Above the gray fog

Chapter 485 Repair

Seeing that Lin Shan was still asking, Adam waved his hand and said: "You are only Sequence 7. If you can reach Sequence 4, you will know many things without asking. What I tell you now may not be correct. "

"Did someone named Lao Wang come here before us?" Huang Liu suddenly asked.

"Old Wang? A creature did come in before you, but I don't know his name. He wanted a 'particle recombination machine'. I made a deal with him. If he can get the empire's main control crystal Give me Yuan's key card, and I'll give him a 'particle recombination machine.'" Adam continued, "However, he seems to be dead inside."

"Key card? 'Particle Recombination Machine'?"

"Are you also interested in the 'Particle Recombination Machine'? If you can give me the key card, I can also give you one, but I have agreed in advance that this is a very dangerous job." Adam floated to the crystal heart again. At the top, looking down at the three people.

"No, we just don't know what a key card and a 'particle recombination machine' are." Tushan Anyi shook his head.

"The key card is the terminal of the Empire X master control crystal. It can control the restart and self-destruction of the Empire Material, I have three types of machines here: metal, food, and XU maintenance gear. I can only exchange them with you for the food machine, because I can't use the food machine," Adam said truthfully, without any intention of hiding it.

"Where is the key card?" Lin Shan asked. He thought of the silver box he just got. Could that thing be the key card?

"It's in the first room out of here."


"We tried it when we came here. The room was sealed and we couldn't get in." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Where is the Empire

"I would have pulled it out if I could." Adam said calmly, "The Empire X control crystal is not a crystal. You can understand it as a virus. It invaded my program and isolated me from other The module’s connection has not been fully restored until now.”

"Didn't you say before that you hosts exist to help the development of the Fire Race? Why would they use this virus to deal with you?" Lin Shan was confused.

"Because they don't want to hand over the life of the most important person to me. They want to hold all possibilities in their own hands. I am an outsider to them after all. In essence, I have no role in the development of their civilization. In any case, when they discovered me, they were already a level 7 civilization, and they later advanced to level 8 civilization. Without this kind of strength, they would not be able to complete their invasion of me."

Level 7 civilization...Level 8 civilization. The division of civilization in the early days is different from that in the past. In the old days, the highest level was level 7 civilization. In the beginning, the highest level...should be level 10. The human race is now a level 3 civilization. The entire civilization The highest person in the circle is only level 6. What level 7 and 8 are like is beyond the imagination of the three of them.

"So...you killed those people?" Lin Shan asked. According to the records in the operation diary of the Empire X master control crystal, it was the recovery of the ruins master control system that caused the failure of the Empire

"When I lost consciousness, I couldn't control my immune system." Adam said softly, "Even if my consciousness didn't recover, they wouldn't be able to hold on until now. Absolute zero cannot freeze lifespan, it can only slow down the passage of lifespan."

"However, there was an episode in the middle. The civilized queen of the empire survived. Countless years later, he came back here. He found me, knew the fate of his child, and moved some hands and feet in the dormant cabin. It seemed that They planted some flowers, and you were lucky enough to touch His daughter's body. If He knew about it, you would be dead." Adam jumped down and said, "That is an enemy you cannot imagine."

"Uh..." Huang Liu's movements froze. Isn't this a sudden disaster...

"Hahaha, I'm scaring you." Adam smiled, "I have already solved the problem for you and re-frozen the girl's body. I promised him that I would preserve his daughter's body. And, can he still... There is no guarantee that he will come back. He is trying to go against the supreme power of this world. All creatures, especially humans, are really stupid sometimes. No matter how high they are, they will be disturbed by emotions. "

Huang Liu breathed a sigh of relief, it was so scary.

Only Huang Liu was frightened. Lin Shan and Tu Shan Anyi remained unmoved. It wasn't that they weren't afraid of the imperial queen, but that their focus was not on that.

"What does restarting the era mean? Have they succeeded?" Lin Shan asked.

"Successful, now is the eleventh era of the Origin."

"What changes will there be?" Tushan An'u asked.

"The losers quit, and new ones take over." Adam said softly.

"How many years did the Queen of the Empire live?"

"Living for two epochs," Adam replied.

"How many years are there in two eras?"

"I don't know. The time in each era is different. Anyway, it's long."

"Can gods live for that long?"

"Part of it is possible. This requires a special method. I don't know how to operate it specifically. Except for people who come in on their own initiative, I can't contact the outside world. What I know about Yuanchu is actually not much. Most of it is Listen to what the researchers said." Adam answered all the questions tirelessly.

"Do you need help?" Adam asked proactively.

Huang Liu and Tushan Anni shook their heads in unison. They did not have complete trust in this ruins host, and they had to wait for the scientific researchers from the tribe to come.

Lin Shan, on the other hand, took out the cube and asked, "Can this be repaired?"

The parchment originally located this ruins because it had the function of repairing the armor.

"Antimatter reactor? Can you already use antimatter? It's touching the threshold of level seven civilization, but the workmanship is still rough." Adam hooked his fingers, and the cube naturally floated to his hand, "This is simple, you can help If I do something, I will fix it for you and give you a set of convenient maintenance tools.”

"Although the workmanship of this built-in armor is still rough, the grade is extremely high. This kind of armor could not be mass-produced even in the old days. I can optimize it for you to reduce the energy dissipation, so as to avoid losing energy in a battle. Attract Old God Shards."

Adam took the cube in his hands and weighed it.

"Say something first." Lin Shan said.

"Help me get the key card, or help me clean up all the 'Farewell' flowers growing in the dormant cabin. These flowers cut off my control of the space station."

"Can't you control the robot to clean it yourself?"

"All my external protection methods have been stripped away layer by layer by the many civilizations I have hosted. They are afraid that I will hurt their scientific researchers. My energy body cannot leave the host too far. Now I can only control A maintenance robot, this robot can't get out of the maintenance pipe yet," Adam said lightly.

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