Above the gray fog

Chapter 35 The Human Race Arrives

"Bang, bang, bang"

As soon as he crossed the border, he could hear the knocking sound coming from afar.

Lin Shan put away his blood wings and walked towards the sound.

Before long, a big pit appeared in front of him, and the pit was densely packed with people.

They were all ragged, and half of them wore modern clothes, but they were all worn and torn, and the originally colorful fabrics had been washed white.

They circled around the big pit, holding iron tools in their hands to mine some kind of silver-white ore.

"Brother, why don't you work?"

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and there were obvious cracks on that hand.

"Hey, if you are really tired, take a break. You just came here not long ago, right?"

The man saw that although Lin Shan's clothes were also very tattered, his skin was unusually white, and guessed that he should have just come here not long ago.

"Uncle, can you tell me about the current situation?" Lin Shan did not answer his question, but asked directly.

"Uncle... what do you mean by uncle? I'm only eighteen this year." He wiped his face with the tattered clothes on his body, revealing his immature face hidden under the black and gray.

"Sorry." Lin Shan was slightly stunned. He couldn't tell his age because he was so dark before.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Lin Shan asked.

"What? When you first crossed over, didn't anyone introduce you?" The man was puzzled.

"I didn't just cross over. My situation is a bit special."


"How many days have you been here?" the man asked.

"Many days."

"You should not have crossed over in the clan hall. There have been people like you who crossed over from other places before..."

"You don't know anything, but you come here to work..." After a pause, the man continued, "How about this, there are new people crossing over to the clan hall every day. I'll take you there. You first learn about the human calendar with the newcomers, and then register your identity."

"Okay, thank you brother." Lin Shan thanked.

The man waved his hand and said, "My name is Li Mu. After traveling to this fucked-up world, our human race should support each other."

"Come with me." Li Mu wiped the dust off his hands and walked straight forward with Lin Shan.

At this time, someone in the pit shouted:

"Li Mu, you are lazy again!"

Li Mu stammered and replied:

"Brother Chen... listen to my explanation, I am not lazy, there is a newcomer here who does not know the human calendar and has not registered. I was just about to take him to the clan hall."

The man called Brother Chen came up. He was a very strong young man.

He first glanced at Lin Shan. He was wearing a regular green silk clothes. This kind of clothes is now in short supply. It seems that this person traveled through time quite early.

As for the red lantern and backpack, they were sent to the sky by Lin Shan with his heart light.

"You traveled through time so early, and you have never registered? You don't know the human calendar?" The young man looked at Lin Shan and asked in confusion.

"No." Lin Shan replied. He really needed to hear the so-called clan calendar. If he guessed correctly, the clan calendar should be the history of this period, which was exactly what he needed to know.

"Okay." The young man nodded. There were too many people who traveled through time, and the current management system was very backward. It was impossible to count them all, and there would always be people left behind.

Turning his eyes to Li Mu, he said:

"You take him with you. Remember to come back quickly. Don't always think about being lazy. If we mine more iron ore, the equipment on the front line will be better and fewer people will die."

"I know. I'll come back after I send the people there." Li Mu lowered his head and replied.

"Front line..." Lin Shan's heart sank after hearing the front line twice.

After walking with Li Mu for more than an hour, the surrounding buildings gradually increased, with rows of wooden houses and straw huts.

The number of people around also gradually increased. Most of them had numb expressions and walked hurriedly.

There were also some people who were full of curiosity about this place. Not only were their faces not numb, but there was even a hint of expectation. Their clothes were still brand new and full of modern colors.

"We're here." Li Mu suddenly stopped and said.

Lin Shan looked forward and suddenly had a strange look on his face. This clan hall was just opposite his house...

The so-called clan hall was not a luxurious hall, but it was indeed more luxurious than other houses. It was built with bricks and tiles, with two floors and a large area of ​​more than a thousand square meters.

Opposite the clan hall were eleven wooden houses, and the one next to it could probably be called a villa.

"Go in by yourself, just say you're new here, I'll take you here." Li Mu said.

Lin Shan nodded and thanked again: "Thank you."

"Hey, you're welcome, it's my duty." As he said that, Li Mu walked back, but after a few steps he turned into another path, which was definitely not the way back to the mine.

Lin Shan saw it and shook his head. No wonder the man didn't trust him just now. It turned out to be a habitual offender.

Then he walked towards the clan hall. Outside the clan hall stood a man and a woman with neat clothes. They looked at Lin Shan and didn't stop him.

Going forward, there is a long wooden table, and a woman is sitting at the table, her appearance is not inferior to that of a first-line star.

In front of her is a pile of rough papers, which are filled with densely packed names, and there are simple specialties under the names.

"What are you here for?"

The woman looked at Lin Shan and asked.

"To learn about human history."

"Oh, just go inside, wait in the hall, and you can learn with the newcomers who come through today."

"Okay." Lin Shan responded and walked inside.

"Wait a minute!" The woman called Lin Shan.

Lin Shan was puzzled: "Is there any problem?"

"Have you registered?" the woman asked.

"No." Lin Shan answered truthfully.

The woman held her forehead with one hand and said: "Register first."

"Name, occupation, specialty." The woman picked up the brush next to her and asked on the paper.

"Lin Shan, an ordinary medical student, no specialty." Lin Shan said truthfully according to his actual situation.

"Huh?" The woman looked up in surprise: "Your name is Lin Shan?"

"Yes." Lin Shan affirmed: "Is there any problem?"

"Nothing." The woman shook her head and said: "There is a pioneer in the human race with the same name as you. I heard that the pioneer is very powerful. Now all the extraordinary people in the tribe are promoted with his help."

"Where are the extraordinary people in the tribe?" Lin Shan asked curiously. The only extraordinary people in the human race now are Zhang Zhonghua's seven people.

"Of course they are on the front line." The woman replied, and then continued: "Okay, you go in, wait inside first, today's newcomers should be soon."

"Front line? Is there a war?"

Lin Shan frowned, who is the enemy?

But he did not stop.

Under the guidance of the woman, he entered a very empty hall, where people came and went, most of them wearing rough linen clothes, and a few people wearing green clothes made of silk.

Lin Shan, dressed in ragged clothes, attracted their attention as soon as he came in.

An old woman who looked to be in her fifties, wearing reading glasses and looking kind, walked up to Lin Shan and asked:

"Young man, have you traveled to other places?"

"Well..." Lin Shan thought about it and nodded in agreement. He wanted to see what changes had taken place in the tribe now. It would be better to see it with his own eyes than to ask others directly.

"Okay, okay, okay, wait a moment, today's newcomers should be here soon." The old woman said in a hoarse voice.

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