Above the gray fog

Chapter 598 Border

There are many more high-order ones on the side of the 'Chasing the Fire' than there are in the human circle. If they really want to break through the Void Divine Corridor, they only need to gather the Evil Fallen and have another 'Fire Controlling Battle'.

It may not be difficult for them to break through the corridor, but then the gods confined to the corridor will escape.

If the gods escape from trouble, it will definitely cause another huge massacre for ‘Chasing Fire’, which is not a good thing.

Therefore, the purpose of Chasing Fire has never been to break through the Void Divine Corridor. Not only did they not break it, they even wanted to ensure that the Void Divine Corridor always existed.

But we cannot allow the Void Divine Corridor to be completely formed. If the Void Divine Corridor is fully formed, all races will be invincible.

‘Chasing Fire’ is maintaining the balance, allowing the gods to cocoon themselves and be trapped in the void corridor.

This war cannot be won simply by maintaining balance.

On the premise of maintaining balance and constantly consuming the strength of all races, ‘Chasing Fire’ is still making other plans.

Even if all races knew the intention of ‘Chasing Fire’ in their hearts, they would not be able to abandon the Void Divine Corridor and not defend it.

Although the gods are powerful, they cannot slaughter the evil ones endlessly. Even the gods cannot resist the resentment gathered by the massive evils.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

“How many years do I have left to live?”

Parchment: [Remaining life span 12231 years. ]

Lin Shan looked at the 5-digit numbers on the parchment and felt richer than ever.

The lifespan of Sequence 7 is only six to seven thousand years, and the lifespan of Sequence 6 starts at ten thousand years. Relatively speaking, it has not improved much, only a few thousand years.

However, this ten thousand-year lifespan does not count the previous consumption. Even if a Sequence 7 has lived for six or seven thousand years, he will regain a lifespan of more than ten thousand years if he is promoted to Sequence 6. After all, it doesn't matter at all. Quite a bit, equivalent to gaining a new life.

He now has a lifespan of more than 10,000 years, and a Sequence 5 monster. If he wants to improve his strength, it is best to start from these two points.

Either go to the border to find Sequence 5 monsters, or spend your life to upgrade the monsters to Sequence 6.

For the fourth sequence of the strange body, Lin Shan has some ideas. He wants to go beyond the specifications...

If you want the parchment to be positioned beyond the specifications... you must help it find fragments of authority.

The location of the fragment of authority of the parchment at the border of the human circle.

The human circle is too big. The central area is ten light years in diameter. Surrounding the central area is a border with a radius of 400 light years. There are more than 100,000 light years of desolate areas outside the border.

It was okay before, with the support of jump channel technology, the footsteps of the strongest of all races have reached the desolate area, but the emergence of 'Chasing Fire' has cut off all the tentacles of all races extending outward. The central area now looks more like It is a prison for all races.

Without the jump channel, the only way to go to the distant border is to take a starship.

If you want to sail across the border with a radius of 400 light years, only a starship equipped with a warp engine can do it.

The successful development of the warp engine is one of the few good things at present.

The strongest people of all races know that the purpose of "Chasing Fire" is to hold back the gods and slowly destroy all races. While defending, the strongest people also seek other ways to survive.

Abandoning the human circle and heading to other galaxies is also part of Xeon's plan.

With the help of Adam, the intelligent life form of the ancient ruins, the warp engine has been completed. Although the speed can only reach the speed of light, it can still travel across the border.

It is absolutely impossible to think of the human circle. Even the lifespan of Sequence 5 can hardly support a light-speed starship flying from the center of the human circle to the edge of the deserted area, let alone leaving the human circle and entering other galaxies.

This matter is considered a secret, because the humans are also involved in the research of warp engines, so they know the council's plans.

"I'll help you find the fragments of authority. Can you help me get the super-standard sequence?"

Parchment: [Complete the authority for the great Parchment, and the Parchment will sell you a super-standard sequence at a loss. 】

"Huh?" Lin Shan noticed something was wrong.

There is something wrong with the tone of the parchment. The fact that it can say this so confidently means that it has now mastered the method of obtaining the super-standard sequence. Didn't it say before... that it needs to collect fragments of authority to locate the super-standard sequence?

Parchment seemed to realize that he had slipped up, and quickly changed the topic to remedy the situation.

Parchment: [Super-standard sequence, different from ordinary sequence, does not rely on formulas. In addition to inheritance, you can only be promoted after finding the location of the characteristic... and completing the promotion ceremony required by the characteristic. 】

Lin Shan looked at the writing on the parchment. He didn't ask about the special part of the parchment's super-standard sequence. This was obviously the parchment changing the subject.

Did you spill the beans in excitement because you wanted to help it find fragments of authority?

As he rose through the ranks and contributed more and more lives, the parchment grew wiser.

In terms of communication, there is no difference from normal people.

Lin Shan thought for a while and said: "Let's do this. You tell me the formula first. I will help you find the fragments of authority when I am stronger. This way, everything will be foolproof. The border is too dangerous. If something happens to me, you will never leave me." Want to find fragments of authority.”

Parchment: [The great parchment cannot be located now. It is out of specification, lacks authority fragments, and cannot be located. Please collect authority fragments for the great parchment as soon as possible. 】

Sheepskin thought: [After the great parchment completes the fragments, it will have stronger abilities, wider positioning range, longer prediction time, and can even slightly affect the established destiny. 】

Parchment first pretended to be stupid, and then used a common trick... to seduce Lin Shan with benefits.

Slightly affecting the predetermined fate, this sentence is very interesting.

As far as he knows, fate is not predetermined.

But what does the parchment mean by this sentence?

Does the parchment think that fate is predetermined?

There is a sense of contradiction, but this time the parchment did not give another reply.

Instead, it directly showed the location of the authority fragment, which was 157 light years away from him. Coincidentally... the sequence 5 weirdo was also near this line.

The weirdo, coupled with the temptation of super specifications, Lin Shan decided to go to the border.

The recent events in the main circle of people made him very uneasy, and he must strengthen his strength as soon as possible.

Dealing with "Chasing Fire" is the business of the Council. He has no power to stop any conspiracy of "Chasing Fire". He just needs to protect the human race in the vortex.

All this requires strength.

I have been here for 20 years. It's time to leave, but before leaving, I must find a suitable person to guard the station for him.

He has not left because there is no suitable successor and suitable means of transportation.

But the news that Huang Liu brought to him this time gave him new ideas.

The Council is looking for the right person to go to the border...

To go to the border, a lightspeed starship is always necessary.

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