Above the gray fog

Chapter 29 Ninety Thousand Miles

Lin Shan used force to pry open the round mouth on the evil head and pulled out the eyeball inside. With a "sizzling" sound, the blood vessels connected to the eyeball were brought out together.

The eyeball was covered with dense gray-white flesh and blood tissue, like layers of spider webs covering it.

Lin Shan peeled off the flesh and blood tissue on the eyeball with his hands, revealing an irregular gray stone.

The stone was only the size of a fist, with uneven outside, and it was still entangled with strong spirituality.

Lin Shan first took the stone in his hand to weigh it, then rubbed the blood off the stone on the ground, and finally stuffed it into his backpack.

So far, one-third of the materials for the Blood Wing Magic Potion have been collected.

The second material is mercury grass, which is not a straight line with Scatini's route, but is nearly parallel. The distance marked on it is 231 kilometers.

This distance should be reachable in three days, and it may be faster if the sword is taken.

After hastily dealing with some dry food, Lin Shan continued to move towards the target location of the mercury grass.

There were all kinds of strange and bizarre evil spirits along the way. There were only a few in a small group, and a large group was so dense that it was impossible to see the edge. He even saw more than a dozen Scatini walking in the woods. What surprised Lin Shan was that they were actually eating grass.

It seems that the parchment marked the location of the easiest materials to obtain. If the parchment marked this Scatini group, it would not be so easy to get the materials again.

Fortunately, this seems to be the territory of the evil spirits, and there was no weirdness.

In the following time, Lin Shan flew on the sword when he encountered an evil spirit on the ground, and walked on the ground when he encountered an evil spirit that could fly. By the evening, he had traveled nearly 50 kilometers with the flying belt.

This speed is almost twice as fast as before, and the ability to avoid danger has also been greatly enhanced after gaining the ability to fly.

Good things come in pairs. The red lantern has also recovered during this period. It may not be fully recovered, and can only provide a field of view of 100 meters, but it is enough to avoid most of the absolute evil spirits.

With the cover of the trees, even if he approached the evil within 20 meters, he would not be discovered as long as he did not make any sound.

Of course, some evils with special abilities are excluded, such as the cobra that was cut into two pieces at his feet at this moment.

This snake seemed to have some kind of perception ability. When Lin Shan just approached within 20 meters, it stared at Lin Shan without making a sound. When Lin Shan entered its attack range, it pounced on Lin Shan like an arrow on a string.

Fortunately, Lin Shan's heart light has been protecting his body, directly breaking it apart, and then being cut off by Lin Shan with a sword.

Looking at the snake on the ground, Lin Shan had an idea. Eating the hard gray buns these days made his mouth feel dry. Maybe it's time to add a meal.

In the evening, after eating a full meal of snake meat, Lin Shan's eyes lit up.

He found that the upper limit of his spirituality increased a little, and the recovery speed of his spirituality increased in the process of digesting the snake meat. This is only a supernatural beast of sequence 9, and the effect is simply a panacea.

However, the snake gallbladder, which should have been the most valuable, was not very effective and did not contain any spirituality. The spirituality was all in the flesh and blood of the snake. Lin Shan could not figure out the specific reason.

He roasted all the snake meat into jerky and put it in his bag. With the supplement of these snake meat, his flying time would be greatly increased.

Two days later, at an altitude of tens of meters, gray fog quickly moved around him.

Relying on the supplement of snake meat, he spent most of the time flying in the sky in the past two days. The destination of this trip was ten kilometers ahead.

He encountered more than ten attacks from evil birds along the way and avoided them all. The most dangerous attack was from an alien bird whose strength far exceeded his. He relied on the red lantern to buy time and hide in the woods on the ground to avoid it. Even so, his body was pierced with several holes by the sharp beak.

He did not encounter any weirdness in this area, but only groups of evil birds. These evil birds were strong and weak and had strange shapes.

Moreover, Lin Shan also found that the evil ones rarely killed each other for no reason, and there was no fixed food chain. As long as they were weaker than themselves, they were all food. The rule of "big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp" was fully demonstrated here.

Flying in the sky, they naturally avoided most of the evil ones. The remaining evil ones with flying ability, the strong ones would fly very high. His height was basically the strength of sequence 9, first to second stage.

30 meters is the safest height, which is the value he got after more than ten attacks.

Half an hour later, Lin Shan came to the foot of a mountain.

The terrain of the earth began to change from here, from forests spanning hundreds of kilometers to continuous mountains, which reached the sky and were surrounded by gray fog, like pillars of heaven with no end in sight. The gray fog became thinner as it went up, so the vague shadows of the mountains could be seen.

And the target of Lin Shan's trip, the mercury grass, was just in front. The distance display of the parchment had become three-dimensional, with an additional height display, marked as 9408 meters.

A hundred meters ahead is a steep cliff, which is blocked by gray fog and cannot be seen clearly.

Lin Shan remembered that the altitude of Mount Everest on Earth is 8,848 meters, and any mountain here is higher than this...

He flew up the sword and began to climb slowly. The higher he went, the more he felt an inexplicable pressure, and the greater the consumption of his spiritual power.

The distance of 8,000 meters, not counting the rest time, flew for two hours. At this time, Lin Shan already felt difficulty breathing. This was definitely not a reaction to the altitude, but oppression by some invisible pressure, and the source of this pressure was the gray fog!

Only when he reached the sky did Lin Shan realize that what he saw below was an illusion. The gray fog in the sky did not become thinner but became thicker. However, for some reason, he could see extremely distant mountains.

In the distance, there were mountains and mountains. The mountains stretched for an unknown number of miles.

Suddenly, he saw a columnar mountain in the distance. It was a very regular cylindrical shape, which was out of tune with the other mountains.

In an instant, Lin Shan felt that his sight was getting closer, and an unknown force was pulling him. At this moment, he seemed to have a God's perspective, and he could see everything around the columnar mountain.

Lin Shan could clearly see that there were three huge characters engraved on the columnar mountain. They were characters he did not recognize, but they directly transmitted the meaning of the characters into his mind like a sequence stone tablet.

The next second, consciousness gradually returned from far to near.

"Ninety thousand miles!"

Lin Shan murmured, with a look of shock on his face.

That mountain is called Ninety thousand miles!

What does it mean? Could it be that the mountain is ninety thousand miles high!

But Lin Shan felt that it should not only represent the height, but also the mountain is surrounded by a strong spirit.

What this represents is obvious, the entire columnar mountain is weird!

Zooming in, the height in front of us is not the top of the mountain, but should be halfway up the mountain.

Because the mountain is huge, there is a concave position halfway up the mountain. For the valley, it may be just a small concave, but for Lin Shan, it is a valley that stretches for countless miles.

It seems that the mercury grass should be in this valley.

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