Above the gray fog

Chapter 571 I will watch over the human race

"The fugitive who came here and said he wanted to capture them." Xia Mo took out a crystal that emitted a pale white light from a box, "This is the latest military cutting-edge model developed by the Tool Clan."

"Standing on the shoulders of Mechanical Spirit, our technology has made quite a breakthrough. This optical brain not only has all the functions of the previous optical brain, but can even control external technology products to a certain extent, as long as it uses radio waves. , microwave, infrared and other conventional media, as information transmission media, this optical brain has the possibility of intercepting and changing. "

"It's very useful against civilizations of level four and below. Use with caution above level four. I won't care if you are discovered. The technology of the Machine Clan is mainly reflected in technological weapons and mechanical intelligence. Other civilizations each have their own characteristics. , don’t underestimate it,” Xia Mo said jokingly.

"Lie down."


It can be heard from Xia Mo's tone that it has completely regarded him as one of its own.

Lin Shan guessed that it might be related to the yuan-level friendship permission. He didn't know what level of permission it was.

Optical brain implantation surgery is very fast. The reason why the machine tribe implanted the optical brain first is because the optical brain is very useful. It is like having a mobile phone in the Internet era and can solve many problems.

Cheap communicators are easily damaged, and the local communicator in each region needs to be replaced to access the regional network. In comparison, optical computers are more convenient.

"Oh, that's right." After the operation was completed, Xia Du seemed to have remembered something and reminded: "The Fallen and Zhi tribes gathered at the border have been expanding in recent years. They are constantly gathering the same tribes in the central area. The number of spiritual plants and evil spirits has gone from being excessive to being scarce now, and all races are now in an unstable state."

"Due to the scarcity of wild materials, the magic potions currently located in Sequence 8 on the Sequence Stone may all be located on Ten Thousand Races. Internal pressure... coupled with external threats, this is not an option. It may not be long before the three overlords We’re going to attack the border.”

"Of course, it is also possible that the border invaded first. If these two parties fight, and if all races win, the existing system will definitely collapse again. The strongest people are not willing to see all races unite. Compared with unity, They prefer to be strong, and the fastest way to become strong is not the current harmonious and common development, but ruthless plunder.”

"If we lose, in order to avoid becoming the food of the fallen tribe, all races may completely unite, and the remaining races may be completely controlled by the top race. In name, they unite for survival, but in fact it is a disguised form. Losing independence and freedom becomes material.”

"These two possibilities are based on the analysis results of the brain. There shouldn't be too much deviation. Of course, you have to worry too much. It won't be that easy to fight, and the initial scale won't be too big."

On the aerial battleship.

On the way back, Lin Shan was still thinking about what Xia Mo said. The Tool Clan should now be considered a small group of powerful clans below the strongest, and there is a high probability that there will be no problem with their view of the situation.

Unexpectedly, less than a hundred years have passed since the Federation invaded, and the sequelae caused by the Federation will once again sweep through the human world.

If a war breaks out again, where will the human race go this time?

Different from the federation's scattered operations, the combined invasion of the Plant and Fallen tribes will definitely be a big melee, and no one tribe can resist it alone...

Lin Shan's thoughts were confused, but the aerial battleship did not stop at all and took Lin Shan through the jump channel to the Fox Clan.

The fox-headed guards patrolling the Fox clan did not intercept Lin Shan at all, and allowed the aerial warship to turn into a beam of light and fly towards the human race.


The stream of light around the battleship quickly disappeared, and the aerial battleship that was traveling at high speed stopped for some reason.

Lin Shan's muscles tensed up, his mental energy stretched out, and he asked at the same time, "Da Kong, what's going on?"

The large screen flickered, reflecting the scene outside.

In terms of human aesthetics... a figure that was absolutely beautiful had one hand in front of the aerial battleship. The aerial battleship was flying at 4% the speed of light, but she was actually holding it down. .....

"Tushan... Ranqi." Lin Shan looked at this figure with a somewhat complicated expression.

She is still the same, but she has changed a lot. She is wearing a light blue dress, her fluffy blue tail is slightly swayed, her skin is better than snow, and her ice-blue eyes are like a pool of clear water. When she stares, she has a certain elegance and elegance. Hua's temperament makes people attracted by it, making them feel ashamed and dare not blaspheme.

But that cold and proud movement is quite fascinating and captivating, which makes people unable to stop dreaming about him.

Lin Shan believes that these people may not include himself.

Daikong, which had been stagnant for several seconds, sounded the alarm again.

[Tushan Ranqi, the co-leader under the fox clan’s gods, is extremely dangerous! It is recommended to start the final escape program and enter the scale 4 empty prison. ]

"Hover." Taking a deep breath, Lin Shan teleported and appeared on top of the aerial battleship.

He looked at Tushan Ranqi from a distance.

Lin Shan had forgotten the last time they met. It seemed that when he was desperate, he led the enemies of the Federation to the Fox Clan. At that time, it was Tushan Ranqi who helped him deal with it.

After that separation, we never saw each other again.


In the end, it was Tushan Ranqi who spoke first.

"Yeah, not bad." Lin Shan nodded.

"Not yet Sequence 6..." Tushan Ranqi frowned frivolously.

Lin Shan was speechless, could Sequence 6 be so fast?

"It's almost time, go back and prepare for promotion this time."

"Hmm..." Tushan Ranqi nodded, then turned to look at the silent void. There was no dead star in the 6-scale sky prison, and there were no luminous stars nearby. There were only a few stars in the distance.

After looking for a while, she said, "In the near future, there may be some problems in the human circle. The sequelae brought by the Dawn Federation last time are even more serious this time than the invasion of the Dawn Federation, because the foundation of each race has been almost consumed before. This will be a tough battle."

"Border problem?"

"You know?" Tushan Ranqi was a little surprised. Now only a few powerful races know the border information. This information will never be spread by each race. The creatures that are about to face disasters are themselves disasters.

"Just came back from the mechanical race, they told me."

Tushan Ranqi looked at the aerospace battleship behind Lin Shan and nodded slightly.

"Whether it's the border or we fight, this war will no longer be fought by one tribe. The scale will be unprecedentedly large. The extraordinary people accumulated by the Zhizuo tribe over the years are more than ten times ours."

"The balance between the Wanzu and Zhizuo tribes has been broken, and they are now in a state of infighting."

After a pause, Tushan Ranqi wrapped her skirt with one hand and lifted the skirt several times, and whispered:

"When the time comes, you will get rid of the angels and return to the fox tribe camp. I will talk to the angels."

"Just complete your promotion with peace of mind. I will watch over the human race."

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