Above the gray fog

Chapter 355 Tushan Ranqi

However, Lin Shan naturally would not believe his one-sided statement.

This view can only be kept in mind and wait for a chance to explore it later.

What he said also aroused the doubts that Lin Shan had been hiding in his heart. What exactly is the earth? Are the planets that other races lived on before crossing in the same universe as the earth?

Yuanchu has experienced many eras, why did the earthlings cross so late? What is the history of other eras of Yuanchu? What are the beginning and end of the era?

All this seems so confusing.

"Whatever you say, what is it like? I will find out by myself." Lin Shan said lightly.

"Really?" The young man sighed, "Old compatriots, remember my name-Li Buluo, Dongli people of the Free Federation of Dawn."

In an instant, the space turned gray.

He stopped time.

Lin Shan, who was wearing armor, was not affected. He stretched out his hand and rolled it, holding Diao Yin in his hand.

The pulse propulsion device behind him was used to the extreme, and the broken space disappeared in an instant.

After breaking through the time-stopping area, Diao Yin immediately regained his ability to move. He was held in Lin Shan's palm and dared not move.

"The energy dissipated from the energy center has reached level 6, and the battle armor is only level 4... It was a false alarm." Li Buluo said to himself, "Choosing to escape is just what I want."

The space was broken layer by layer, and the invisible sound waves smashed the surrounding buildings to pieces. A beam of white light quickly chased in the direction of Lin Shan.

The engine was used to the extreme, the maximum speed of Sequence 6, 4% of the speed of light, 12000km/s.

The space in front was constantly folding, and its own time was almost stagnant.

The two were separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, and Li Buluo was chasing behind him.

The seemingly far distance was only a few seconds for the two.

Lin Shan was a little confused. Why did he, a Sequence 6, catch his Sequence 7? He could have gone to the gray fog to catch two Sequence 7s with this time.

I don't know how long he chased, but he had already caught half of the journey to the Hui tribe.

It took several decades to get here, but with the speed of Sequence 6, it only takes less than a year. Compared with Sequence 7, Sequence 6 has a huge improvement in speed.

Sequence 7 can only dominate a region, while Sequence 6 has the ability to sail far.

Seeing that the durability of the armor is steadily decreasing, Lin Shan is secretly anxious. With the remaining durability of the armor, there is almost no hope of winning against Sequence 6, but it is not a solution to keep running like this.

"What should I do?"

"It seems that he has me in his arms... It is almost impossible to get rid of him by normal means, so I can only think of other ways."

"Should I lead him to the Fox Clan?"

"The Fox Clan is risky... Maybe they will detain me together, or... lead him to the trading market of the powerful tribe?"

"No, it's wartime now, and the target there is too big. Who knows if it has been attacked? It has already become a battlefield."

"It seems that I can only go to the Fox Clan."

Lin Shan's mind was working quickly, thinking about how to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

He slightly deviated from the direction and rushed towards the position of the Fox Clan at full speed.

More than ten hours passed, and a miniature spirit particle nuclear bomb flew out from behind Lin Shan, spraying blue flames and crashing into Li Buluo.

Lin Shan rushed into the entrance of the tribe land opened by the fox tribe.

Li Buluo blew up the nuclear bomb with a punch, without suffering any damage. He stopped, put his hands behind his back, and his clothes fluttered, like an immortal.

"This is the gathering place of the old human race, the place called the tribe land by the fire seed, and the tribe's fortune... is just stealing the original rules!"

He raised one hand high, and endless white light condensed in his hand, forming a small sun, and slowly floated towards the fox tribe barrier.

"Boom." The fox tribe's ancestral land was too large, and his attack only caused a small range of vibration.

Lin Shan was closest to the place where he was hit, and felt it most deeply.

"This is the fox tribe, this person is really tough."

He knew that the man outside was going to die, and he had no intention of watching the battle, so he immediately rushed out of the barrier from the side.

As soon as he rushed out of the barrier, he saw a shocking scene.

Countless meteorites fell from the sky.

Countless pieces of rubble rose from the ground. This move was a bit like Zhao Xiaoan's ability, but Zhao Xiaoan's ability did not include meteorites.

Li Buluo was fixed in the air, and there was no trace of his previous appearance. He struggled to no avail.

The suspended rubble began to gather, sticking together piece by piece, and finally formed a round stone ball of tens of thousands of meters.

A blue figure stood above the stone ball.

Blue clothes and blue skirts, fluffy blue tail spread out backwards.

A pair of eyes as dark as the abyss stared at Lin Shan.

"This man is from the Federation, I led him here for you... I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." For some reason, Lin Shan felt a little guilty at this time, and ran in the opposite direction, faster than before.

The space changed, and blue fluff appeared in front of him.

Lin Shan subconsciously slapped it open with his hand, and he regretted it right after slapping it.

Looking up, the scarlet eyes met Tushan Ranqi's dark eyes.

There was a long silence.

"How are you doing recently?" Tushan Ranqi asked.

"Not bad." Lin Shan calmed down.

Tushan Ranqi looked into the distance and said:

"The human circle will be in chaos recently. This war will last for a long time and will affect many races."

"When the last war started... my fox tribe was still a subordinate race of the angels, but in this war... my fox tribe is the protagonist."

"I suddenly understand the angels a little bit now... When the sky collapses, you are the tallest, you must hold it up..."

"I will rush to the front line in a while, be careful."

Lin Shan nodded, "Okay."

I thought I would have to say a lot of explanations, but in the end I couldn't say anything.

"War has changed some rules. This is the best time for weak races to rise." Tushan Ranqi continued, "You go, the fox tribe is looking for you, try not to get close to the fox tribe."


At this time, the ball made of gravel under Tushan Ranqi's feet suddenly exploded.

Li Buluo, who was wrapped inside, didn't even leave his body, only a ball of white light, which was about to disperse.

Tushan Ranqi grabbed it in his hand and squeezed it hard, and the ball of white light was squeezed into a crystal-like substance, which is the characteristic of Sequence 6.

"In this war, stealing characteristics is also the key. You should know about galaxies now. Each galaxy is separated by a very long distance. The characteristics born in a galaxy are constant, but they can be increased by stealing the characteristics of other galaxies."

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