Above the gray fog

Chapter 306 Five Years

The energy source is there.

The next step is weapons.

Weapons have ready-made parts. The fox tribe has a complete set of industrial foundations, assembly-line production, and can even assemble the attack methods and types of weapons they need.

This is the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of development. The fox tribe also has a lot of black technologies, such as photon jump technology, ultra-long-distance transmission technology, energy conversion technology, etc., which even Chubby Dudu cannot access.

These black technologies and energy technologies are not technologies in the same dimension. There are only a few types of energy that are applicable, such as wind energy, light energy, nuclear energy, etc. The strong tribes in this regard have mastered the corresponding technologies.

The only difference is the utilization efficiency. Most races are still using nuclear energy to boil water. The energy conversion device of the fox tribe can directly and perfectly use nuclear energy to convert it into different energies using the "conversion field". The gap is more than a little bit.

Otherwise, such a small energy center cannot supply such powerful energy.

The higher-level black technologies are confidential to the fox tribe and cannot be leaked.

Lin Shan began to check the distinction between weapons.

Weapons are basically energy weapons. They can be connected to the energy center to charge the battery remotely, or they can be made separately.

The energy center is very expensive. It took him three months to make it. The value of it is enough to buy a small native race. Even Tushan Ranqi's permission cannot apply for unlimited materials.

I have already greeted Tushan Ranqi before, and she also generously told Lin Shan that Lin Shan can use her quota at will.

Although he knew that the energy center in his hand was very valuable, all the devices and materials were ready-made. He was only responsible for assembly and had no intuitive feeling of the value of the items in his hand.

"A small native race... must be very valuable." Lin Shan murmured, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​installing an energy center for the weapon separately.

He did all this just to practice and familiarize himself with the process. By then, Chubby Dudu will have ready-made equipment for Lin Shan to use. There is no need to cause too much waste to Tushan Ranqi. Who knows if it will affect her.

Moreover, this thing cannot be used by the human race. Without the corresponding strength, using this kind of old weapon will only bring disaster and attract irresistible fragments of the old gods, which may even lead to the extinction of the race.

Spend a few days to familiarize yourself with the assembly and characteristics of the old weapons.

It is not the same dimension as the weapons used by the human race now.

Finally, the technological devices...

There are two types of devices, built-in and external.

Built-in devices are equivalent to parts or components, such as "energy conversion devices", "nuclear cooling devices", "space compression devices", each device is a separate and complete component with its own function. Many devices are assembled together to make the "energy center" work.

External devices can be regarded as special weapons.

The strongest external device mastered by Chubby can even reverse time like Sequence 6!

However... it can only reverse its own time and cannot affect outsiders.

This is also very against the sky. If you are fatally injured, you can be resurrected directly by reversing time.

Another three months passed.

When Chubby woke up, he saw that Lin Shan was already familiar with the process, so he made an exoskeleton armor for Lin Shan. It was called armor, but it was actually a bit like a "tights", but it was a little thicker. The prototype was a diamond-shaped metal plate, which would cover the whole body once activated, providing a physique comparable to that of a fallen body of sequence 7.

Ordinary flesh cannot withstand the recoil and radiation brought by weapons. Spiritual gauze clothes are feasible, but maintaining spiritual gauze clothes requires spiritual energy.

The best way is to directly transform the flesh, hollow out the flesh and replace it with machinery. This is much stronger than using armor, and many additional weapons can be installed in the body to catch the opponent off guard.

Five years later.

Gray fog.


A blue light flashed.

An unusually dazzling mushroom cloud rose in the sky.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a sequence 7 evil fell was covered with scars in the deep pit.

Lin Shan was stunned when he saw his handiwork.

It's true, the poor rely on mutations, and the rich rely on technology.

It feels so good to be rich. According to Chubby Dudu's estimate, the equipment he has now is enough to buy the small ant tribe that Tushan Ranqi found last time. That is a high-quality native race.

This is a set of equipment that can push the combat power of ordinary people to Sequence 7. The Fox Tribe has no stock. It is a limited edition everywhere.

If he had known that the path of mechanical ascension would be like this, he would have agreed long ago. Now he just wants to say, it's so delicious!

But this can't last long after all. Without the Fox Tribe's instruments, he can't maintain these technological equipment. He can do so by standing on the shoulders of the Fox Tribe. If he leaves the Fox Tribe, everything will have to start from scratch.

However, Chubby Dudu said that as long as he is promoted to Sequence 7 and masters mental power, with the assistance of the optical brain and the characteristics of fire, he can do hand-rubbing basic components.

He has a complete inheritance, and he can find materials by himself and develop slowly.

The evil in the pit climbed up, his legs were shaking.

It stared at the annihilation particle barrier covering a radius of 10,000 meters in the air, and conveyed anger with mental power.

"What race are you... You dare to openly violate the weapons banned by the Human Circle Arbitration Agency."

"Openly violate? Who saw it?" Lin Shan said indifferently.

This sequence 7 evil was found near the fox tribe. It has been wandering around the fox tribe, sneaking around and no one knows what it is doing.

The fox tribe gave the task of driving them away, which was accepted by Chubby Dudu. However, Chubby Dudu told Lin Shan that for the Fallen and Plant tribes, driving them away was equivalent to killing them. The reason why the order was to drive them away was because they were afraid that the Fallen tribe would cause trouble.

The fox tribe was not really afraid of the Fallen tribe. If they reported it to the human circle arbitration agency, the fox tribe would not be able to end up well. In order to avoid trouble, they said one thing in public and another in private.

After all, a sequence 7 core was a windfall for the fox tribe, and they would not miss it.

On the surface, the fox tribe gave birth to a sequence 7 every hundred years, but in fact, the number of births every hundred years must be more than one, otherwise, they would not be able to make up for the loss of sequence 7.

This is an unspoken rule, and other powerful tribes also do this to suppress the development of the Fallen and Plant tribes, and to make up for their own consumption in exploring deep space.

It is unknown where the characteristics of the old days came from, but in the beginning, all the characteristics came from the evil fallen spirit plants and weirdness.

If the characteristics of sequence 9 dissipate, a certain evil fallen branch will naturally give birth to a newborn to accommodate this characteristic.

If the Sequence 8 characteristic dissipates, a Sequence 9 Evil Fallen in the corresponding tribe will be promoted to Sequence 8, and the Sequence 9 characteristic integrated into the Sequence 8 characteristic will naturally dissolve and return to the original state.

If the Fallen tribe or the Plant tribe that accommodates a certain characteristic is directly exterminated, another new branch tribe will be born as a carrier.

In essence, the Fallen tribe and the Plant tribe are the carriers of characteristics, and it is impossible for them to be exterminated.

This requires maintaining a balance between the Fallen tribe, the Plant tribe, and the Ten Thousand Races.

The Ten Thousand Races have special physiques, and 80% of them are living bodies.

The characteristics of living bodies are carried by the Plant tribe, which is why the Plant tribe is rare.

The Ten Thousand Races Fallen bodies are rare, so the Evil Fallen can be seen everywhere in the gray fog.

Correspondingly, the extreme rarity of the Weird Body also leads to endless weirdness, but most of them are in the Sky Prison.

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