Above the gray fog

Chapter 590 Extraordinary List

"You just need to send out people. Soldier training, weapons and resources will be handed over to the human race. Do you have any questions?" Lin Shan continued to ask.

"The resources harvested by our men's station..." someone asked below.

Hearing this question, everyone else pricked up their ears.

They can accept casualties. How can there be no war without casualties?

Everyone here has worked hard to get to the top, and dead spots...are really nothing to them.

The most important thing is the benefits...

"All harvests will be distributed by oneself." Lin Shan said.

The leaders of the various races below were enlightened. If this was the case, this was not a bad thing at all, but a great good thing.

"The main reason why I asked you to come here is to talk about this matter. After the meeting, someone will explain it to you. After everything is understood, you can return to your clan to complete the follow-up arrangements."

Lin Shan looked at the time. The whole meeting lasted only half an hour. According to the original time, he had an hour, followed by other pioneers.

But now it's only half way... He seems to have nothing to say.

Lin Shan asked again, "Do you have any other questions about this matter?"

A big man with a muscular back and waist and horns on his forehead pressed the button on the table and said: "Weapons and equipment are all provided by the human race. The pressure on the human race is a bit too great. I wonder...can we let our own race produce these weapons?" ?”

When other leaders heard this, their eyes lit up again, but they were more disdainful and ridiculed.

Faced with this question, Lin Shan just asked indifferently, "You ask a group of barbarians to produce firearms and guns. Do you think it is feasible? Do you dare to use what they produce?"

"Or, you want the human race to make great efforts to build the production line in your clan area, and then transport the required resources to your clan area, and finally help you produce..."

The big man with a tiger's back paled and turned pale, and hurriedly explained, "No, no, of course I don't think so. I just want to feel that the human race is under too much pressure, and I want to share some of it with the human race..."

Lin Shan ignored him and glanced at the others.

Even though he is in the form of a child now, all the creatures that meet his eyes avoid him or lower their heads, not daring to look at him.

Under that vague pressure, others didn't dare to ask any more, even if they had a hundred questions.

Lin Shan looked at Zhang Zhonghua and signaled that the next time was his.

Zhang Zhonghua nodded slightly. He sat upright and spoke into the microphone on the table without using his mental strength.

"Well, cough." Zhang Zhonghua coughed into the microphone first, and then his loud voice echoed throughout the hall.

There was stability and seriousness in his voice, which was different from Lin Shan's overwhelming voice. Just listening to him speaking made people feel... at this moment, they were discussing very serious issues that everyone could take seriously. .

"Securing the garrison... is a good thing for you. Next, I want to say something relatively heavy."

Zhang Zhonghua paused for a moment, lowered his voice and continued:

"Recently, the fratricide among all races has become more and more serious. The two tribes of Zhizhi have withdrawn from the central area of ​​the human circle. Due to the influence of the power of rules in the Void Divine Corridor... it is no longer possible for new spiritual plants and evil degenerates to be born. ”

"However, in addition to being our enemies, the two tribes of Zhifei also have another important identity - characteristic carriers. Our extraordinary potions and a series of auxiliary medicines all rely on them."

"They disappear, and the sequence stele can only transfer the position to other races. The races are secretly fighting over promotions. There are also many incidents within the coalition government... Don't think that no one will find out if they are doing it secretly."

"The coalition government is firmly opposed to this fratricidal behavior."

Zhang Zhonghua suddenly stood up and said in a very serious and serious tone:

"From today onwards, all Sequence 8 and above Sequence 8 Extraordinaries from all races must be registered in the United Government's Extraordinary Register. In the future, promotions within the clan will require the ability to register. This roster is controlled by the human race, so you don't have to worry about it being leaked."

"In the future, if something happens to the extraordinary in the clan, you can apply directly to the coalition government to check the roster. If the newly registered ability here is the same as the extraordinary ability in trouble, then don't blame the coalition government for asking for the root cause."

"Of course, you don't have to register. If there is a Sequence 8 or Sequence 7 suddenly, the coalition government will not recognize him as an extraordinary person under the coalition government. When the time comes... it is not certain how it will be treated."

After Zhang Zhonghua finished speaking, the people below could no longer remain quiet.

What does it mean for humans to do this? Do you want to hold all their extraordinary powers in your hands?

The extraordinary abilities of various races can definitely be regarded as secrets. Except for some who are famous, they will not take the initiative to reveal their abilities.

The human race wants to create a roster...to include the extraordinary abilities and abilities of each race...and to oversee their promotion.

This is hard for them to accept.

A pressure came out of nowhere, making everyone breathless. It was Lin Shan. His plain voice sounded in everyone's mind: "I don't want to... Does it mean that you have thoughts of killing each other? Now in the gray fog But there are no Evil Fallen and Spiritual Plants, so the materials you need can only be found from nearby allies."

"Let's vote on it." Lin Shan said calmly. A light curtain appeared in front of everyone. He was deliberately confusing the concepts, tying the secrets of each tribe to the killing of each other. In fact, this was just a means for the human race to further control each tribe.

Those small tribes quickly chose to agree without hesitation. This was a great thing for them. They didn't have many extraordinary people.

The strong tribe also chose to agree after a little hesitation. Anyone who dared to raise questions would be targeted in the next second.

The number of votes in favor was slowly increasing. The later it was, the slower the number of votes increased. It stopped after it reached 73. Except for the Crystal Clan who had not arrived, all votes were passed.

"All votes passed. No need to count the votes. This matter is settled." Lin Shan hammered it down.

Suddenly, Lin Shan's expression changed slightly and he disappeared from his seat.

When he appeared again, he was already above the meeting place, with the aerospace battleship hanging beside him.

[There is a problem with Asge. I'll go and take a look. ] After Lin Shan sent a message to Zhang Zhonghua and other people who presided over the council, he teleported into the aerospace battleship.

The battleship turned into a stream of light and quickly broke through the air prison and flew away.

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