Above the gray fog

Chapter 584 Becoming a Child

Yongchang City.

It's midsummer now, the dark sky is covered with dark clouds, there is dull thunder in the distance, and the air is filled with warm moisture, as if a thunderstorm is about to fall at any time.

Even though it was dark, the city was still as bright as day, even a little dazzling.

The tall steel towers are dotted with thousands of lights.

There are huge colorful screens hanging around the steel building, and various advertisements are displayed on the screens. Even though hundreds of years have passed, pink and floating still have enough popularity.

But today is different from the past. The entertainment industry is completely controlled by capital, and legendary celebrities like Pinky Piao are also in decline.

The billboards are more of a gimmick-filled propaganda for the giant corporations that dominate the human economy.

Dense stars shuttle through the steel jungle.

Those are all floating cars. After continuous upgrading, in terms of civilian transportation, there is not much difference between the transportation vehicles used by the human race and those of the powerful races.

These floating cars fly freely over the city, as if they are mocking the ordinary cars on the ground suffering from traffic jams, and mocking the poor who cannot afford advanced technology.

There are rich people and there are poor people. Even though almost everyone can now meet their basic needs, the gap between the rich and the poor is still huge. This is also related to the current economic system of the human race.

However, this cannot be changed. For a civilization to develop forward, it does not mean that it must be absolutely fair and just, with even wealth and poverty.

Light and darkness intertwine, civilization and violence dance together. This is the current portrayal of the human race. To the surrounding races, the human race is completely like a bully.

The top leaders of the human race know very well what kind of pressure they are under. This is pressure that a single ethnic group cannot bear, so it can only be shared with the outside world.

The purpose of Lin Shan's return this time was just for this matter. He could not just squeeze the economy of the surrounding tribes, but they would also need to share the burden of the subsequent troop recruitment and other matters. This was a decision that had been discussed for a long time. This meeting convened the leaders of the hundreds of tribes to formally issue an announcement.

Lin Shan walked on the street.

This is the busiest street in Yongchang City.

If you walk leisurely from start to finish, it will take more than two hours.

Yongchang City is no longer the Yongchang City it once was. After endless expansion, the area of ​​each district is now much larger than the entire Yongchang City.

There used to be only 4 districts, but now it has expanded to 11 districts. The former divisions of east, west, north and south no longer exist. Nowadays, numbers from 1 to 11 are used to distinguish each district.

Lin Shan is now in District 1 of Yongchang City. The area where this central street intersects was the former Pioneer Square.

The square is still there, and so are the statues.

The statue has been renovated countless times. The current statue is more than 30 meters high, and the square has been expanded more than 10 times.

There are still 11 statues. Even though Luo He and Chao Yuxin have long since disappeared, these statues remember the moment when the human race opened up wasteland. Since they participated in it, they are naturally qualified to be remembered.

The most special of these 11 statues is a statue without a face.

The facial features are smooth. This is Si Zhennan, the pioneer. No one remembers him except the clan artifacts that record him and his deeds.

The records and reality of Si Zhennan in the clan artifacts could perfectly complement each other. The pioneers chose to believe in the clan artifacts and unanimously believed that...their memories had been manipulated, and built a faceless statue specifically for the pioneer Si Zhennan.

Lin Shan gently tapped the stone tablet under the faceless statue with his hand, as if he was slapping the dust on it, or as if he was comforting an old friend.

"Hey, kid, don't touch that casually."

At this time, a very capable-looking female security guard wearing a human armed police uniform and an exoskeleton quickly walked up to Lin Shan and hugged Lin Shan.

Yes, he hugged her directly.

At this moment, Lin Shan looked like a seven or eight-year-old child. The previous guard uniform had been taken away by him, and now he was wearing the white robe with gold trim that he often transformed into.

It's just a short version.

It's not that Lin Shan deliberately changed into a child, he didn't have the ability.

He has not been promoted to Sequence 5, and his soul cannot derive a body.

Previously, the sealing ability of the young plant tribe completely transformed his body into a plant. If he did not discard the converted part of his body, his body would not be able to survive for too long.

All repairs would require a large amount of strange body energy, which Lin Shan was reluctant to part with.

So he thought of a compromise, discarding the parts that turned into plants, and using a small amount of the strange body's origin to use the remaining parts to shape the physical body of a child.

In this way, resources can be greatly saved.

But there are also shortcomings, that is... this child's body is not consistent with his own soul. It will definitely have an impact during battle, but that is for the future. Under the powerful recovery power of Sequence Six, this body will follow the soul's Lin Shan knew that the form was growing rapidly. This was not the first time he had done this.

"Uh..." Lin Shan found himself being picked up and quickly restrained the spirituality in his body, but the characteristics of the strange body could not be concealed. Sequence 9 might be invaded by the supernatural if he encountered him, and he would fall to the ground foaming at the mouth. rise.

Fortunately, the female police officer behind her was able to escape because she was wearing alloy exoskeleton gloves.

As soon as the female police officer picked up Lin Shan, he noticed something was wrong. He found that the child was missing an arm. The motherly feeling in his heart overflowed, and his eyes became softer.

She asked: "Kid, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

The next second, her mind was in a trance.

She looked at her hand again, but there was no trace of the child.

She immediately opened the communication and reported what had just happened.

Lin Shan's figure appeared thousands of meters high in the sky. One of his arms was broken because there was not much flesh and blood left, and he could not get another arm together. He did not want to consume the essence to repair it, so he could only leave it empty for the time being.

Sequence 6 already has a very strong recovery ability. With the treatment of the mountain and sea magic, the broken arm can grow back by itself in a few days, and there is no need to make additional consumption.

But this recovery ability cannot be compared with the physical talent of the fallen tribe, and it is not on the same level as the body regeneration of the plant tribe.

Because he has a strange body, time power, and his own recovery ability is not bad, so he has never thought about the whole healing and recovery type of characteristics before, but the enemy's ability in this aspect is too strong, almost comparable to immortality, but his body will break at the touch, and it is impossible to keep consuming the essence to repair it. If he does not have a very strong recovery ability, the trial and error will be too poor.

It's time to take the healing characteristics into consideration.

Lin Shan looked up at the sky. The red moon had begun to appear and the agreed time was almost up.

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