Above the gray fog

Chapter 297 New system?

"Can you speak?"

Lucia waited for a long time but did not wait for death, but she waited for such a question.

She swallowed and opened her eyes tremblingly.

Looking straight ahead at the big boss, the extremely dazzling red light means that if she can kill him, a bunch of things will explode, and her experience points will even be enough for her to cross a large level.

Lin Shan stared at the girl in front of him, frowning.

His face was filled with despair when he first saw him. Why was his mouth watering in the blink of an eye?

This change is too big... Could it be that he is just like the old fox before, a creature without wisdom?

No...it's impossible not to have wisdom. He watched the whole battle before, and both sides obviously had good wisdom.

"Can you speak?"

Lin Shan asked again.

"Yes...yes...I can. Sir, do you need any help?"

Fox language is the common language here. Whether it is the boss, people of various tribes, or beast aberrations, as long as they can speak, they use the fox tribe.

It can also be called the official language of the ‘Ascend’ game.

"What is this place?"

"This is the realm of sin."

Lucia answered carefully, while she was also observing Lin Shan's reaction.

She has never met the BOSS, and she doesn't know what the BOSS's attitude is towards a weak creature like her, whether he attacks him directly or is dismissive.

After a moment, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that her life was not in danger for the time being.

"Sin Realm? Isn't this the Sin City?" Lin Shan was confused.

"Tell me all the information you know. If I am satisfied, I will let you go. If there is anything missing..."

Lin Shan looked around and fixed his gaze on a huge rock a hundred meters away.

I saw him clenching his fist slightly in the direction of the boulder.

"Boom, bang!"

The boulder suddenly fell apart, making a huge roar, and some of the rubble was blown hundreds of meters away.

There is no law in this chaotic land.

It is much more convenient to be a bad guy at this time than to be a strange uncle trying to coax the little girl.

And judging from the girl's fighting performance just now, it doesn't look like she will be coaxed. Maybe she will be deceived again...

Lucia took a few steps back and nodded repeatedly, indicating that she would definitely cooperate.

She took a deep breath and said:

"I don't know what Sin City is. Everything I know is told by the system. This is the Sin World. This area is called Garbage Mountain, and it is a novice area."

"Only when you reach level ten can you leave this area and develop in a more prosperous area."

"I have lived in the criminal world for five years and have just reached level ten. I came from another area, the novice area. That area was massacred by B...BOSS, so I escaped. I don't know much about this area. "

Lucia told everything she knew, and then slowly backed away. She was afraid that the big boss in front of her would suddenly regret it.

Lin Shan didn't pay attention to her little movements. He was digesting the information extracted from the girl's words in his mind.


"Ascension Game..."

"Don't rely on magic potions and beliefs, use experience points to upgrade..."

"Is the Fox Clan creating a new system? Or is it for some other reason?"

Although there are still many doubts, one thing he is sure of is that this so-called criminal world is the testing ground of the Fox clan.

Above the Sin Realm is the Abyss Realm, a chaotic place where all races gather. The creatures in the Sin Realm are all forcibly captured from the Abyss Realm. The creatures in the Abyss Realm are rootless duckweeds and will not be involved in any grievances with all races. This is probably the reason why Abyss Territory was established.

The Night Clan also has a place similar to the Abyss Territory.

Is there also an experimental site belonging to the Night Clan in that place...

While Lin Shan was thinking, Lucia had already run hundreds of meters away.

"Where do I belong in the system's judgment?"

Lucia thought she had escaped, but before the joy in her heart could rise, she was suppressed again.

Lin Shan's words floated in her ears.


The girl gasped and stammered, "BOSS, you are BOSS."

Lin Shan looked weird. Why was he judged to be the BOSS?

His identity is the fox people... The fox people are judged as the boss in this game... This is a bit strange.

Could it be that he guessed wrong, the world of crime is not a testing ground, but a testing ground for the Fox clan, and the Boss is the target of being besieged and killed...

If the players here defeat the boss, they will receive experience points as rewards. What if the boss kills the players here?

What benefits will be gained?

While thinking about it, Lin Shan couldn't help but look at the girl.

In the end, I still couldn't make the move.

"Show me the skills you upgraded to level 10."

He also paid attention to the girl when she upgraded. There was no change in her body at all, but the strength when she threw the dagger and the speed at which she ran were completely unlike what ordinary people should have.

He had felt something was wrong before in the garbage pit.

None of the countless figures showed any spiritual fluctuations in his eyes, but their strength was different from ordinary people.

Could this be a new power system that is different from spirituality?

The mainstream system of this world must be spirituality. Even the supernatural power of strange bodies is a variation of spirituality. Apart from spirituality, the only thing he knows so far is faith.

Will this be the third system?

"My skill is 'controlling objects', which can control objects within five meters of me to attack and defend."

The girl saw that she could not escape the clutches of a boss, so she sat on the ground with a buttock, looking a little self-destructive.

The next second.

The girl's eyes flashed with cold light, and the short blade placed on her waist was shot towards Lin Shan with a whoosh.


The short blade flew and hit Lin Shan's clothes, making a sound of golden swords clashing.

Lin Shan saw that the girl was not honest, and glared at her, and the short blade that she regarded as a beloved treasure suddenly turned into molten iron.

Seeing this, the girl completely collapsed on the ground.

She raised her face and forced herself to show a smile that was uglier than crying, "Hey, this is my skill, it's comfortable to help adults scratch their itch."

"It's a pity that my tickle rake is gone..."

"Then what use are you?" Lin Shan pretended to be angry.

"I can use my hands!"

"I can still... still..."

What can I still say? She hesitated for a long time and could not say it. She could only add in a low voice, "I have the blood of the Meizu..."

Lin Shan waved his hand to interrupt her. What is this? What is the Meizu? A mobile phone?

Lin Shan roughly analyzed the strength of the attack just now. It is estimated that it will be 10 times stronger to reach the level of sequence 9.

She is now level 10, at most the beginning of pseudo-transcendent, but she has more extraordinary means than pseudo-transcendent, which means... when the level reaches 100, it is very likely to become the first stage of sequence 9.

Sequence 8 is about level 1000 here, and his 'Ice Flame' is the eleventh stage of sequence 8, which is about level 11000...

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