Above the gray fog

Chapter 272 Native race, find a way

The book also lists the native races encountered by the fox tribe and analyzes them, including their social structure and social form, their biological characteristics, moral concepts, ideology, etc.

The book says that these races rarely develop to the point of giving birth to a true civilization, and will be cannibalized by other races before that.

The beliefs of these races are particularly devout, and their racial dominance is even clearly marked for transactions between powerful races.

Another line of notes appears after this paragraph.

If a race encounters a native race of gray fog, it can be offered to the fox tribe and exchanged with the fox tribe for any equivalent resources.

As for how these powerful races trade and on what platform they trade, the book does not mention it, which is not something that the subordinate races can involve.

The reason for leaving these introductions is probably to allow these subordinate races to discover the native races so that they can trade with the fox tribe.

"On the Butterfly Effect Brought by the Crossing of Ten Thousand Races"

This book records more of the fox race's speculation. Due to the crossing of the Ten Thousand Races' 'Sparks', the spatial rules of the Gray Mist Universe and the place where the 'Sparks' originally belonged were disturbed, causing the races in the other space that were not 'Sparks' to cross into the Gray Mist Universe together.

Some of these races have a complete civilization heritage, while others, like the native races, have not formed a true civilization.

Having solved another big doubt in his heart, Lin Shan got up and walked around in the boundless library.

From time to time, he took out a book from the bookshelf next to him to read.

A week passed quickly.

During this week, Lin Shan never left this room.

At this time, he was leaning against the bookshelf with a book called "Symbiosis of Humanity and Divinity" on his legs.

In front of Chubby, a light curtain suddenly lit up, and the image of Tushan Ranqi appeared on the light curtain.

"Hey, did you miss me?"

"Have you finished your business?" Lin Shan looked at her.

After such a long time, Tushan Ranqi finally remembered him. There was nothing in the library that could attract him. He planned to go to the fox tribe to take a look and collect some information first, at least to know how to go.

There are still nine years before the birth of the weird body sequence 7 potion predicted by the parchment, which means that he must find out the potion information within 9 years.

With the strength of the fox tribe, it should be very simple to hunt for sequence 7 materials, and the main ingredient of the weird body potion is weird, so there is no need to directly confront the plant tribe or the fallen tribe.

If you think about it this way, the weird body potion predicted by the parchment to be born in 9 years is likely because the sequence stone tablet can only swipe out the formula in 9 years. With the strength of the fox tribe, the sequence 7 potion does not need to spend too much time.

Then the question is... Who is this potion for?

Does the fox tribe have other sequence 8 weird bodies?

If the fox tribe does not have other sequence 8 weird bodies, is there another possibility... This potion has been kept in the fox tribe because there is no suitable user, and it was not "revealed" until 9 years later.

Lin Shan had an idea in mind. He would ask Tushan Ranqi about the body and "by the way" ask if the fox clan had any other Sequence 8 bodies.

He certainly couldn't mention the potion. If he asked directly about the body potion, would the purpose be more obvious... He felt that Tushan Ranqi shouldn't be that stupid.

If her sister was only Sequence 8... then this matter would be troublesome.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Lin Shan's mind was full of thoughts, and he came back to his senses when he heard Tushan Ranqi's slightly angry voice.

He looked at Tushan Ranqi in the light curtain. At this moment, Tushan Ranqi returned to the silly and cute state of the first time. When she was angry, the tail behind her would be blown up.

"Uh." Lin Shan apologized and said, "What did you just say?"

"Ah... I'm so angry."

Tushan Ranqi was a little crazy, rubbing her light blue shawl hair with her hands.

"Why, what's the matter that makes you so angry?" Lin Shan asked.

"A native race that has developed for thousands of years. I have already established faith there. I don't know why the Night Clan discovered it. They kept sending people to compete for faith. I went to question them, and they said it was a local cult... It had nothing to do with them..."

"That dead dog of the Night Clan, if it wasn't for his sister protecting him, I would have chopped him up long ago!"

"Dead dog?" Lin Shan had a strange look on his face.

"Well, a very annoying stinky dog, who has been making small moves behind the scenes for years and opposing my fox clan everywhere."

"Ask." Lin Shan interrupted her and said, "What color is the dog?"

"Yellow, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just asking..." Lin Shan waved his hand.

He had a vague feeling in his heart that the stinky dog ​​mentioned by Tushan Ranqi might be Huang Liu.

He didn't expect that Huang Liu's scope of trouble was so large. He was also involved in the angel incident some time ago. Now he came to compete with the fox clan for the faith of the native race.

I can only say that it's good to have a backer behind you.

"Why did you come to me? You didn't just want to tell me about this, did you?" Lin Shan looked at her.

"Of course not, I have found a way to take the thing out. I will ask Chubby to bring you here later." Tushan Ranqi said proudly.

Lin Shan's heart trembled. He could enjoy the irrigation of knowledge here now, not because he was a member of the subordinate race, but because of the fictitious "thing" in his body.

If this thing was taken out, who knows how Tushan Ranqi, who has regained his IQ, would treat him. If he thought of the old friendship, it would be fine if he just threw him out of the fox clan's ancestral land.

She had said before that she was cruel by nature, and Lin Shan felt that there was a high probability that she would be killed directly.

But now that he was under someone else's care, he had no other choice but to pray that the parchment would be better. If he didn't agree, the thing would not be taken out.

"I don't agree, I don't agree, I don't agree..."

Lin Shan recited silently in his heart, but said "Okay."

Tushan Ranqi immediately beamed with joy, his tail wagging happily behind him, "Then move faster, I'll wait for you here."

Lin Shan stood up, flexed his muscles casually, and said, "You Fox Clan are so generous, giving so much knowledge to the subordinate races at will."

"What are you thinking about?" Chubby opened the door with his claws and said with disdain, "Do you know why there are ten rings in the Apocalypse Tower?"

"Because the permissions from the first to the tenth ring are different, the knowledge they can learn from them is naturally different."

"The place you are in is the tenth ring of the Apocalypse Tower. You have 80% of the knowledge license rights of the Fox Clan. Only distinguished guests of the Fox Clan can live in this place."

"Is this what it turns out to be..." Lin Shan said suddenly. It turned out that it was not the Fox Clan who was generous, but his high permission authority.

"What kind of race are the distinguished guests of the Fox clan?"

"The Tool Clan, the Land Raiders, the Night Clan, that's probably all there is to it."

Lin Shan just asked casually, but he didn't expect Pangdudu to be able to give an accurate answer. He couldn't help but take a second look at the mechanical cat at his feet.

The license rights of the Fox clan are linked to their strength, which is absolutely fair and limited to civilians of the Fox clan. It may not be simple for this mechanical cat to know so many things.

That's right, following a former Sequence 6 boss, how could it be simple?

"Isn't the Night Clan the enemy of the Fox Clan? Can they also be honored guests?"

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