Above the gray fog

Chapter 329 Departure

"This child...train him well."

"He was born with a double sequence." Lin Shan said.

He didn't know whether this child was chosen because he was a double sequence and had extraordinary talents.

Or he became a double sequence after being chosen.

Just like him, he didn't have a strange body, but because of the parchment and the feather pen, his soul was transformed into a strange body.

Lin Shan felt that the former was more likely. The inheritance should only be the sequence, and it is impossible to inherit the physique.

"Please rest assured, Lin Xianfeng, my Qian family will definitely train this child well. In the future, he will definitely become a pillar of the human race and protect the millions of people of our human race." Qian Ning said firmly. He said this not only to Lin Shan, but also to Qian Nianyun. He was going to intervene in the child's training.

Qian Nianyun didn't want the child to go to the battlefield. He wanted him to live a peaceful life. He even chose an auxiliary sequence when choosing a sequence.

You know, for most extraordinary people, sequence 9 is their limit. They can't be promoted to a higher level and choose more matching sequences. The first sequence they choose will determine the path they will take in the future.

Qian Ning has no sons, only Qian Nianyun, a daughter. He doesn't want to worry too much about the child's education. In fact, he also hopes that his grandson can live a peaceful life.

There is a limit on the number of extraordinary people. The combat sequence must perform the task of exploring the gray fog or clearing the threats to the tribe. The auxiliary sequence is mostly engaged in logistics.

At this stage of the human race, there are no idle extraordinary people. There are detailed records of what sequence each extraordinary person is in and what position he is in. Only a few people like Qian Ning who are in high positions will have some privileges.

Of course, there are also a group of people who are detached from the world.

"Please rest assured, Lin Xianfeng, talent is also a responsibility. I understand that I will teach Yiping well." Qian Nianyun said half happy and half worried. At this time, she can no longer hide the child behind the scenes. Xianfeng has already spoken, which means that this child is very important to the human race. Zhu Yiping is no longer just her child. At this moment, he contains too many hopes.

Although she didn't know what the super-standard sequence meant, He Awei, Minister He, Sun Ze, and General Sun were all invincible at the same level.

Let's not talk about He Awei for now, he was a person full of human merits.

Sun Ze, in fact, did not have many achievements, but because of the super-standard sequence, he advanced to Sequence 8 before Captain Liu Heng and Captain Li Shiyao. These two were also invincible at the same level. Liu Heng could even defeat his opponents across several small classes.

The only two extra Sequence 8 potions of the human race were given to the two super-standard ones, which shows how much the human race values ​​talent now.

Lin Shan searched his body, trying to find something to give to the child.

Giant pistol? This won't work. If he fired a shot, the child would be useless.

Black sleeves? Although this also has backlash, his fallen body should be able to withstand it. In Sequence 9... there is no creature that the black sleeves can't control.

He can't use these two things now. He used them more when hunting with the fox tribe before. It is impossible to use these two objects to affect Sequence 7.

If nothing unexpected happens, this child will go a long way under the cultivation of the human race. Even the powerful fox tribe and night tribe are given the title of Tianjiao, which shows how rare they are.

Lin Shan took off the black sleeve on his wrist and handed it to Qian Ning, "Give it to the child. I can't use it anymore. The characteristic is control."

"This... This is a psychic weapon of Sequence 8." Qian Ning stretched out his hand to take it, but hesitated.

There are no more than ten psychic weapons of Sequence 8 in the human race. Not to mention the core, it takes several years to complete one of them.

"Take it." Lin Shan said, "Before growing up, you still need external objects to protect yourself."

"Then thank you, Lin Xianfeng." Qian Ning bowed his hands in gratitude, and then took the black sleeve.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly. Any genius needs time to grow. Being in the human race is definitely not as good as those powerful races, but for geniuses... some means of protection should be given.

There is no such thing as fairness or unfairness. Talent is the most obvious and intuitive thing to see. The human race may also have "ordinary people" who "break the three prohibitions", but those people are hidden among the masses, and Lin Shan cannot find them one by one.

Just then.

A small black dot flew from far to near, toward the location of the Qian family ruins.

It was a helicopter with a special hunting logo.

A special team came.

A total of five figures jumped off the helicopter.

"Master Qian, what's going on? What happened here?"

The team was all unfamiliar faces. Lin Shan disappeared and came above the clouds.

He randomly found a direction, and with a sonic boom, he directly swept through the clouds and disappeared in the distance.

People were flying in the sky, but they were thinking about what had just happened.

When he left, the golden mist above Qian Nianyun's head had dissipated. This was clearly Zhu Yiping's opportunity. Why did the golden mist representing good luck appear above Qian Nianyun's head?

Could this be the mother's honor by her son? Or... for Qian Nianyun, the child's luck is her luck.

Then why didn't the golden mist appear directly above Zhu Yiping's head?

Unable to figure it out, Lin Shan stopped thinking about it. Now he can be sure that the golden mist does represent luck.

In the following time, Lin Shan has been wandering around Yongchang City. It took more than a month to basically visit all the streets.

On the way, he encountered a strange and troublesome citizen, which was easily solved by Lin Shan.

Five months later.

Sitting cross-legged in the sky, Lin Shan opened his eyes. He finally advanced to the third stage, and the spiritual power in his body increased by half.

It felt that there was only the last gap, and it took five months with burning faith. The advancement of sequence 7 was too time-consuming.

It was already winter, and winter was almost over.

So far, there has been no complete weather in the tribe. In winter, you can only feel the temperature drop, but there will be no rain or snow.

Looking at the ground below, the space in front of him was broken into pieces, and Lin Shan turned into a red light and drilled into the broken space.

The destination is-the "Fallen Goblin" 70 million kilometers away from him.

This hunt is different from the past. The previous hunt was the evil fallen, which can also be said to be a beast. This time, the hunt is... the intelligent fallen tribe that is spread all over the gray fog world.

He was ready to continue on his journey, and according to the scheduled time, it would only take less than half a year.

However, things would not develop according to the scheduled script.

After only seven days of flying in the air prison of scale 7, he felt himself enveloped by a chill.

He unknowingly fell into a strange domain.

At this time, it was no longer realistic to return to outer space to escape the battle, and he had to get rid of this weirdness.

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