Above the gray fog

Chapter 559 Transmission Signpost

Lin Shan walked forward aimlessly, trying to find something like a guiding spirit.

He was not in a hurry to find materials. Finding a new energy source for the armor was also one of the purposes of his trip.

After returning the antimatter center to the mechanical race, the armor would lose its energy source and must be replaced by other energy sources.

This was prepared for the human race. He didn't know how long it would take for him to be promoted. By then, he was afraid that things would have changed.

As for new energy, nuclear energy would be fine. Although the human race also mastered nuclear energy, it certainly could not be compressed to this extent. It would be most appropriate to find it in the mechanical race.

There were constantly colorful streams of light sliding back and forth on the ground, like a marquee.

Lin Shan slowly dissipated his mental power and observed the surroundings. After walking through so many races, the mechanical race was the only race he had seen... that did not have reception staff.

It was all up to the visitor to explore on his own.

There were many jump passages distributed nearby, and there was definitely more than one confused traveler like Lin Shan.

A few miles away, a humanoid creature, like Lin Shan, was cautiously groping out.

After the two mental powers collided, they looked at each other from a distance and smiled politely, which was considered to be a cover-up.

Under normal circumstances, mental power contact is considered impolite, like suddenly bumping into a stranger while walking.

"Found it." Lin Shan looked at a certain place and whispered, and then his figure disappeared directly.

When he appeared again, he was in front of an intersection.

A metal stake protruded at the intersection, and there was an operable screen on the metal stake.

"In such an inconspicuous place... This should be a signpost..." Lin Shan said that he was a little confused about the operation method of the Mechanical Clan.

Since so many channels have been opened, there must be strong people from other races coming here. Why don't they even set up a guide, and a signpost is set in such an inconspicuous place.

There was only a blue cursor on the screen. Lin Shan tried to click it with his finger, but there was no response.

"Try to attach mental power." Qi Zhuo reminded.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan attached a shallow layer of mental power to the tip of his finger and clicked the cursor again.

The cursor spread out, and a series of light blue light curtains were popped out.

It looked like a map, but there were only simple pictures and a line of handwriting, which seemed to be an introduction to the map.

This was the text of the Mechanical Clan, and Lin Shan didn't recognize a single word.

There was a line of small characters next to it, written in the Fox Clan's text, which probably meant switching to the Fox Clan's text.

Lin Shan touched the more than ten maps floating in the air with his finger attached to his spiritual power, and all of them were converted into the Fox Clan's text he knew.

[Hub City]

[Gear City]

[Energy City]

[Flame Star City]

[Starfall Fortress]


These pictures were indeed maps, but these maps were useless to him. What he lacked was not a map, but a talking guide...

Lin Shan glanced at the parchment again. Xia Mo-Mechanic Clan was more than 30,000 kilometers away from him, in the Sky Prison of Scale 6.

He was thinking about whether to find Xia Mo first and then ask about the energy of the battle armor, when a voice came to his ear.

"Friend, is this your first time in the Mechanical Clan?"

This creature was the one who had contacted Lin Shan's spiritual power before. Since he asked this question, it seemed that he was here for the first time as well.

A very standard humanoid creature, with no other features. According to Lin Shan's experience, this person did not have any features of other races on the outside, so there must be something special inside.

Of all the races without any features, Lin Shan had only seen the human race so far.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and asked politely, "Friend, is this your first time here too?"

"Yes, I came here to study." Seeing that Lin Shan was easy to talk to, the creature put down his tense heart. There were all kinds of strange creatures in the gray fog, and some even beat up the person who greeted them because they greeted him.

"Study?" Lin Shan was curious. Did the Mechanical Clan still have this business?

"Yes, the path of mechanical ascension, the Mechanical Clan is pioneering the path of becoming a god through technology, I want to participate in it, to be a witness to this great cause... or even a participant."

Lin Shan carefully observed him and found that the eyes of the creature in front of him were still mechanical, and could protrude and retract like a camera, and the body movements were also a bit strange, not as natural as a normal body, but with a sense of machinery.

Thinking of what he said, Lin Shan could guess that this creature was probably on the path of mechanical ascension, but looking at this appearance...Lin Shan felt that his skills were better than his.

Studying...? The Mechanical Clan would never teach others skills easily.

In addition to the mechanical components implanted in his body, this person is also a serious Sequence 7 extraordinary.

Lin Shan was curious, so he asked, "Aren't you extraordinary? Isn't it good to take the path of potions? Why do you want to take the path of mechanical ascension?"

The creature shook his head, "The path of potions is not easy to take. Sequence 7 is already the limit. Going above... is simply not accessible to people like me who have no background. If you want to continue to become stronger, you can only choose other ways."

Lin Shan nodded to show that he understood and continued to study the map in front.

[Hub City] is the first name, and it is crowned with the word hub. It should be the main city of the mechanical tribe, Lin Shan thought in his heart, and at the same time reached out to click on the map image of [Hub City].

A progress bar popped up below and began to read.

Seeing this, the sparse pedestrians around retreated far away, as if avoiding something.

Only the mechanical eye creature came closer, as if curious about what would happen next.

Lin Shan saw the behavior of the pedestrians around him and teleported away.

At the same time, a white light came down from the sky, covering an area near the road sign. The mechanical eye creature was directly decomposed into a molecular state and disappeared from the spot.

This scene made Lin Shan stunned. This person...wouldn't he just disappear like this?

What the hell is the mechanical tribe doing?

Setting traps to sneak up on passers-by at random?

"It seems to be a short-distance transmission method, turning creatures into molecular states and reorganizing them on the other side. The Shan tribe has similar technology, but it is still unstable and easy to kill people."

"Has the mechanical tribe...studied the technology thoroughly?" Qi Zhuo has lived for thousands of years after all, and has seen and known more than Lin Shan.

Hearing that it was just a transmission, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that the creature didn't die, otherwise he would still feel a little guilty.

"Forget it, let's find Xia Mo first..." Lin Shan whispered.

Then he flew along the punctuation marks on the parchment. Tens of thousands of kilometers were not far for him.

After flying high in the sky, Lin Shancai saw the whole picture of the place he had just been in.

It was an oval metal platform, and one side of the platform was full of jump channels, adding up to hundreds of them. The Mechanical Clan put all the jump channels together, without any guards or guides. The channels were completely free to use, and there was a teleportation sign at the fork of each road.

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