Above the gray fog

Chapter 289 Three Years, Beasts, Humans, and Gods

"Incense Shinto..."

"Land, City God, Clay Bodhisattva..."

Lin Shan couldn't help but think of these terms.

"What are you thinking about?" Tu Shan Ranqi saw Lin Shan stunned.

"Where did you fox tribe live before you traveled through time?" Lin Shan asked.

"Qingtu Star."

“What is developing?”

"Old Technology."

Tushan Ranqi said slowly:

"These are records from hundreds of thousands of years ago. When we arrived in this world, we also developed from scratch. At that time, there were many races stronger than us."

She paused for a moment and continued:

"The old fires basically have the inheritance of old technology."

"Are you thinking about the old days above the gray mist? All your thoughts have been thought of by someone for you."

"The old days and the original are the dividing lines of time, not places. In fact, the old days and the original are both under our feet."

"Above the gray fog and the original location of the fire...the Fox clan has some records, but the opinions are different."

Tushan Ranqi said while operating on the bracelet. Today is the last day here. After she arranges everything, she will return to her family. Only two guards will be left to take care of it.



Three years later.

In the past three years, Lin Shan has been honest and has not done any investigation. He knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. There are still six years to go. He must first build a good relationship and strengthen the circle. In the next six years, he can start to gradually seek for success. Potion.

Regarding potions, he now has an idea.

Tushan Ranqi got him a fox citizen certificate, and he is now a registered fox citizen certified by the official website like Pang Dudu.

All systems of the Fox clan adopt fair and just AI algorithms, and the fairness here is divided into three levels.

The fairness of ordinary fox people, the fairness of extraordinary fox people, and the fairness of gods.

These are three major classes, which are inevitable. It is certainly unrealistic for gods and ordinary people to enjoy the same rights.

The fairness of ordinary fox people is that everyone has an equal initial status and is gradually promoted based on their contribution. As long as the fox people have positive thoughts and can become pseudo-extraordinary through ideological examination, it is okay for those who are not enterprising to eat and wait to die. If they can afford it, the Fox clan no longer has the concept of money, and material things have never been what they lack.

To become extraordinary, you need to contribute. Contribution is exchanged for magic potion. This contribution can be anything that is beneficial to the development of the fox clan. Even if it is a singer or a dancer, it can be considered a contribution to bring spiritual joy to the fox people. Go to: Before Sequence 7, you can be promoted as long as you contribute enough.

The contribution is calculated by the Fox AI, and no gods can interfere.

Lin Shan looked at the information on his bracelet.

Name: Lin Shan

Gender: Male

Race: Human (Fire)

Current residence: Tushan, Tiannv Hall.

Absolute monitoring authorization: Authorized

Contribution value: 8741

Rating: B-level affiliated fox citizen

These contributions he got from hunting, whether they were evil spirits, wild beasts, strange things, or even spiritual plants or elixirs, as long as they were things surrounding the Fox clan, Sequence 8 would result in a 100-point contribution, and Sequence 9 would result in a 1-point contribution.

These more than 8,000 points of contribution are Lin Shan's gains in three years. In the past three years, he has been going out every few days. If he contributes 10,000 points, he is an A-class citizen. This level can reach the management level in the Fox clan.

Lin Shan had a very tiring life in the past three years, but Tushan Ranqi had a leisurely life.

Tushan Ranqi is a pensioner and basically has nothing to do. She has only gone out once in the past three years. Naturally, other fox people can do such things as searching for a place of faith. There is no interest that drives her, so she doesn't want to move.

Her daily life now is like that of an ordinary person, eating, sleeping, admiring flowers, and drinking tea.

Chubby has become increasingly weak recently, and seems to fall to the ground at any time. When Lin Shan is reading, he will always lie down next to Lin Shan.

Unexplained murmurs came from his mouth.

Tushan Ranqi could naturally tell the state of Chubby. She hadn't called Chubby for a year, so Chubby basically stayed with Lin Shan.

Lin Shan didn't know what he meant, but when he saw it in such a twilight state, he didn't say anything. He only occasionally chatted with it. It would always say... that it had lived a useless life for thousands of years, telling the story of the world. Not fair.

Lin Shan was just a listener.

Even an extraordinary being as powerful as Sequence 7, when his lifespan of thousands of years comes to an end, he will start to recall the past like an ordinary old man, with regret, regret, resentment, or sigh.

In the quiet room, the only sounds were Lin Shan's flipping pages and Chubby's rapid breathing.

"I'm leaving," Lin Shan said.



Chubby opened one eye, "I should be dying, but I want to see if you can do it successfully."

"Then you will live a few more years."

"I'll try my best."

Chubby stood up and shook his body.

The next second, snow-white hair began to grow on the originally metal skin.

The metallic skin becomes no different from ordinary creatures.

Although it is a mechanical cat, its biotechnology has reached the extreme, simulating flesh and blood in steel.

"Meow." Chubby took a few steps forward with cat steps, "Can you do me a little favor?"


"After I die, I will bring my characteristics back to the Machine Clan. This belongs to them."

"You can go back now. Tushan Ranqi won't stop you."

"But... I still want to see it."

Lin Shan went forward and held it in his arms, and walked towards the courtyard. He was going to say goodbye to Tushan Ranqi. This time he might stay outside for a long time.

In any case, Tushan Ranqi treated him well. Although her purpose was not pure at the beginning, she seemed to give up taking things back in the following years.

Lin Shan also found that Tushan Ranqi did not have any social interaction in the fox tribe.

I don’t know what she was like before. Her popularity was so bad that even her sister never looked for her once.

After three years of getting along and daily necessities, Lin Shan could see that she was very lonely.

Chubby, Tushan Ranqi.

They all have their own stories.

Lin Shan also has one.

All living beings have one, and perhaps... gods also have one.

He remembered that he had read a book called "Divinity and Humanity".

The book said:

Divinity is a reflection of human nature. The higher the sequence, the more it reflects.

The predecessor of the Ten Thousand Races was beast, and beast nature is something that the Ten Thousand Races can never get rid of.

The basis of human nature is animality, the reality is human nature, and the direction is divinity.

Animality is desire, and the core of animality is plunder.

Humanity is exchange, and the core of human nature is choice.

Divinity is unconditional, and the core of divinity is giving.

Greed, bravery, rage and irritability are animality.

Seeking profit and avoiding harm, being lazy and hating work, and being selfish are human nature.

Compassion, tolerance, wisdom and harmony, and helping the people are divinity.

The purpose of promotion is to make people's divinity shine.


However, nowadays, divinity has been distorted.

The strength of the gods depends on how much humanity they still have.

——Nvjiao, (Tianxia, ​​the 75th)

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