Above the gray fog

Chapter 270 Origin, the blocked history

This war tore the universe into pieces and almost wiped out countless races.

All races prepared for the worst, gathered the power of the most powerful creatures in the universe, broke through the barriers of the universe, and planned to retain the last fire. The last seed broke through the universe, broke through time, passed through the endless void, and was preserved.

The roots of all races are in this universe, and sooner or later they will return to complete their unfinished crusade.

After leaving the fire behind, all races used the soul of the source material as a guide to sacrifice countless creatures in the universe, making the emperor of the most powerful race at that time reach the level of the most ancient god. He was called... the human emperor by countless creatures! The emperor of human form creatures!

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

At this moment, the sound of water dripping on the floor was heard, and Lin Shan's heart trembled, thinking that the girl was looking for him again.

"Meow, why are you crying?" Pang Dudu asked doubtfully.

"Huh?" After hearing Chubby's words, Lin Shan touched the corners of his eyes, and there were indeed tears.

"Why am I crying? I obviously don't feel anything..."

Lin Shan wiped his tears casually, but he couldn't stop it, his body seemed to be out of control.

Shedding tears without any sense of sadness, Lin Shan continued to read the books.

The Human Emperor led the most powerful people of all races in the universe to fight to the death with the old gods. The battle of the most powerful people affected all races, causing all races to almost die out, and the universe turned into a dead zone.

Fortunately, man defeated God in this battle.

The old gods are immortal, and the Human Emperor split them into countless parts. The weakest ones are even like newly transcended creatures, and countless puzzle pieces are sealed in the void of the universe.

The Human Emperor re-divided the rules of the universe into countless authorities. As long as the races that contributed in the war between humans and gods will all receive authority, and divided the authorities into levels, that is, the levels of gods. From then on, the Emperor ruled the universe, and The people of the Human Emperor and his branches established many pantheons to assist in their rule.

The Emperor of Humanity kept in mind the kindness of all races. He had the world in mind, changed the rules, distributed the supreme authority of the universe to all races in the universe, and named the authority "technology"!

All races can master it! All races have the possibility to become the strongest.

Since then, the rules of the universe have changed, science and technology has developed vigorously, technological weapons that can easily kill gods have been developed, and the energy of the universe has been infinitely exploited.

Based on the level of technological development, the civilizations of all races in the universe are divided into seven levels.

The human emperor's race is the only seventh-level civilization. They can use technological means to change the operation of the universe at will.

Playing with time and creating life is commonplace for them.

Countless years have passed, and the race of the Human Emperor has retreated behind the scenes, no longer ruling the universe, and letting the universe run on its own. They have turned their gaze to unknown places, and they want to know where the most ancient gods have gone.

However, they have not yet reached their goal.

The Old Ones, now the Great Old Ones, have come again.

Different from the past, several ancient gods followed!

They are of the same origin!

The Ancient God can easily destroy the universe. Even if the Human Emperor possesses the power of the Ancient God, he cannot defeat many with one.

The Human Emperor decided to restart the universe and use the universe's own barrier to resist the invasion. The Human Emperor took back his supreme power and reversed the rules of the universe. The new universe rejected all the power of the original universe.

This is a universe completely opposite to the original universe, and all invaders are blocked.

And the creatures of all races who mastered the power of the original universe...were rejected by the new universe...all turned into strange things!

Including the human emperor's race, all races were destroyed without exception.

The above history is divided into the old days. Although all races were destroyed, there are many records left behind, and the history is nearly complete.

After the old days, there is the beginning.

The fire left behind finally came into play, and new races came to this universe again. However, the rules of the universe were no longer the same, and so were the races.

In the beginning, spirituality was the basic force for the operation of the universe, while in the old days, supernatural beings were the root cause.

With the development of the new races, the power of the new universe that no one controls is gradually controlled by the new gods, and a new master is born.

However, something unexpected happened next.

The old Emperor of the Ancients, the people who carried him had a strange identity at the beginning of the origin, and used their final strength to destroy the new master, the master of the fallen tribe, and the master of the plant tribe. He once again distributed supreme authority to all races, and the sequence stone tablet was born. , the ancient and original gods were connected by unknown means, and the old technology was revived.

In that battle, the two clan masters stained the sky with blood, and gray mist enveloped Yuanchu. No one knew why the Human Emperor first divided the old days and Yuanchu, and then used his final strength to connect the old days and Yuanchu.

After that battle, the universe was once again torn into pieces, and the long river of history was directly shattered. Even those in power could not see the history.

The cosmic era has since ended, and there will be no complete history for the next billions of years.

Lin Shan turned to the last page of the book.

Lin Shan closed the book and fell into deep thought. This book has complete records about the old days, but there are almost no records about the origin.

Three days later.

Lin Shan flipped through all these books that recorded history and found that they were all scattered records about the history of the past. Even the books with the word "Yuanchu" in their titles mostly contained the same content as those of the old days. Day related.

Most of the books expand the content of "Universe Chronicle" and mix in many short stories that are not sure whether they are true or not. Among them, the race of the Human Emperor is the most important. Even though there are so many legends left, there are no Any race knows the name of the race the Emperor belongs to.

Lin Shan discovered that... these histories are 90% similar to mythological stories on earth.

If the records in "The Chronicle of the Universe" are true, humans on Earth are also members of the "Fire".

These stories... are they inheritance...

The human race...is it the race where the human emperor once belonged?

There are not so many coincidences in the world, and Lin Shan thinks this possibility is very high.

This is not a good thing for the current human race, and other races must not be allowed to know!

Lin Shan shook his head, no longer thinking about the human race, and turned his thoughts back to the history of the origin.

Why is this situation happening? The old history of such a long time has been left behind, but the new history of the origin is sparse and there is no basis to trace it.

Who is the new master of Yuanchu now?

The Lord of Night, the Lord of Void, these are new Lords who hold supreme authority, comparable to the existence of the Old Rulers, but there is no record of them at all.

Is this related to the old battle between the Human Emperor, the Fallen Clan, and the Zhi Clan? Why did that battle happen? What happened after that battle? What is the gray mist...

Lin Shan found that not only did he not understand the history clearly, but he also had more doubts.

There must be a big secret hidden in this blocked history for billions of years!

I don’t know when, but exploring unknown history has become one of his few interests.

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