Above the gray fog

Chapter 507: Breeding bestiality

Rewriting and reading files are different.

Reading files is to go directly back to the past and history.

Perhaps... the state of entering the ruins of the past can be called loading, because this time itself is in history.

The ruins of the past are special because they are independent of the long river of time. They are like an ark floating on the river. You can go upstream or downstream, but you can only go downstream to reach the front end of the river. , this Ark really exists, otherwise, it can only be called history.

If there is no Ark as a foothold on the river, it would be impossible to read the archives and go back to the old days to make friends with the Emperor. History is illusory. It exists and does not exist. It is just a reflection of the world that once existed.

In the gray fog world, there is no history written by the victors. The real history is there, and the living beings who can read history can only be the group of living beings who stand at the top of the gray fog world.

As for who built the 'Ark', the foothold in history, and how it was built, this is not something Lin Shanneng knows. All he knows is the feedback provided by the quill at the moment he holds it. , the quill pen is much more generous than the parchment paper.

Paying life is the price Lin Shan pays for driving the quill, not the price for history to bite Lin Shan back.

The backlash of history is not something Lin Shan can bear.

Time passed slowly, and an illusory river hovered around Lin Shan.

Lin Shan picked up the quill and tapped lightly on a certain node.


The illusory river suddenly shattered, and the armor instantly covered Lin Shan.

[Time--turn back. ]

Lin Shan held up a field that turned back time in an instant, and the surrounding minced meat, blood, and bones quickly gathered to form Baker's appearance.

As long as the person is not dead, reversing time can bring him back, which is the best healing ability for low-order people.

"You...what did you do?" The spring creature looked at the empty void in front of him, with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

So why did the big cube disappear out of thin air?

It didn't feel any power.

There were no fluctuations in time and space.

How is this possible? When he reaches this level, he knows that everything has a trace, and what happens before him can be regarded as bizarre.

Even if the gods take things away from him, they will at least reveal some space-time power...


"Thank you, you saved me twice." Baker said with lingering fear. He was just one step away from death.

"Is this the armor from the old days..."

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded, and the particle light blade instantly popped out of the armor's arm, blocking the spring creature's exploratory blow.

The ground beneath our feet suddenly cracked outward tens of thousands of meters, and countless Qijiao tribesmen in the city fell into the cracks. Centered on the intersection of the two, a violent wave of air lifted up all the buildings with a radius of ten thousand meters, and the earth became hard. Every life was plowed.

Waves of air swept through the entire city.

The city that had been lively and prosperous before was completely silenced by this blow, leaving only ruins.

Wisps of resentment began to gather. The resentment of millions of people in the entire city was continuously injected into Lin Shan and the spring creature, and the divine flame began to rekindle.

Lin Shan did not use his faith to extinguish it. At this time, any increase in strength was useful. He allowed his divinity to grow, and the pressure all over his body suddenly disappeared. The aura on his body became more and more transcendent, and even had a hint of the charm of the gods. .

After the spring creature absorbed these resentments, just the opposite of him, the aura on his body became more and more violent.

However, the fatal feeling given to him by the other party became stronger and stronger.

Lin Shan said to Baker in a voice without any emotion, "Please help me, I can't beat you."

Listening to Lin Shan's ethereal voice, Baker said dullly, "I was robbed by him..."

"It's in your bag." Lin Shan said calmly.

"Uh..." Beck's mental power subconsciously reached into his pocket. The light stick that was snatched away returned to his storage space again at some point.

Lin Shan had only rewritten two points with his quill pen before. The first point was to put on the armor the moment the sky split open, and the second point was to prevent the opponent from taking away the light stick that sent the message.

He wanted to write the opponent to death directly, but he didn't have the ability. Not to mention whether the quill could withstand the backlash, he didn't have that much life to waste.

He now somewhat understands the source of the quill's power.

The feedback message of the quill is to 'rewrite history'. In fact, it does not rewrite history in the true sense, it just invokes the power of history itself.

This is an illusory force, such as time force, space force, spiritual force, soul force, the force used by the quill may be called historical force...

It may also be a kind of power of fate. Lin Shan felt a familiar feeling in it, and he also had a trace of this power.

It was brought about by 'divination'. 'Divination' is an extremely powerful super-standard sequence, but because it was so strong, Lin Shan could not withstand the backlash, and the original enhancement turned into a weakening of Lin Shan.

The reason why...the quill's ability isn't really about rewriting history.

It's because the memory of the spring creature has not been changed.

The spring creature was initially confused, wondering how the cube could suddenly disappear.

If the history of the long river of time was really rewritten, it would not be confused, it would exist in its memory. When it saw Lin Shan, Lin Shan was wearing armor, and it would not remember the scene of it snatching the cube.

After all, it is impossible to truly rewrite history, because everything that creatures do will become history.

The moment he used his ability to rewrite history, the progress bar of the long river of time still did not stop moving.

What he did was part of history itself, but he borrowed the power of history to do something impossible.

Indistinctly, Lin Shan seemed to see an unstoppable river, flowing forward regardless of all obstacles. No matter how powerful the creatures were, they could only take a scoop of water from it or put a boat on it. Any behavior that blocked it would become part of it itself.

"Go out first. If we fight, I may not be able to take care of you." Lin Shan slapped Baker, and Baker's figure instantly appeared at the border of the tribe.

At this moment, the spring creature opposite was increasingly disgusted, and an extremely violent force surged out. The space became like a gauze due to the addition of that energy, as if the space would be torn apart by a slight pull.

"This... is not the divine nature that is growing, but the animal nature." Lin Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for the opponent's attack. He could only counter the opponent's moves.

Wearing armor, he could not escape the pursuit of Sequence 6. The actual speed of the armor could not be compared with the extreme speed. At this time, running away would be equivalent to giving the opponent a flaw.

Gray flames ignited on the spring creature's body, and its body continued to stretch, straighten, and expand, turning into a giant snake burning with black flames, or it would be more accurate to say an earthworm, because it had no facial features and features, and its body was very smooth, but the power contained under every inch of its skin was enough to destroy the world.

Suddenly, the huge earthworm rushed towards Lin Shan.

Baker, who was at the border of the tribe, looked at the inside of the tribe with worried eyes. He had no way to help, and could only pray that Sister Sha would come soon.

Even though he was more than a thousand kilometers away, he could feel the ground shaking, the sky turned blood red, and blood rained down.

Waves of terrifying air hit the border of the tribe, and countless boulders were affected by the power of time and space, escaping gravity and wandering in the sky, falling everywhere.

From time to time, a particle beam shot from a very far place, melting a thousand-meter-deep pit in the ground.

The battle between the two bit sequence 6s was the end of this tribe.

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