Above the gray fog

Chapter 594 Support and Attack


Huang Liu squinted his eyes, patted his chest and said, "We are on the same side, don't worry, we will drink the soup together."

"...This may not be easy to do." Lin Shan narrowed his eyes.

Huang Liu scratched his face, "It's very simple, just pass a message and intimidate the original guards during the handover of the new guards. The Council means... deprive them of their status as guards and let them hand in all the extraordinary resources they obtained during their guarding period and the output of the next ten years, and use these things to train the new guards."

"But there are also some risks. If they resist, we will inevitably use some violence, and even kill them when necessary. We definitely have enough manpower here. I will add you, and call An Ni. The Council will also send someone to join me. We have four sequence 6s, and the other side only has two in the open, and they have to take care of the clan land in the rear. If they confess their crimes, it's fine. If they resist, then we don't have to be polite."

"The Council is still willing to kill sequence 6 now." Lin Shan looked a little strange.

Although I feel that the Council is doing the right thing, for the current human circle, any high-order combat power is a precious resource. Now the number of extraordinary people above Sequence 6 in the human circle has dropped to a low point.

The only sequence potions that have been broken through the auxiliary medicine are potions below Sequence 7. Even if the characteristics are retained after killing Sequence 6, it is impossible to immediately create a second Sequence 6.

"Well, okay." Lin Shan nodded in agreement. This is not a very dangerous task. He doesn't believe that there are really races that will rebel against the Council at this time. "Call me and give me a location when the time comes."

The Void God Corridor is actually not fragile, but this kind of atmosphere must not be allowed. If every race deliberately lets some evil fall through the defense line to reduce losses, the Void God Corridor will not last for many years.

At that time, everyone will be finished together.

Sometimes when the human race encounters a large number of evil falls and cannot defend, they will selectively let the evil fall directly crash into the Void God Corridor, but this is when it is necessary, and it is absolutely impossible to deliberately let the evil fall break through the defense line.

After hanging up the call with Huang Liu, Lin Shan continued to stand. He had no official business to deal with. He would stand here most of the time, looking at the divine corridor.

Near noon, a light curtain jumped out in front of his sight.

It was a message popped up in the guard group chat.

Although there were more than 3,000 people in this group, few people spoke in it.

2760 Guard - An Zhi: [2760 node node needs support, unknown sequence 5 found. ]

25 Grant: [2597 node node needs support, the divine corridor has an abnormal situation. ]

25 Hongyue: [2597 node node needs support......]

One message after another popped up almost at the same time.

Lin Shan could not help these supports, he could not leave the node he was guarding during the day.

The nodes that encountered problems could only be supported by people sent by the Council.

Lin Shan found that these attacked nodes had one characteristic, all of them were nodes at the back.

"Is it possible that 'Chasing Fire' is going to change its strategy and attack from the rear nodes?" Lin Shan said to himself.

It is not impossible. Although theoretically the front node is the weakest and easier to break, the defense in the front is also the strongest stage of the entire Void God Corridor.

‘Chasing Fire’ suffered a loss at the front node, and it is very likely that it will turn its firepower to the rear to make a new attempt.

If it is just an attempt, it is fine. If the rear node is attacked, it can ask for help at any time.

There are jump channels connecting all nodes, so support is not a problem. The power of the station is only the guarding power of a single node, not the defense power of the node.

I am afraid that ‘Chasing Fire’ has other intentions.

At this time, a pleasant voice interrupted Lin Shan’s thoughts.

“Lin Zhenshou, please take a look. This is today’s file. I have classified it for you.”

The visitor is a girl who looks young, in her early 20s, with the strength of Sequence 9.

She is wearing a neat uniform, and every move is mature and sophisticated.

This is the secretary who has been with Lin Shan for 20 years. He was originally chosen because of her ability. In the past 20 years, he has changed from an ignorant girl to a good hand who assists Lin Shan in handling official business.

"Well, put it on the table." Lin Shan replied softly.

"Okay." The girl agreed, then turned back to the office and placed the documents neatly on the desk.

Lin Shan stared at the direction of the Void God Corridor for a while, then walked into the office to start today's work.

He needed to deal with a lot of things, all about the front-line operations in the Void God Corridor.

He needed to go through the trial of new weapons, the weapons distribution of each garrison, and the situation encountered by each tribe the day before, etc.

When he was bored and flipping through the documents, a light curtain suddenly jumped out. The transparent light blue light curtain, and the sound waves were jumping irregularly.

An urgent female voice came out.

[Lin Zhenshou, Sequence 6 Evil has appeared in the R17 garrison, and you need to take action. ]

"Hold it, I'll come later." Lin Shan replied and hung up the communication directly.

R17 is very close to R1, less than a million kilometers, and at the speed of Sequence 6, it can go back and forth in two minutes.

Lin Shan suddenly disappeared in front of the desk. The girl who was arranging the tea sets and cleaning behind him saw this familiar scene and walked over calmly to tidy up the documents that had been messed up by Lin Shan.

When approaching R17, Lin Shan had already seen a large number of evil fallen, at least thousands of them. Because there were Sequence 6 experts following them, the personnel stationed at R17 did not dare to take action.

In this case, even launching a nuclear bomb would be useless. Instead of wasting weapons resources, it would be better to wait for Lin Shan's arrival.

A bright red crescent moon rose in Lin Shan's hands.

The crescent moon gradually condensed into a semicircular blood-colored jade.


The jade stone was thrown out by Lin Shan and hit the center of the evil army.

The blood-colored jade was approaching, and the Sequence 6 leader Evil Fall immediately noticed it and wanted to block the jade.

When he came to the jade, the jade exploded naturally, and the red light spread, turning into a bright red field.

The Moon in the Mirror activates.

The evil fallen army that was still running forward suddenly died one after another. Their bodies were covered with blisters and their skin was ulcerated.

In the end, these huge villains fell to the ground in pieces. When they fell to the ground, they smashed the ground with a loud roar.

The sand that had been bombarded countless times by nuclear bombs raised up waves of yellow sand, and the fallen corpses sank deeply into the sand.

Lin Shan's face turned pale.

Killing thousands of Evil Fallen at the same time made him spiritually exhausted, but at this moment he still looked at the huge Fallen Clan Sequence 6 without changing his expression.

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