Above the gray fog

Chapter 47 Recording History

The newly built clan palace is larger than the previous one, but it is still as shabby, with the bricks exposed without any cover and without any decoration.

Lin Shan followed Si Zhennan through two flights of stairs to the third floor. There were two men in green guarding the third floor. They were both the best in pseudo-supernatural abilities. They were only one step away from being supernormal. However, there was no serial potion in this last step. It is impossible to cross.

"Minister of the Department." The two of them saluted Si Zhennan.

"Pioneer Lin Shan." Si Zhennan nodded slightly and introduced, "He will live in the library from now on."

The two of them were startled, and quickly stood up straight, saluted again, and said: "Pioneer Lin!"

Lin Shan waved his hand and said, "Just call me a normal name. I don't hold a position in the clan."

One of them, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties, said: "What you have done deserves respect from all of us!"

Lin Shan shook his head, said nothing, and stepped forward to the third floor.

In his opinion, he really didn't do much for the human race. All he did was what he could do. If his contribution was truly considered, he would definitely not be as much as the other ten people.

If the second floor is an office, the third floor is a large library, with a row of bookshelves in the middle and a few "books" placed on them. The so-called "books" are composed of a stack of papers stapled together. Even the cover is not there, only a few large characters are used to represent the cover.

There were a row of rooms at both ends of the empty hall, used to store valuables. Si Zhennan took Lin Shan to the middle room on the right.

Walking closer, Lin Shan found that the door to the room was not even closed. It was half-open and half-closed, giving people a very perfunctory feeling.

Opening the door, a jade book was quietly suspended on a high platform.

"Just put the clan artifacts here so casually?" Lin Shan asked speechlessly.

"What else?" Si Zhennan replied casually: "Normally people can't move the clan artifacts. We can't stop the ones that can move. It doesn't matter where they are placed. The purpose of letting people guard them is to prevent people in the clan from treating the clan artifacts as treasures and having evil thoughts. Instead, he took his own life.”

Lin Shan thoughtfully walked over and took the clan weapon in his hand. He was definitely not in the category of "ordinary people".

During the last migration, he didn't even have time to open the clan artifacts and handed them to Zhang Zhonghua before leaving.

When I opened the jade album, I found that it was completely different from the first time I read it. In addition to the eleven names in the front, there was one more name after it - Chen Liyun.

Moreover, each name exuded a faint golden light. Lin Shan touched his name with his hand, and a large piece of writing was immediately reflected in the void.

Lin Shan.

One of the pioneers of the human race.

In the first year of the human calendar, the first human race was extraordinary, and then he helped seven pioneers achieve extraordinary things.

In three years of the human calendar, he resisted the Cat Clan, led the Human Race to complete the migration, and obtained the Cat Clan's advanced technology and documents about the gray fog for the Human Race.

Behind it were dense records in small print, which only recorded the general process without details. Seeing this, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. If he could record even the details, Lin Shan was afraid that he would dismantle the clan artifact.

"This is completely a history book, although it is only a short history." Lin Shan said with emotion after reading the introduction on the clan artifacts.

Si Zhennan nodded and said: "It is very short now, but if our human race still exists a hundred years from now, a thousand years from now or even ten thousand years from now, what a long historical scroll it will be and how many names will be recorded on it. ..."

Lin Shan put down the clan artifacts, looked at Si Zhennan and asked, "Am I going to live here? Live with the clan artifacts?"

"No." Si Zhennan said with a smile: "Looking through family artifacts is now given as a reward to motivated people, so people often come over to look through it. It is definitely not suitable for you to live here. You live in the next room, which happens to be It’s empty, I’ll have someone bring supplies and some necessary furniture later.”

"Okay." Lin Shan had no objection and nodded: "Bring me two more clothes by the way."

He has been wearing this clothes for half a year, and it is full of holes. It is not easy to hold on until now.

"Okay, I have nothing else to do." Si Zhennan replied.

Lin Shan waved his hand and walked straight to the room next to him.

The interior of the room was about 20 square meters, and there was nothing. It was just an undecorated rough room.

Lin Shan sat on the ground and waited silently. He originally planned to go out for a walk, but wearing these tattered clothes was too eye-catching, so he gave up the idea immediately.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Pioneer Lin, are you there?"

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Bring it in directly." Lin Shan said.

Then I saw two people carrying a wooden bed in, and another person behind him hugging a green quilt.

After Lin Shan made the bed, several more people arrived one after another. Tables, chairs, benches, toiletries, and even a glass ball were all provided.

"Is this? The street lamp seen by the cat tribe?" Lin Shan felt a little strange.

"What is this? Is it a lamp?" Lin Shan asked, looking at the big man moving things aside.

"Yes." The big man replied: "The name of this lamp is the psychic lamp. It was developed by Ms. Yan and Minister Jin. It can light up for a long time by inputting a little spiritual energy."

"Ms. Yan, it must be Yan Ruxin. It seems that part of the cat tribe's technology has been deciphered..."

After everyone left, Lin Shan picked up the psychic lamp placed on the table and looked at it curiously for a while.

Facing the slowly conveying spiritual energy inside, the next second, the psychic lamp released a dazzling white light, which seemed particularly dazzling even in the daytime.

"I accidentally lost too much money. There should be a device inside to absorb spirituality. I almost burst it..."

"Just leave it here. I hope it will be darker at night."

Lin Shan picked up the new clothes sent to the side, disappeared from the spot with a teleportation, and appeared in the air above the clan hall.

He had to find a place to wash first. The only river nearby seemed to be the one in the Purple Soul Flower Forest, but it was not necessary to go so far to take a bath...

After flying around in the air, he found a man-made canal. In order to save effort, the canal was dug very narrow, only two meters wide.

Flying out along the canal, out of the central area, the periphery is a large area under construction, and the periphery is a large area of ​​​​cultivated land, which is full of peanuts and wheat. The canal passes through the middle to provide water for the cultivated land on both sides.

Lin Shan found an unmanned cultivated land, washed casually beside the canal, put on new clothes and soared into the sky.

Landed when he was about to enter the construction area and walked into the crowd.

After half a year of stable development, almost everyone's eyes are full of vitality, no longer as numb as half a year ago.

All the places along the way are under construction. Lin Shan walked for several miles in the construction area. Everyone is working hard.

Passing through the outer construction area and entering the central area that has been built, the buildings here opened Lin Shan's eyes.

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