Above the gray fog

Chapter 438 Joint Development of the Human Circle

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." Jin Tianzong nodded, "Nothing to prepare."

"Then let's get started." Lin Shan handed the magic potion 'Fear Cicada' to Jin Tianzong.

Jin Tianzong looked at Lin Shan and asked, "Are you going to leave after I'm promoted, or will you leave soon?"

"Wait a few years, wait until you're promoted, or Xiao An and the others come back before I leave." Lin Shan said.

"Yes." Jin Tianzong nodded, "This is the best. Although the situation is stable now, someone must be in charge."

Then, Jin Tianzong sat cross-legged on the wooden bed and drank the magic potion.

Lin Shan didn't leave until Jin Tianzong was completely wrapped in the cocoon of rules.

The next days were very leisurely. He only needed to stay in the clan land and there was no business for him to deal with.

The human race became a third-level civilization and began to study the old technology. A space station was built in the scale 7 empty prison.

With the foundation of earth technology and the scientific research materials left by Chubby Dudu, the progress of human technology is advancing by leaps and bounds every day.

It took only 10 years to keep pace with the original technology.

In 20 years, nuclear energy has been fully utilized.

Airships, airplanes, and other spacecrafts are densely distributed over the entire human race.

Lin Shan quietly watched the development of the human race. In the middle, he drove away the fragments of the old gods twice. Although he drove them away in time, it also caused considerable casualties. If you want to develop the old technology, you must accept the threat of the old gods.

In 20 years, Zhao Xiaoan and his team did not come back, and Jin Tianzong did not complete the promotion.

The nuclear weapons developed by the third-level civilization can already cause fatal harm to Sequence 7. Of course, no Sequence 7 will be stupid enough to be hit by nuclear weapons.

But this kind of thing is still a great threat to the various tribes. One can destroy a city. No one can stop it except Sequence 7. The subsequent probability of attracting the old gods will cause secondary damage to the place where the bomb is dropped.

The alliances are expressly prohibited from using old weapons. Whoever dares to use them will be concentrated on fire.

Although the use of this thing is prohibited, research and development cannot be prohibited. Many races have the foundation of old technology on the planets they traveled to before. For these races, the difficulty of getting started with old technology is much simpler than that of original technology.

Let alone mobile phones and the Internet, which are not comparable to original technology. Original technology can do the same thing, but it requires a very perfect key. Old technology does not need these rules and regulations at all. Everything is there. As long as you can overcome the technical difficulties, you can go to the next level.

There is another point. The creations of old technology will be damaged when they go to outer space. In professional terms, it is called "spiritization".

During this period, Lin Shan also read many books collected by the human race from other races. There is a sentence in it that makes Lin Shan very concerned.

It says:

[Scale 9 is the origin, scale 8 is the void layer that isolates the rules, and scale 7 and below is the old days. Millions of years ago, when the old days' creations arrived at the origin, they would instantly turn into spirit particles. This is because the origin was rejecting the old days. However, the origin creations can be used normally in the old days. This is because... the origin was derived from the old days. For details, please refer to "Old Diary". ]

[As time goes by, the rules of the origin and the old days intersect, and the physical rules of the old days are also manifested in the origin, and the two worlds are getting closer to each other. ]

[Will the origin also be able to make steam engines, electromagnetic generators and other creations under the rules of the old days in millions of years? ]

[It is very likely, because now, the old days' creations can be used in the origin. The premise for this is that the origin gave birth to the physical rules of the old days, or... The origin is being eroded by the old days. ]

Above Yongchang City, Lin Shan looked at the airship passing by.

This is a manned airship, flying from Yongchang to other cities.

This generation has been at peace for 50 years. There is no threat of war. Tourism has also developed in various places. In some developed cities, people of other races can often be seen visiting the human race.

Rich people in the human race can also apply to the special department of the United Government at any time to travel to other races. Except for not being able to immigrate, all policies are very open.

In this environment, the resources of dozens of races are constantly converging to the human race, which can barely support the development consumption within the race.

If you want to travel across races, it is definitely not feasible to take this kind of airship, which can only fly within the tribe.

For out-of-tribe travel, the only safe route is in the Scale 8 Sky Prison, which is the only place without danger.

For this reason, the Human Aviation Industry has specially developed an aircraft with a speed infinitely close to the speed of sound, but not reaching the speed of sound. It can travel 30,000 miles a day, with a maximum range of 10 million kilometers, and the tourist route covers 23 surrounding races.

And set up branches in various tribes to provide them with ways to travel to the human race. With the technical support of controlled nuclear fusion, the energy cost is actually very low. In terms of energy, the old technology completely crushes the original technology.

But the various magical applications of the original technology are incomparable to the old technology. For example, without relying on any signal towers and satellites, it can communicate across tens of millions of kilometers and connect the spiritual lines of various tribes.

Controlled nuclear fusion technology is no longer a rare technology. This kind of thing cannot be blocked. Even if it is blocked, there are various ways to get it. It can only be regarded as the basic technology of the old energy, which is roughly equivalent to the original technology key.

During these 20 years, Lin Shanshi did not stay still. He also went out and visited various tribes. The current development of the human circle was a bit beyond his expectations.

Wars are rarely seen anymore. The previous law that two tribes must fight each other when they are close to each other has lost its effect.

All tribes are developing technology with all their strength. Now 90% of the tribes put technology before the extraordinary as the first production factor of the tribe, and the 90% include the human race.

It can be clearly felt that the status of the extraordinary is being gradually replaced. The almost unlimited energy provided by controlled nuclear fusion, plus the fact that pseudo-extraordinary people can also be engraved with characteristics, more than 10,000 extraordinary people can not even stir up a drop of water among the one billion ordinary people.

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