Above the gray fog

Chapter 292 Can we do it next time?

Lin Shan ignored him and continued to walk towards the target location.

These people dared not offend the fox people, even ordinary fox people. Fox people are protected by the laws of the fox tribe. They cannot be bullied by their extraordinary powers. At least in the territory of the fox tribe, ordinary fox people have higher status than them.

The whole street is quite long, with stalls and small shops, stretching for several miles. The only thing in common is that they don’t have any goods in front of them.

Lin Shan walked to a mansion and knocked gently.

"Who is it?"

"Lin Shan."

"Dad, Brother Lin is here." A loud shout came from the house.

Then the door of the mansion was opened.

It was a young man, human-shaped, but with a pig's nose.

The characteristics of all races are the same, and they must have some beast characteristics, because all races originated from beasts.

These races in the fox tribe are okay, at least they are all human-shaped, and there are many non-human-shaped races, and their looks are even more bizarre.

In this regard, Lin Shan is used to it. The strange-looking all races here are already sparse and common in his eyes.

"Karl, where's your father?"

"He's in the house, come in, brother Lin." The pig-nosed young man called Karl pushed open the doors on both sides and made a gesture to invite him in.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded and walked through the courtyard to the hall.

He had been here many times.

"Old Lin is here." Gao Guang's voice came before he arrived.

Then, a middle-aged man with a very sloppy appearance appeared in Lin Shan's sight.

He was wearing a simple white jacket, with the middle button not buttoned up, because it was completely impossible to button up, his belly was too big, and his chest was covered with thick chest hair. He was wearing a pair of wide shorts that reached his knees.

He was carrying a large machete on his back, which was simply tied to his back with a rope. A cold feeling emanated from it. This machete was a strange object, and its level was not low.

The white bracelet on his wrist symbolized his identity as a fox.

He was an S-level fox, who had been in the fox clan for three hundred years. He was also the governor of this fishing port and a member of the fox clan.

He constantly exchanged contribution points for magic potions and advanced technologies to send to the tribe, almost supporting the tribe by himself. Not only him, but many people here did the same.

If they make money, the fox tribe will never lose money.

This person is called Ka Baibai. The two met when they went out hunting. Strong people always attract each other. After that encounter, the two decided to form a long-term team without hesitation to improve efficiency and expand the search range.

It can be regarded as a life-and-death friendship.

"Come to find me? Are you ready?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

"I'll borrow your channel. I have 8700 contributions. Give me 8 bottles of sequence 8 potions. If you need them, send them to my people. 700 is the reward."

"8700 contributions in three years is really outrageous." Ka Baibai shook his head. "You work too hard. The fox tribe only releases 10 exchange quotas every year."

"I will try my best to raise them for you within five years."

"Here are the coordinates and my beacon. The location of my tribe is a bit strange. The land seems to move, but the speed is very slow. Look carefully."

Lin Shan was not worried about exposing the location of the tribe. It was useless to know such a far location. Moreover, the two had known each other for three years. Although they knew each other well, they did know each other's personalities.

Of course, there was also the final means of protection.

Lin Shan pulled out a blue paper from the void, on which the content of the transaction between the two was written. The result of violating it was the collapse of the soul and the return of existence to zero.

This is a contract paper commonly used in the fox tribe's territory. With the blessing of Nvjiao's authority, as long as you are in the fox tribe's territory, you will not escape the punishment of the rules. This is also the guarantee for the smooth construction of this trading place.

Without the contract paper, the black market here cannot be opened. Those who can come here are not fools. Smart people cannot easily trust each other.

As for whether they will be discovered by Nvjiao... Maybe Nvjiao is watching them with interest now, like watching two ants interacting there.

Ka Baibai read the content above carefully, nodded slightly, and pressed his rough palm on it. This contract is bound to the soul, and it must be willing to take effect.

The light blue paper suddenly ignited a flame, indicating that the contract has taken effect.

Similarly, Nvjiao will extract a trace of the total spirituality of the two as a reward. Those with average talent need months or even years to recover. Lin Shan felt it a little and it will take about a few days to recover.

A light screen popped out, Lin Shan stretched out his hand and slid to the side, and the 8741 contribution points suddenly became 41 points. On the other side, Ka Baibai confirmed that he had received the transfer and nodded slightly, "Let's talk inside."

Transactions are transactions, and friends should also keep accounts clear. Instead of being wary of each other, it is better to speak openly. The two knew this very well.

After the transaction, it was time for private communication.

"Karl, go get a few bottles of good wine."


Inside the house.

The two drank silently, and in the end, Ka Baibai couldn't help but speak first, "I have seen a few people like you in the fox clan."

He sighed, took off the bracelet, stretched out his hand, and waited until Lin Shan handed the bracelet to him. He turned and walked towards another room, and walked out again after a long time.


"But have you ever thought that it takes a hundred years for a fox tribe to produce a Sequence 7, or even for a Sequence 6 to personally go out and get the materials? You have permission to enter Tushan, but do you have permission to enter the Star Dome? The potion will be produced there and will be drunk immediately."

"In terms of potion distribution, the Fox Clan uses talent, conduct, and divine surname as the main screening methods. If the divine surname's talent and conduct are all passed, it is a sure thing to get Sequence 7 potions. The Fox Clan still has three God’s surname is Sequence 8, waiting for this magic potion.”

Ka Baibai said in a deep voice, he has been in the Fox Clan for three hundred years, and he has also been involved in the management. He has also learned about the internal information of the Fox Clan's top executives. The Fox Clan does not prohibit the dissemination of this information, but he cannot know more in detail. Many situations.

The Fox Clan has a super artificial intelligence - the Goddess of Shimmer. She coordinates everything and makes the huge Fox Clan run in an orderly manner. The AI ​​in it is connected to the bracelets of all the Fox people.

"If your information is accurate and the next potion is a strange body, then I can already determine who this potion will be given to."

"The goddess's sister, Tushan Anyi, is also a poor child."

"How to say?"

"She and Tiannu were from the same period. There are even rumors that their sisters are twins."

"In the end, she gave everything to her sister, because the strange body potion was too rare, and the Fox clan had not used the strange body sequence 7 potion even once in ten thousand years. Her sister inherited the characteristics left by her two ancestors. She has been waiting for tens of thousands of years.”

"Can Sequence 8 have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years?"

"The Fox Clan has a technology that can freeze time. Her talent is as good as her sister. It is impossible for the Fox Clan to give up on her. Her body is always in a frozen state, and her consciousness is in the virtual space. She is taken by her sister, and every hundred years she will... Get out of the lockdown and move around for a few days to prevent your body from getting necrotic.”

"I only know this much. A good friend of mine with the surname of God told me that if you want to get the magic potion this time, it involves too many things. It is more serious than ever before. Tushan Anyi has waited tens of thousands for it. Year."

"If it is stolen by you, where will the face of the fox clan god go?"

Lin Shan looked stunned, Tu Shan Ranqi's last words echoed in his ears.

"Can you do it next time? This time is very important to me. I will stand on the side of the Fox Clan..."

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