Above the gray fog

Chapter 527 Failure

From now on, she is free.

Qi Zhuo's change once again stirred up her already calm heart.

"No success..."

She didn't react until Rosa Kahlo's voice came from above.

It was indeed unsuccessful. This was just the independent activation of a characteristic. The aura on Qi Zhuo's body was still the same as that of ordinary people.

The super-standard sequence moth fire has actually always been in Qi Zhuo's body. The process of the ritual is to let Qi Zhuo control the moth fire. If the ritual fails, the moth fire will not leave him. Before his life comes to the end, the moth fire will remain. Inside him.

The promotion ceremony was successful and he became Sequence 5.

If you fail, you can only be an ordinary person.

Even if he is an ordinary person, the moth fire characteristic is already in him. If he encounters danger or is too emotional, the moth fire will be activated independently.

This was clearly the case just now.

Ina Evans stared at Qi Zhao for a long time. Qi Zhao's resistance to him came from the heart. Otherwise, the moth fire would not be activated on its own.

Her fists were clenched, and her chaotic spirituality caused the surrounding space to distort.

"Take care of yourself." He said coldly, and Ina Evans turned into a beam of green light and disappeared from the sky.

Qi Zhuo looked at his hand blankly, "Is this... caused by me? Did it succeed... did I advance to the extraordinary level..."

Qi Zhuo couldn't believe that he actually had extraordinary powers. He didn't care about the disappearance of Ina Evans, even though in his memory she was his mother who had been away from him for decades.

But subconsciously, he didn't have much emotion, he just felt that this mother was strange.

Rosa Caro watched Ina Evans leave, and then turned her attention to Qi Zhuo.

Ina Evans is gone, but Qi Zhuo is not taken with her...

Qi Zhuo felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body. There was an invisible pressure in the air surrounding him. This pressure became heavier and heavier, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Rosa Carlo had murderous intentions. Whether it was the previous grudge or the super-standard characteristics of Sequence 5, no matter what it was, it was enough to kill Qi Zhuo countless times.

"Huh." Rosa Caro has never been a soft-hearted person. Now that Ina Evans has given up on Qi Zhuo...


Qi Zhuo was like a balloon that suddenly expanded, exploding into a ball of blood mist in an instant.

In the central area of ​​​​the blood mist, a group of ethereal flames slowly stopped spinning. This was the super-standard sequence, moth fire.

Rosa Kahlo waved gently at the moth flame, which slowly floated towards her.

Looking at the super-standard properties in her hand that were like ordinary flames, Rosa Carlo was fascinated.

This was the sequence of the angel clan, and it was her previous sequence. Because the angels were jointly betrayed by the Fox and Ye clans, all the sequences were stripped away. The angels who could not die could only hide in the tomb.

Fortunately, angels are a god-given race and can be promoted without additional characteristics. This is also the most important factor in the rise of angels.

"Old friend..." Rosa Kahlo murmured.

"Rosa, thank you for releasing me. As a thank you, please... go die."

The flames there suddenly spit out human words.

Rosa Kahlo's pupils shrank slightly, and the dim river water enveloped her instantly.

At the same moment, the moth flames glowed brightly, instantly igniting the waters of Lethe River, and the blazing flames struck Rosa Kahlo.

The situation in the field changed so fast that Rosa Carlo could not react at all. This seemingly ordinary flame could burn out even the power of time and space.

The flame ignited Rosa Kahlo and turned her into a burning person. It was obviously just an ordinary flame and the temperature was not very high, but no matter what methods Rosa Kahlo used, the flame could not be extinguished.

"Are you Qi Zhuo?" Rosa Carlo asked coldly in the flames. The skin on her body was constantly festering, but she didn't even frown.

This pain was nothing compared to the soul-burning pain he had to bear all the time.

But this still caused trouble for her. This body was not hers in the first place, and it was extremely difficult to repair if it was injured.

"Who am I if I'm not Qi Zhuo?"

"Are you surprised that the ceremony obviously failed and I'm not dead yet?"

"Hahaha, over the years I have been watching that silly Qi Zhuo like I was watching a movie. If the ritual is successful, he will disappear and I will come back."

"If the ritual fails, I will disappear..."

"I don't want to disappear. Since the characteristics can't be used by me, then I will become the characteristics and integrate my consciousness and characteristics into one!"

"Now, I am the 'Moth Flame', a person with spiritual characteristics..."

"Have you become a trait?" Rosa Kahlo asked.

"That's right, I got a new life." The flame transformed into various shapes, and finally transformed into a middle-aged humanoid, with the same body shape as Qi Zhuo.

"Haha, do you think you are still you? You just have the characteristics of Qi Zhuo's memory." Rosa Caro shook her head. She saw clearly that Qi Zhuo was dead, and it could be said that his soul was gone. The flaming man in front of her It's just a characteristic that has become refined.

The reason why she is still talking nonsense to him now is just to delay time. Is this a Sequence 5 characteristic, or is it super-standard? She cannot compete with it with this body.

The moment the flame man appeared, she had already sent a message to the Semitic tribe, requesting reinforcements.

There is no shortage of Sequence 5s within the Semitic tribe, but Sequence 5s rarely move around outside. When encountering enemies of this level, of course they must be dealt with by teammates of the same level.

"Go first, she's calling people, you're just a trait, if you don't leave now you won't be able to leave!"

A low voice came from the sky, it was Ina Evans who turned back again, she still couldn't let go of Qi Zhuo, even if Qi Zhuo became an ordinary person, he was still Qi Zhuo in essence, if she left him here, Rosa Carlo would definitely not let him go.

Unexpectedly, Rosa Carlo would act so quickly, Qi Zhuo was wiped out as soon as she left.

Although the 'Moth Fire' that inherited Qi Zhuo's memory has intelligence, it doesn't seem to be very smart. If it is still Qi Zhuo, then it is likely that it will be fine, but it is just a trait that has been born with intelligence, and the laws of the Semitic people do not protect the characteristics of spirits.

"Vensi..." Moth Fire saw Ina Evans, and his emotions were a little abnormal, but he chose to believe Ina Evans' words at the first time, and turned into a beam of fire and rushed out.

"Want to leave?"

"Forget River..." Rosa Carlo said in a faint voice.

The whole Yanfan City was filled with dim mist, and a river across the sky blocked Qi Zhuo.

"Rosa, I want to leave, can you stop me?" Qi Zhuo said disdainfully, and waved his big hand to the side, and the river across the sky was immediately ignited, and Rosa Carlo was also ignited at the same time.

Her flesh and blood were burning, but Rosa Carlo didn't even frown.

"So what if I ignited the Forgotten River? The most difficult river to cross in this world is the Forgotten River..."

The moth fire fell into the Forgotten River and could not break through.

Rosa Carlo's faint voice came again:

"The great master of hell - Ellis Hugh - when we leave this world, you will give us sweet hope, with faith as the guide and spirituality as the sacrifice, to intercept the Forgotten River on the other side."

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