Above the gray fog

Chapter 579 Lin Shan, Plant Clan Sequence 5


The nuclear bomb exploded inexplicably in the air. The evil creatures who didn’t have time to close their eyes had blood flowing out of their eyes. They wailed in pain on the ground. The huge wind that swept thousands of miles blew the big guys below into pieces, but no evil creature was injured.

If you look down from above, you will find that.

Above the beasts, with the black-clothed youth as the center, a red flower phantom tens of thousands of meters high is blooming.

The nuclear bomb just exploded on the flower.

The evil creatures moved very fast, and some of them had already arrived under the golden city wall.

They didn’t see any attacking behavior, but just accelerated their running and crashed into the city wall.

The moment they touched the city wall, these evil creatures turned into golden dots of light under the influence of the power of rules, and only pieces of cores fell to the ground.

This was a loophole left by the gods at the beginning. The Void God Corridor would leave a complete characteristic core. If the core was shattered, the characteristics would still be converted into evil creatures or spiritual plants, which was equivalent to doing useless work.

There were also ripples on the city wall. Obviously, such a life-threatening behavior consumed the Void God Corridor.

At a certain moment.

"Soul Separation."

A cold tone resounded.

A dim mist rose up, and a turbid water flowed down from the golden city wall.

All the evil spirits approaching the city wall within a radius of hundreds of miles were washed away.

A thousand-kilometer-long moat appeared in front of the city wall. The evil spirits who were swept into the river did not even make a splash, and turned into the dead souls of the River of Oblivion.

There is a reason why the sequence of "Forgetfulness" is valued by the Shan people. It has a very special effect. When combined with the "Soul Separation" mastered by Lin Shan, although the two are not gain characteristics, the effect they exert is better than the gain characteristics.

When using "Soul Separation", he has the characteristic of "Infinite Blue". Even if it is very short, he can use it to accumulate huge spirituality to attack far beyond his own strength.

Although it is strong, there is only one attack. Whether it hits or not, the origin will be consumed.

The ‘Forget River’ is very special. The water of the Forget River can stay in the world for a long time with only a slight spiritual consumption. The most spiritual consumption of the Forget River is the moment of summoning the ‘Forget River’. The rest of the use of the ‘Forget River’ for attack and defense will only consume the water of the ‘Forget River’ that was initially summoned.

Another point is that when he summoned the ‘Forget River’ in the ‘Soul Separation’ state, it was a little different from what Rosa Carlo said at the beginning.

The summoned river water is more turbid, and it seems... stronger.

If he does not use the ‘Soul Separation’, he can summon the water of the Forget River normally. With his current strength of the second stage of Sequence 6, even if he injects all his spirituality, he can only summon a ‘Forget River’ less than 20 kilometers long.

However, if he uses the ‘Soul Separation’, he can summon a huge ‘Forget River’ that is a thousand kilometers long, and the spirituality in his body has not been consumed at all, and only the origin is consumed.

There is also an awkward point. The range of mental power coverage increases by 10 kilometers per stage of Sequence 6. With the foundation of 20 kilometers of Sequence 7 and double sequence, his current mental power coverage is 40 kilometers, which means that his attack distance is 40 kilometers, and the range of spiritual power that can be controlled is also 40 kilometers.

In other words, this thousand-kilometer-long Wangchuan River can be used as his backup spiritual power, which can be drawn at will, but the length of the river he can control is only 40 kilometers.

He has done experiments before.

Under normal circumstances, when the spiritual power is exhausted, only 20 kilometers of Wangchuan River can be summoned.

If he advances to the peak of Sequence 6, he should be able to summon more than 100 kilometers of Wangchuan River.

In other words, as long as he uses "Soul Separation" to summon a thousand-kilometer-long Wangchuan River, he can have a normal peak of Sequence 6... 10 times the total amount of spiritual power that can be mobilized.

In terms of the total amount of spiritual power, it has reached the level of Sequence 5.

What's more, "Wangchuan" has been strengthened by the special state of "Soul Separation".

However, there are also some weakenings. The time of using the "Soul Separation" after the biological body is promoted is reduced again, from the original longest 30 seconds to the current 15 seconds.

The ghost body's origin is fully restored in one year, and the "Soul Separation" is used once every 24 days on average to balance the consumption.

Now the war is tight, he dare not use the origin to increase the promotion speed at all. The level is not very useful to him now. It took a full hundred years for the "Forgetful River" to slowly upgrade a stage. He had completed the promotion a hundred years ago, and then he was busy with the affairs of the human race, with almost no room for rest.

Fortunately, everything has results. The human race was not affected by the war, and it also ate a lot of benefits from the war and successfully promoted to the 4th level of civilization.

The reason why the human race ranks 2765 is not that the human race has only 2765 strength, but that Lin Shan used some relationships to suppress it.

In addition, many powerful tribes on the border have merged into the central area before. There is no shortage of 4th level civilization in the corridor of the gods now, and the tribes within 3,000 will definitely not be lower than 4th level.

Most of them were force-fed. At this time, the strongest tribes did not hold back at all. They gave whatever they wanted in terms of technology, and made it all public on the spiritual network. They even provided material assistance to some races that were at a bottleneck.

The human race was one of them, but they were fed more. The fox tribe, the mechanical tribe, the virtual circle, and the angels all took special care of the human race.

During this period, the human race also provoked a powerful enemy - the Shem tribe.

A direct citizen of the Shem tribe was almost poisoned to death after drinking the fake "Forget River" magic potion, and the Miao tribe was wiped out the next day.

Later, he found out that everything was Lin Shan's plan, and he went to the human race to ask for an explanation. However, the situation had already become tense. The Shemites could not attack the human race, which was the focus of everyone's attention, in public. They did not even strip Lin Shan of his identity as a Shemites citizen, but kept making trouble for the human race at the board of directors.

In this regard, Lin Shan could only admit it. There was no right or wrong in the dispute of positions. This characteristic was not necessarily originally owned by the Shemites, and he felt at ease with it.

The biggest confidence, of course, came from his own strength. Now, anyone who wanted to kill him had to think carefully. In the two wars... his record was there.

Tens of thousands of evil armies were blocked by a river.

The black-robed young man stared blankly at the Forgotten River blocking the Void God Corridor.

"Forgotten River..."

"You are Lin Shan..."

"Why are you at such a late node?"

The black-robed man's face was a little dark. Every sequence 5 in the human circle, 'Chasing Fire', was recorded, and the particularly famous ones were paid special attention.

Lin Shan stood in the void, his black hair draped behind him, his long cape fluttering because of the surge of spirituality. He looked at the black-robed man opposite him, a little disappointed.

This is the Plant Clan Sequence 5. Plant Clan members who reach Sequence 5 can condense their soul clones to act in the outside world. If the soul clone dies, the main body will be greatly damaged, but it will not die completely, and it is a disguised immortal body.

"You, a Sequence 5... what do you want to do in such a backward node?" When he saw him, Lin Shan also had doubts in his heart, and asked back, "Why don't you attack those nodes guarded by the strongest? Crashing here... You may not be able to break through the God Corridor even if you crash until tomorrow."

The further back the node is, the more abundant the divine power is. High-sequence ones generally don't come here. They just send some low-sequence evil ones to symbolically impact a few times to prevent the node from being completely solidified. What's the point of high-sequences coming here?

Do you also want to crash into the void God Corridor and die?

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