Above the gray fog

Chapter 385 First Meeting

"It's okay, I'll take you to teleport in." Lin Shan said, red light spread around him, and when the red light dissipated, everyone appeared in the conference hall.

The interior of the conference hall is splendid and extremely gorgeous. The upper part is hung with spiritual crystal lamps made by the Cat Clan. Under the illumination of this kind of light, the gray fog can even be dispersed in a small area.

Whether there is gray fog in the room has little effect on them. Except for a few pseudo-supernormal ones, the sight distance of Sequence 9 can also be seen a hundred meters away, but it is not very friendly to the environment.

The left and right sides of the conference hall are filled with white jade chairs. There is a wide aisle in the middle. In front of the aisle is a stone platform slightly higher than the ground. There is a long rectangular table on the stone platform with nine white jade chairs lined up in a straight line. Here It is a seat for representatives of all ethnic groups.

"You go up and sit down, we can stay below." Yan Ruxin pushed Lin Shan.

The design of the meeting hall was naturally intentional by the human race.

Letting all representatives of all races sit together, without distinction between high and low, is to highlight fairness and reduce the psychological resistance of other races. After all, no one wants to be dependent on others.

Although everyone knows that there can be no fairness in this kind of alliance, it is undeniable that all weak people want to be fair, and the human race will naturally give them this psychological satisfaction.

Let me ask, Sequence 8 or even Sequence 9 and Sequence 7 sit in the same row and discuss things together. This will definitely change their psychology.

As for Sequence 7, Li Ying is one of her own, Asgo... This arrangement is probably what she wants.

Lin Shan walked to the top middle seat and sat down. Li Ying and Asi each saw this and sat next to Lin Shan.

The Sequence 7 of the Shark tribe was sitting next to Asgo.

Lin Shan observed him. He was a male mermaid, with his ears turned back and slightly wider.

It is recorded in earth myths and legends.

The shark has a body with a fish tail, and is said to be a supernatural person of the mermaid.

The mermaids recorded in ancient Chinese classics are different from the mermaids in Western mythology. The mermaids they produce do not get wet when soaked in water. When they cry, their tears will turn into pearls. Once the mermaids' oil burns, it will last for thousands of years.

Even the Fallen tribe has a similar branch. The material for his Sequence 8 potion is a hair plucked from the tail of a giant mermaid.

In short, this is a very mysterious race. The only difference from the records is that it walks on two legs.

"Dwarves, sharks... are really interesting." Lin Shan whispered to himself.

Then he looked down and said through the message, "Let each tribe choose a representative to take a seat."

Sequence 7 dared to take the initiative to sit down, but those weak Sequence 8 and even Sequence 9 only dared to sit in the corner and tremble.

After listening to Lin Shan's words, they began to discuss in a low voice, and each recommended a representative to sit on the table, with a slightly reserved posture.

The representative of the Piao clan floated directly on the white jade chair.

After everyone sat down, all eyes were fixed on Lin Shan for a while.

Lin Shan has really never experienced this kind of scene, but his own strength gives him a lot of confidence.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and said: "Let's get started. If you have any questions about the alliance, representatives can ask them, and the people below can also add them."

Then he turned to look at Diao Yin below, "Since the languages ​​of the various ethnic groups are still unclear, Diao Yin, you are responsible for recording the entire process of the meeting and giving a rubbing copy to all ethnic groups after the meeting."

"Okay." Diao Yin nodded in agreement. It has gradually adapted to its current identity as a tool bug. There is no pressure in life, and it still has the faith of the human race to gain. If the alliance is established, with its strength, it will definitely be able to work as an official. , then you can get more faith.

It is already somewhat reluctant to leave. Whether it can leave or not depends on subsequent developments. If the alliance of all races is defeated, it would be a fool not to leave.

The first person to speak was the shark.

"It is a good thing to establish an alliance. All races can share their needs with each other and promote development. However, most of the races here are suffering from the invasion of the Dawn Federation. Solving the invasion is the original meaning of the establishment of this alliance. So... I would like to ask, how should we solve the invasion problem after the alliance is established?

The essential purpose of this meeting is for the human race to convince everyone to join this alliance.

But Yan Ruxin and Zhang Zhonghua couldn't understand the languages ​​of the various ethnic groups, and there was no Sequence 7 who could shamelessly act as a translator. Even Diao Yin was not happy, so the content of the meeting became that Lin Shan alone needed to persuade the nine ethnic groups to join the alliance. .

It's really a difficult task.

But there is no other way. Time is too tight. It can be said that there is no preparation for this meeting. Soon... the Dawn Federation will organize the next wave of attacks.

After a little organizing, Lin Shan said, "The Federation's attack is regular, once a year. We have investigated it beforehand. The attack times for the various tribes here are not consistent. Even the two tribes that are closest in time. It’s also a month apart.”

"There are still two tribes that have not been invaded, including the Jing Clan. The Sequence 7 Asgo Queen of the Jing Clan can support each tribe at will."

"What is mentioned above is the law of time, as well as the law of intensity of each attack. Each round of the Dawn Federation's attack will be more powerful than the previous round of attack, but it will not be much greater. As long as the support from all races can keep up, It can be blocked.”

"We cannot support Sequence 8 to a race that only has Sequence 9. This will not only increase the pressure on our next round of support, but will also bring a devastating blow to that race."

"We can only support the same level. Only in this way can we push back."

The Sequence 7 shark nodded slightly after hearing Lin Shan's words and stopped talking.

The communication of Sequence 7 was understandable to all the creatures present. The eyes of the tribes below were hot, as if they saw hope.

"I want to know, if the war is over, how will the alliance operate, how will it help the tribes develop in the future, and what is the purpose of the alliance?" Asge's crisp voice was sent to everyone's mind with mental power.

The Crystal Tribe was not invaded. She joined the alliance for the future. She hoped to use this platform to unite more races, so that all races can stay away from war and develop peacefully.

It sounds funny or impossible to achieve, but this is her wish since she was a child. She is willing to work hard for it and live up to her original intention.

After hearing Asge's question, Liying and the mermaid did not react. They knew what would happen after the war, and even the weak races below knew it as long as they were not fools, but they still chose to join. There was no other meaning, just to curry favor with them.

The follow-up was of course to start cutting leeks. These weak races, they could occupy and invade at will, or even take them as subordinates. Now they can sit down and discuss the alliance with them in peace. Is it purely for protection?

They don't believe that the human race really has such kindness.

Occupation and invasion are only one-time benefits. If an alliance is formed, it will be a long-term benefit. Even the shell of this alliance can attract more weak races to join, thereby providing them with nutrients.

This is not bullying, but still a kind of transaction. They can provide technology and even protect these weak races, and the weak races will not lose.

"Now the main thing is to resist the invasion of the Dawn Alliance. We will discuss it later. If Queen Asge has any suggestions, you can also say it." Lin Shan looked at Asge and said slowly.

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