Above the gray fog

Chapter 414 Acting

"Eight bottles of Sequence 8 magic potion?"

"We don't know what the magic potion is. If there are 8 bottles of magic potion, our Ba Zhu Village won't only have three Sequence 8..."

"Sir, there must be some misunderstanding. If you just kill us like this, the misunderstanding will never be resolved. We might as well sit down and talk in detail."

Two obese pigs, you talked to each other and tried their best to survive.

"Not interested."

Red light surged in Lin Shan's hands, and the two pigmen turned pale with fright. Finally, they no longer had the calmness before, and were frightened out of the pigs' braying, which resounded over the town.

"Wait a minute." A voice came from below.

"Huh?" Lin Shan looked down and saw another fat pig man.

Seeing that Lin Shan was still going to attack, the pig man below quickly shouted, "Brother Lin, please be merciful!"

It was still a step too late. The head of one of the pigs was nowhere to be found. The life of the other pig was saved because Lin Shan stopped in time.

Lin Shan expressionlessly put his hand into the chest of the pig man who had lost his head and took out the spiritual organ.

The red light flashed and came directly behind the pig man below.

"You know me?"

"Brother Lin, it's me, I'm Karl..." Karl wiped the snot hanging on his nose and wanted to hug Lin Shan, but Lin Shan avoided him.

"Kabaibai's son?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yeah, it's me." Karl looked very excited, but Lin Shan's next words made him wilt.

"Well...a father's debt is repaid by his son."

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry about the potion."

"Well, just remember to pay me back."

"Uh..." Lin Shan's answer made Karl dumbfounded. Shouldn't you ask what happened?

Taking a deep breath, Karl took the initiative and said, "There is a reason why the magic potion was not sent to the human race."

Lin Shan glanced at him, "The reason is not important, just remember to pay it forward."

"Brother Lin, don't worry, we will definitely return the potion." Carl saw a hint of danger in Lin Shan's eyes and said quickly.

Then he added, "But it may be difficult to pay it back in the near future. Our pig clan has just put down the civil strife and lost a lot of Sequence 8s. There are only 6 Sequence 8s left in the clan... and you killed three of them casually... ....”

"That's your business." Lin Shan said lightly.

This made Karl very anxious. Why didn't he play his cards according to the routine? Wasn't this man curious? Why didn't he ask about the civil strife in the pig clan?

As if he could see what Karl was thinking, Lin Shan asked casually, "What kind of civil strife?"

"Hey." Karl sighed, "It's a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short."


There was no one on the dilapidated streets. The people of the Pig Clan had long since hid in their homes and covered their heads with quilts.

Lin Shan stood beside Karl, with his hands behind his back, looking at the dirty and dilapidated streets, wondering what he was thinking.

Only Karl's honest voice echoed.

"You entrusted the potion to my father. After my father mixed the potion, he took the potion to your race alone. Because the journey was long, when passing by the pig tribe, my father decided to rest first."

"But who knew, when they learned from their father that you wanted to steal the Fox Clan's Sequence 7 potion, they all thought that you would definitely die, so they had a weird idea and wanted to withhold the potion."

"Father is naturally unwilling. He has been in the Fox Clan for hundreds of years, relying on his integrity, and he still signed a contract with you. He denounced those tribesmen who had evil thoughts, although he still has other members in the Fox Clan. It’s an important thing, but I still decided to escort him personally,”

"Who knew... who knew... they would join forces to kill my father."

"You know, my father has been in the Fox Clan for hundreds of years, and he has brought back more than a dozen bottles of Sequence 8 magic medicine from the Fox Clan. Almost all the Sequence 8 magic medicines in the clan were cultivated by my father. They only wanted eight bottles of magic medicine. The medicine... killed my father."

"Father still has a few cronies in the pig clan, and they told me about my father despite the risk."

"Afterwards, with the help of the laws of the Fox Clan, I inherited my father's inheritance, reorganized my father's relationship network, and gathered my father's friends from all ethnic groups. They all received more or less favors from my father. I told my father's experience On the premise of giving them benefits and repaying the favor, they agreed to avenge their father. "

"Finally, two years ago, with the cooperation of the inside and the outside, I killed all the enemies who participated in the encirclement and suppression of my father..."

"I thought that the pig clan could resume development from now on, but unexpectedly there was another sudden bad news. A strange disease spread rapidly in the clan. The source of this strange disease is unknown and cannot be cured. It is also contagious and contagious. People who suffer from this strange disease will become disowned and completely devoid of any humanity.”

"In two years, half of the population has been infected with this strange disease. If this continues, the pig clan will be doomed."

Karl's face was filled with sadness.

He looked at Lin Shan, as if hoping that Lin Shan could help.

"Brother Lin..."

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Shan. Lin Shan looked at him calmly and asked calmly, "Is the story over?"

Karl was stunned, "What story, Brother Lin, what are you talking about?"

At the same time, his body tensed up and he slowly retreated.

"It's well arranged, and the story is reasonable, but it's all too hasty. It was Xia Xuan who came to you and scared you. If I guess correctly, Xia Xuan should have mentioned my name, so you know that I am not only alive, but also successfully promoted to Sequence 7. You know that I will definitely come to you, so you thought of this trick to get out of it."

"Two years is too short, it's good to be able to do this." Lin Shan looked at him with a smile.

This smile seemed to be the smile of the god of death to Carl.

"Lin...Brother, I don't know what you are talking about. Why did you suddenly become so strange... You must be kidding me, right?" Carl tried to force a smile.

Lin Shan shook his head. There were too many loopholes.

First, the pig tribe has developed for hundreds and thousands of years, why is the total population less than one million? Did the civil war between the extraordinary people kill the civilians?

Second, Ka Baibai has lived in the fox tribe for hundreds of years. He contributed more than a dozen sequence 8 potions to the tribe. Why didn't he help the tribe develop technology?

Ka Baibai thought of doing the opposite, dressing up the pig tribe as a lazy and unprogressive race, so that only dozens of villages and less than a million people would be needed to achieve this.

This was not enough. Ka Baibai knew that Lin Shan would definitely be able to tell whether the residents were stupid or not, so he used a strange disease that lowered people's intelligence to cover it up. The strange disease should be real, but whether they were infected by themselves or man-made was not certain...

However, he ignored the speed of spread of this strange disease and the speed of stimulating animality. Lin Shan had observed that the speed of spread and the speed of stimulating animality of this strange disease were very fast. The two years in the story were a bit too fake.

Third, the biggest flaw, which is also the easiest to be overlooked, is that the pig tribe is so fat, are they all so fat because they eat corn?

The only food here is corn, and there is not even any farmed meat.

With mental power, some subtle details are difficult to hide from him, and his observation and analysis abilities are endlessly rising.

"Can you take me to your real clan land, or take me to see your father?"

"You don't think you can use that strange disease to deal with me, do you?"

Every time Lin Shan asked, Carl's face turned a little paler, but he didn't refute it at this time, obviously acquiescing.

Suddenly, he showed a fierce look on his face and roared, "Can you deal with it? Let's try it first!!"

He threw the dust hidden in his hand at Lin Shan.

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