Above the gray fog

Chapter 49 Chen Liyun

Just when Director Chen and Lin Shan passed by, he was suddenly startled and suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Shan.

"Are you, Pioneer Lin?"

"It's really you, Pioneer Lin. I wonder if you still remember me. I was at the front of the team and stood right next to you during the migration." Director Chen said excitedly.

"Are you... the fake extraordinary person standing next to me?" Lin Shan looked at the young man in front of him and asked with some uncertainty.

"If there is no other pseudo-supernatural person next to you, then that person must be me."

Lin Shan smiled and said: "I didn't expect to be the director of the department now." Then he asked: "What is your name?"

Director Chen gave a solemn military salute and said: "My name is Chen Liyun. I am currently the director of the Development Department of the Military Department. I am responsible for the human race's exploration of the gray fog world."

This time it was Lin Shan's turn to be surprised.

"Are you Chen Liyun? I've seen you on the clan artifacts before."

First, he made the most contributions in the war between humans and cats. After relocating, he led several expeditions in the gray mist, and successfully hunted the supernatural villains several times with a pseudo-supernatural team. His flesh and blood added dozens of new members to the clan. Pseudo-supernatural, and was loaded into the clan weapon accordingly.

When Lin Shan was looking through the family artifacts before, he paid close attention to the new names that appeared. He didn't expect to meet the real person just after reading the records.

Lin Shan somewhat understood how those people felt when they saw him, and he felt like the characters in the book appeared in reality.

Chen Liyun said modestly: "Actually, it's nothing. Whether it's fighting the cat clan or hunting the evil ones, it's all the credit of our team as a whole."

Lin Shan smiled and said nothing. A humble person may not be successful, but a successful person must be humble, even if it is false humility.

Then he thought of their conversation just now and asked casually: "How did you find your way back into the gray fog?"

Chen Liyun replied:

"This is also thanks to the skill recorded in the cat tribe's literature - the spirit mark. You can leave a spirit mark in the clan's territory before going out. As long as the spirituality is enough, the distance between the spirit marks can theoretically be infinite. The gray fog will only make the When people lose their sense of direction, as long as they have a fixed goal, they will never go astray again.”

"How to make a spiritual mark?" Lin Shan asked.

"It's very simple." Chen Liyun smiled and said, "It's just a spiritual technique. I'll demonstrate it to you."

As he said that, he waved his hand towards the void. Nothing changed in reality, but in Lin Shan's perception, an extremely weak spiritual node appeared in front of him. There was an indistinct spiritual thread on the node connecting Chen Liyun.

"I showed this specially, so you should be able to feel it. In fact, this kind of spiritual mark cannot be felt by others except you."

Lin Shan nodded. The method was very simple and he knew it after reading it once. Spirituality and oneself are one. This method is to separate the spirituality and then locate it through the faint connection.

There are also disadvantages. If you want spirituality to be connected with yourself, you must ensure that it always exists in the world, which will increase the spiritual load.

However, because the silk thread is extremely thin, the cost of making a spiritual mark is not too great. The longer the spiritual silk thread is stretched, the greater the cost.

"That's right." Chen Liyun suddenly said: "Xian Xian Lin, can you help persuade General Zhao... If it is you..."

Lin Shan frowned slightly and asked, "General Zhao? You mean Zhao Xiaoan?"

Chen Liyun smiled bitterly and said, "Who else could it be besides her?"

"No need to persuade." Lin Shan said calmly: "If she wants to go, just let her go."

"But..." Chen Liyun wanted to say something more, but was directly interrupted by Lin Shan.

"You can go if you're pretending to be extraordinary, but she's already extraordinary, so why can't she go."

"You may have misunderstood the meaning of pioneers. Pioneers are not protected people. Being at the forefront of everything is what pioneers should do."

"Okay." Chen Liyun nodded helplessly. He put the overall situation first and did not want to take risks. Seeing that it was useless to talk more, he stopped mentioning it.

Lin Shan knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression. There must be many people like Chen Liyun in the human race.

Unexpectedly, now that the human race is developing rapidly, the pioneers who have been on the front line are actually protected as some kind of symbols.

"Pay attention to safety and don't go too far." Lin Shan finally reminded.

He doesn't plan to go out recently. Even if he has the ability to easily capture some evil degenerates and add pseudo-extraordinary people to the clan, he doesn't plan to do so. Development always comes with sacrifice, and those who survive will become the new pillars.

"By the way" Lin Shan seemed to have thought of something and suddenly asked: "Are you a living person?"

"Yes." Chen Liyun nodded. It has become common knowledge among pseudo-supernatural people that extraordinary physiques are divided into living bodies and fallen bodies.

"Come with me for a moment," Lin Shan said.

"You guys wait for me here, I'll be back in a moment." Chen Liyun said to the people accompanying him.

Go all the way to the third floor and return to the room.

At this time, the room has been fully decorated and has all the necessary furniture.

Lin Shan rummaged through the bag and poured all the herbs on the ground.

Take out two small cloth pulls from the innermost layer.

Seeing this familiar little Bujie, Lin Shan's face was full of memories.

What is placed here are the remaining materials when preparing the potion for the seven people. There are still more than ten grams of the ghost fish ashes left, and there are still more than 30 grams of the horny powder Asha dragged, which is enough for one person. .

I didn't find anyone suitable before, so I just kept letting it go.

Take out two sheets of paper from the stack of papers on the table, pour out 10g of the ghost fish ash and 10g of black powder respectively, stack them up, take the brush next to it and dip it in ink to write the numbers 50 and 80 on them.

After finishing, give the two paper bags to Chen Liyun and say:

“50 and 80 represent 50 ml of pure water and 80 ml of pure water respectively. When mixed with the powder inside, they will become auxiliary medicines for sequence potions. The main medicine is purple soul flower. You should know where it is. If you come back alive this time, go there to upgrade yourself.”

After thinking for a while, he added:

“Purple soul flower is a little special. Don’t bring it out. Complete the promotion where you pick it. It’s safe in that flower forest.”

“This... This is the material for sequence potions!”

At this time, Chen Liyun’s hands holding the two paper bags were shaking a little. This is the way to transcendence, but he just handed it to him casually.

Lin Shan smiled and said, "Let's go if you have nothing to do."

Chen Liyun opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but he didn't know how to express it. He could only salute Lin Shan with a firm look and said, "Yes, I won't let you down!

After Chen Liyun left, Lin Shan went to the second floor to meet some familiar old friends, including the current Minister of the Military Zhang Zhonghua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry Jin Tianzong, Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture Si Zhennan, and Minister of the Ministry of Households Yan Ruxin.

Four of the seven ministers are pioneers, two of whom are only pseudo-supernatural. Although the other pioneers also have positions, they are just in name only. Not everyone likes power.

Lin Shan also made a simple acquaintance with the other three ministers. These people were all former military personnel, so they were recognized by others and directly took office. All the alternation of power was completed in a small circle.

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