattern took shape. Lin Shan gently pushed downward, and the pattern attached to the bark. The whole bark began to emit a hazy blue light. After flashing a few times, it disappeared. Only blue threads could be seen flashing on the bark from time to time.

Although Lin Shan was not a master of spiritual instruments, he had studied spiritual instruments for several years and even independently completed the ritual pattern wiring of the first generation of meditation rooms. Naturally, his spiritual instrument level was not low.

For the production of this semi-finished extraordinary item, it was also easy to get it.

The reason why it was a semi-finished product was because the spiritual source of this "prophetic bark" was still him. If he wanted to make a complete extraordinary item, it would definitely not work. He could not always supply energy to the "prophetic bark".

The complete production of extraordinary items requires the assistance of the ‘vortex spiritual pattern’, so that the spiritual instrument automatically absorbs external spirituality to maintain its own operation. The maker disconnects the connection with the extraordinary item, and the item can still exert its characteristic ability, which is considered to be truly completed.

Due to the problem of materials, most extraordinary items are disposable items. Even if the materials are excellent, the spiritual instrument and the vortex spiritual pattern have a service life. For example, spiritual firearms are the latter. The life of the spiritual instrument and the vortex spiritual pattern is the service life of the firearm.

He is just experimenting now and does not need to complete the production.

Taking a pen from the side, Lin Shan wrote on the ‘prophecy bark’:

[Guide the way, the place of promotion to sequence 7. ]

With a "click", it didn't last for a second, and the ‘prophecy bark’ turned into powder.

Lin Shan's face suddenly turned pale and scary, and the spiritual power in his body was directly squandered, leaving nothing.

Staring at the shattered bark, Lin Shan was not worried but happy.

The bark turned into powder, indicating that the material quality is not good.

The spiritual power was drained, indicating that his spiritual power was not enough to support the entire process.

This also indirectly reflects that the ‘Pendulum’ can really affect a range of more than 30 million kilometers.

What is this concept... This is not something that Sequence 8 can do.

“Could it be... Is this super-standard, transcending the rules and doing the impossible.” At this time, Lin Shan somewhat understood the meaning of super-standard.

However, even if he understood it, it would be useless. Regardless of whether there are advanced materials, the insufficient total amount of spiritual power... is the most fatal. You can't give up your body for divination.

It seems... It's not impossible?

In addition to the problem of materials and the total amount of spiritual power, the simple ritual pattern arranged on the material cannot withstand such a large spiritual impact, and a more sophisticated pattern is definitely needed.

Lin Shan shook his head and made another piece of ‘prophecy bark’ in the same way. He waited for a moment, and when the spiritual power recovered slightly, he wrote on it:

[The location of Jin Tianzong. ]

The ‘prophecy bark’ shook gently and floated up, slowly flying towards the door.

“It’s really good.” Lin Shan followed with a happy face.

At this moment.

A piece of black handwriting suddenly appeared above the ‘prophecy bark’, and Lin Shan stopped to look at the words.

[Look what I found, there is a fool who attaches his ability to something else, hoping to use it to realize the use of his ability. ]

[Who did this? The great parchment will laugh at him, putting the cart before the horse! Putting the cart before the horse! ]

Lin Shan frowned, thinking about the meaning of the words.

He thought of parchment, how does parchment use its ability?

The next moment, Lin Shan suddenly woke up, and the ‘prophecy bark’ floating in front of him ignited a white flame and was burned to ashes in an instant.

He made a misunderstanding. Parchment never relied on external objects to use its ability, but used its own body as a carrier.

And he, since he got the ‘Pendulum’, every time he used ‘Divination’, he used the crow eye pendant as a carrier, just to save the consumption of the supernatural.

This also indirectly gave the pendant the characteristic, and then the pendant performed the second performance. Not to mention the unnecessary work, the difference between them is probably huge.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan not only figured out the key, but also found another thing that surprised him.

If he really gave the pendant the characteristic of "divination", it would be very interesting. He did not borrow the spirit instrument but gave it directly. The pendant is a strange part of the crow. Can the strange body directly carry the characteristics? Why is this so?

He felt that he seemed to have grasped some important clues about the strange things, but he didn't know where to start sorting them out, and his mind was a mess.

He shook his head, remembered this matter in his heart and didn't think about it anymore.

The next second, Lin Shan's eyes flashed with blue light, and the divination characteristics were directly given to himself. When he looked at the surrounding environment again, it had completely changed.

Countless spiritual threads were flying in the entire space. He didn't know what these threads represented, but... at this moment he was a low-profile version of parchment.

Many things he wanted to know, as long as he wanted, as long as the supernatural was enough, he could know. Of course, there were many restrictions, and he couldn't know the results directly. All the answers were vague, and... knowing too much seemed to be contaminated with some bad things.

The blue light flashed, and Lin Shan disappeared directly on the spot. When he reappeared, he was in a small workshop. This was a workshop that produced some extraordinary parts. Extraordinary items could not be automated and could only be made manually.

Jin Tianzong was staring at him with wide eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"How...how did you get in?" Jin Tianzong stuttered. Few people knew about this place. Deep underground in the Future Research Institute, there were layers of verification procedures outside. Not only that, the innermost layer also had a ritual to seal the space. Even Sequence 8 could not break through instantly.

"I just got in like this." Lin Shan spread his hands and said, "Are the weapons ready?"

Jin Tianzong looked at Lin Shan with suspicion. Although he didn't understand, he thought that the person in front of him was Lin Shan, so he could only smile and nodded, saying, "You came at the right time. I'm going to retire and prepare to hand over the institute to new people, so I worked overtime some time ago to make your sleeves. Come with me to get them. They are upstairs." He pointed up.

The blue light flashed again, and the two had returned to their previous positions.

"Retire?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

"After being busy for hundreds of years, it's time to take a break. Now the development of the human race has come up. One more person for me is not much... It's not considered retirement. I just don't manage the institute anymore. I can just set up a small workshop by myself."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded and didn't say much.

Suddenly, a white spiritual thread emerged.

Lin Shan was slightly startled.

"What's wrong?" Jin Tianzong asked.

"Nothing." Lin Shan shook his head and said, "Let the Human Court contact me, I'll go there first."

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