Above the gray fog

Chapter 318 Sequence 9 Quantity Limit

"You're awake."

"How long?"

"What year is it now?"

"have no idea."

“How long did it take for me to get promoted?”

"21 years."

"21 years..."

Fortunately, if the limit time for Sequence 8 to absorb magic medicine is 10 years. Sequence 7 is probably a hundred years old, so it only took one-fifth of the time to do it, which is considered lucky.

After absorbing... the next step is digestion. Before breaking the three prohibitions, the energy of the potion itself is enough to push him to the peak of Sequence 7.

The faith in his body is rapidly depleted. The faith of Little Ant-Man and the faith of the human race, accumulated over the years, are enough to push him to...the peak of the second stage.

That is more than double the current strength.

Lin Shan calculated how fast his faith would burn and it would only take less than a month.

Faith is indeed the super fuel of the strange body. If it were advanced in a normal time, it would take decades to reach the first level.

If you have time, go to the little ant clan to harvest it again, which should be enough to push it to the third stage.

At this moment, he could clearly detect the position of the little ants, like the brightest beacon in the endless void.

Is this what...'faith as a guide' means?

"Have there been any big changes in the human race during this time?"

"It has been expanding, its technological productivity has exceeded that of the earth at that time, and its population has grown to 70 million."

"However, the extraordinary number has reached a bottleneck. The number of Sequence 9 is hovering in the tens of thousands and can never go up. The materials around the thirty-three sequence formulas have been looted. Now even if the Sequence 9 stone tablet is refreshed, it will no longer be given. Directions because there is no more material.”

After a pause, Zhao Xiaoan continued:

"In the mole battle five years ago, the human race lost a lot of Sequence 9s. In the next few years, the Sequence Stone Tablet once again gave guidance. The characteristics are still the same, but... they are not the previous group. The human race will once again The surrounding materials have been exhausted, and the lost Sequence 9 is slowly being replenished."

"Perhaps this is conservation. Even Sequence 9 cannot increase infinitely."

"So...there are no evil spirits and spiritual plants around the human race?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes, endless." Zhao Xiaoan replied, "But the sequence stele will not locate them, and it cannot be used as a sequence potion. It can only be used as a material for original technology."

"There are only thirty-three sequences of the human race...even if the clan area expands, it will not increase?" Lin Shan continued to ask.

"That's the case at the moment. There should be some pattern in this, but we haven't figured it out yet." Zhao Xiaoan nodded.

Then he added: "If you want to know the specific situation, you can go to the Future Research Institute and ask. They have been exploring this aspect. What I know... I heard from the court meeting."

"Mole plague...is there anything going on with the Twilight clan?"

"The Twilight Clan no longer exists. It was destroyed by a more powerful civilization on the other side, the cluster consciousness civilization."

"Swarm consciousness? Hive consciousness? Gestalt? Does this really exist?" Lin Shan was surprised.

"It's cluster consciousness, not hive mind and Gestalt. There is still a difference between the two." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head.

“The hive consciousness can be divided into two situations: the first is a powerful master consciousness that controls the subordinate units to which it belongs. The subordinate units have no self-awareness at all or only have very limited consciousness; the second situation is that the subordinate units Each unit has basic consciousness units, and these consciousness units communicate with each other at a very high frequency when running, becoming a complete overall consciousness. "

"And swarm consciousness is...everything you encounter is an 'it'. There is no connection between the units, and there is no need for connection, because there is essentially only one unit. The 'it' we encounter is as well as parasitic." "

Lin Shan put his chin on his hand, "This is very science fiction..."

Zhao Xiaoan nodded, "Myth is ancient science fiction, and science fiction is modern mythology. Its essence is spirituality and characteristics."

Later, Zhao Xiaoan informed Lin Shan of Catana's remarks.

"Did you go to see that big octopus? I know about the super-standard sequence. It's also recorded in the book I left behind. I didn't expect there to be such a super-standard sequence."

Lin Shan thought for a moment and said, "What you did is right. There is no need to fight against this kind of thing."

"The advantages of these two kinds of consciousness for individual consciousness such as human civilization are obvious. There is no dispute and all actions can be completed with maximum efficiency. However, because of this, they also have extremely fatal flaws, that is, the lack of creativity and civilization. Creativity generally arises from collisions and frictions between individuals and even civilizations. Without these, civilization is likely to stagnate.”

"Go out first and take a look at the tribe's territory. In a few days, I'll go take a look at the big octopus and try to see if I can get the core back."

"I'll go with you."

"You will disturb me if you go."

"What if 'it' also has Sequence 7?"

"If you can beat me, fight. If you can't beat me, then run away."

"Where's Sequence 6? Did he run away?"

"Well, there are so many eventualities." Lin Shan said helplessly, "Even your Sequence 8 can escape."

"I have a 'family'." Zhao Xiaoan pointed to the ground.

"Okay, by the way, take Wu Wang with you as a pendant." Lin Shan looked around and nodded in agreement.


The two figures gradually became illusory.

Appeared at the border of the tribe.

"How big is the tribe now?" Lin Shan asked.

"The diameter is about 5,000 kilometers."

"Is it already so big..."

Zhao Xiaoan sighed:

"It is expanding every second. Although the expansion is very slow, it has become so big over time. The range that the human race can currently use is very small. There are only 15 cities in such a large range."

"The human race has developed too fast. It is estimated that it will take hundreds or even thousands of years for other races to reach this step. The human race has only developed for 150 years so far. After the cat race, it has never encountered an unsolvable crisis."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded. The human race has indeed developed smoothly.

Then, holding Zhao Xiaoan's arm, an invisible sound wave broke dozens of saplings below.

The space was broken one after another, breaking through the speed of sound in an instant, and it was still accelerating.

Fifteen seconds later.

The speed did not reach the limit, but the destination had been reached.

Yongchang City is located in the center of the tribe, 2,500 kilometers from the border.

Zhao Xiaoan looked at the bustling city below and calmed down his fluctuating emotions.

"Fifteen seconds... 2,500 kilometers... Is this Sequence 7?"

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